The Jan 6th Committee does what we all knew they’d do. Yawn!

In a stunning surprise, the Jan 6th Committee has asked the DOJ to investigate Trump. Just to be clear, that is sarcasm.

I’ve never had any doubt that the kangaroo hearings would try to have the DOJ try to prosecute Trump. 

I call the Jan 6th Committee a kangaroo hearing because they relied on hearsay, and allowed no opposing council or views to be heard.

To their mind, Trump was guilty of something, anything, or everything, they said he was guilty of, before the committee sat their fat asses down in chambers. 

Personally I think the whole hearing mess has become a nuclear powered political hot potato, and they’re hoping they can hand it off to the DOJ. When the DOJ and Merrick Garland are unable to find anything that is actionable under the law, the Jan 6th Committee will wail and gnash their teeth then blame the DOJ for failure. The bright side is that Merrick Garland could be thrown under the bus and tossed out of his position at the DOJ. That might help but I’m not holding my breath.

I’m just sick and tired of the endless hearings that have always looked like Wile E. Coyote chasing the Roadrunner. What have we endured two, three? impeachments, that were big vegan nothing burgers, I don’t remember the number at this point. The impeachment hearings all ran together, It was four years of “smoking guns” and “We’ve got him this time” which ultimately were pointless wastes of time. Now the Jan 6th bullshit. 

Personally I’d love to be able to walk into that chamber with CSPAN broadcasting live to the nation and give these congresspeople a piece of my mind. The only question is, when would I tell them to fuck themselves? Would it be before I told them all to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up or afterwards?

Liz cheney january 6 primetime AP 640x480 1I noted Liz Cheney said that Trump is unfit to hold any office. God, I’d have loved to be in that hearing room. I’d have joyfully pointed out that the good people of WY have recently decided she’s not fit to hold any office either. I’d have asked her if this is a case of the pot calling the kettle black or if it’s just sour grapes that she has become so universally detested it’s unlikely she’ll be able to get a job as a truck stop waitress.

From my perspective at this point it’s not about Trump, I don’t give a shit! I’m deeply angry and offended that these jackasses have wasted all this time, and taxpayer money for jack shit. Trump isn’t the President anymore and hasn’t been the President for two years. Even the hearsay “Damming Evidence” is too thin to prosecute in a real court with actual prosecution and defense lawyers.

On the plus side, these “Lawmakers” have amply demonstrated the rampant corruption in Congress.

Once again Politicians being Politicians, 

Lying, cheating, stealing, saying anyone who questions them crazy, or a threat to democracy.

The DOJ ain’t got shit, and they know it!

Racism and Reparations, Oh My!

Over the past 10 days or so I’ve been seeing articles about California paying reparations to black folks.

I was pleased to see that beach front land LA County had stolen from an African American family had finally been returned to the family. There is no excuse for anyone to lose their property, either land, or personal possessions, simply because of the color of their skin. LA County righted a wrong they committed long ago, and it was about damn time. 

There was a time when racism was rampant, horrific, and wrong on its face. The only reason LA County had been able to take this family’s land was because racism was at the time, tacitly approved of and LA County had the power of City Hall and people who could corrupt the law. 

This once again proves the old saying, “You can’t fight City Hall”

Less pleasing is the California Reparations board. If this board was looking for similar instances of injustice as described above. Then I’d be totally on board. The problem is, California Reparation seems to be more about cash payments. Cash payments made from our tax dollars in a state that didn’t have African slavery. 

For me this raises some questions. 

Will California be paying reparations to members of the Native Tribes whose ancestors were in fact enslaved and whose servitude built Churches up and down the state under Spanish or Mexican rule?

Will California pay reparations to the descendants of Irish children taken off the streets of Dublin and sold into slavery in American slave markets right along with slaves from Africa?

How is California going to determine who gets these reparations? Will they use DNA sequencing? Or will the state resort to simply looking at the color of a person’s skin? The former is invasive, the latter is going to automatically exclude groups of people who through no fault of their own might not be dark enough. What about people who may be albino?

There was a time when America had something called the one drop rule. If a person had any ancestor who was African they were considered Black regardless of their appearance. Interestingly, when the NAZIs were trying to come up with a method to single out Jews for extermination, NAZI’s felt that the one drop rule was too extreme. They chose a genealogical method based on a Jewish family member being some number of generations back. Five generations, no problem. Only four generations back? Sorry you’re going to the camps. I wonder what criteria the California Reparations board will use.

Then there was the African American activist who said in print, anything less than $800,000 per person would result in severe consequences. Wow! That sounds more like an old MAFIA protection racket. What severe consequences? Riots, looting, buildings burning? Oh, in other words a typical Wednesday in Los Angeles.

When I read that article, my first thought was how about zero dollars? Your terms are completely acceptable. Burn down your neighborhoods or the entire city. Just realize that your actions have consequences and one of those consequences would likely be that you’ll not have a place to plug in that 75” TV you stole from the Best Buy. You can also look forward to 20 years of no-one investing in businesses or buildings in the neighborhoods you destroy. Y’all might want to loot some tents from the REI or Walmart while you’re at it.

There was another piece reported out of San Francisco about a pilot program where the city leadership was making payments of 1000 a month for two years available to poverty stricken people.

Great! Help those people get their footing and work their way out of poverty.  But reading the fine print, this is only available to African Americans. Apparently poverty is only poverty if you’re the right color. White people living in poverty and squalor is of no concern to the leadership of San Francisco.

San Francisco is also making similar payments available to pregnant poor single women. Again Great! But the fine print again specifies only African American need apply. This particular plan is being implemented in Los Angeles, and other smaller cities throughout the state. 

I’m sorry, but this is racism on its face. Poverty is poverty, pregnant is pregnant, regardless of the color of your skin.

I thought we had laws to prevent discrimination of any kind. 

Clearly I missed a memo on the nuance of racial discrimination. 

Growing up I was taught that any discrimination was bad and not to be tolerated.

Since these days it’s enough to simply identify as a woman to be called and treated like a woman.  I find myself wondering is it enough to identify as African American to be treated like an African American and therefore be eligible for these cash payments? How about if I identified as a black woman and pregnant?

“My baby daddy ran off with some skinny white girl! I need a grand a month to raise this baby!” 

I doubt it would work. 

This kind of thing is how racism is perpetuated.

For years African Americans have protested and in some cases rioted over being treated as less than. Leaders in government have been solicitous and forgiving, they’ve promised to make funding available and bring an end to racism in exchange for votes.

What will those leaders do or say when the shoe is on the other foot? How will they respond to white people protesting and rioting against clearly racist behavior targeted at them?

Or will we have the Southern Poverty Law Center designating impoverished white communities as white supremacist terror cells, then calling for these communities to meet the same fate as Ruby Ridge, or Waco? 

I find that I’m not particularly surprised when I hear white people saying things like, “We need to move someplace where the demographics are more favorable.” Which is nothing more than a polite way of saying, We need to move someplace where there are only white people.

The problem is, if white people were to carve out a couple of states and cede the rest of the country to people of color, that would be called racism. It would never be tolerated and particularly so, if white people built for themselves a nice place. This is not to say white people are more capable than anyone else, but we already have the example suburbia provided. 

At one time moving to the suburbs was called “White Flight”. The cores of cities were given over to people who, at the time,  were legitimately on the wrong side of the racial equation. People of color were ghettoized and then rightfully got angry at being mistreated and forgotten. The common explanation for these ghettos being crime ridden was these folks were desperate, and impoverished.

I suspect that while there was, at the time,  certainly a racial component to white flight, there was something else. White people simply got tired of trying. When it became easier to move to suburbia where everything was new, clean, planned and safe. Places where education was good and crime was largely unheard of, white people chose the path of least resistance.

I’m not afraid of living with people of color, I’m just tired of playing some kind of appeasement game where the goal posts are always in sight but moved at the last minute. I’ve worked with people who are actually from Africa. They have always been kind, hardworking people like myself, with similar values and expectations. On more than one occasion Africans have asked what the hell is up with African Americans? I’ve answered, that I haven’t a clue.

I find myself getting quite tired of trying anymore. I’m sick of being called names. So sick of it that I’ve actually looked into moving to a completely different country. Call it the ultimate white flight.

I’ve also considered getting a job in Antarctica. This would take me out of the USA and put me in a small community where everyone is dependent on each other for survival. I’ve been curious to find out if, in that kind of situation, the whole racism narrative falls apart and people are just people again.

I don’t believe in racism. I think it’s stupid and destructive. That being said, my experiences with people of color in California have taught me that I’m apparently in the minority regardless of race. 

It’s because of these lived experiences that I want to go somewhere and live among people that look just like me. I want to eliminate the racial stuff and if someone who looks just like me commits a crime, they get the same justice as everyone else.

I don’t want to live someplace where I, or anyone else, is favored or punished simply because of the color of their skin or ethnicity. Until ten or fifteen years ago, I thought that was where America was headed. Now I feel like we’ve taken a step 50 years into the past and are in the process of inverting all the rules too.

In my opinion, stepping back in time and inverting the rules is nothing more than revenge. It’s not a step toward equality at all. 

My God I’m embarrassed to be an American!

Don’t worry, I’m not likely to want to move to China. The CCP and I would simply not get along!

I have on more than one occasion wondered if moving to Russia might be okay. At least there, I’d know what I was signing up for.

Learning Russian though might be a super tough hurdle so it’s not likely. At least Russia has laws and seems to enforce them.

This whole Brittany Griner thing is humiliating.

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First of all, she’s a basketball player. So what? She won an olympic medal or two, big fucking deal! She broke the sovereign law of another country and it’s just my opinion, I’d bet she thought her “Fame” would allow her to be above the law in Russia just as she thinks she’s above the law in the USA. When the news first broke I was like, “Brittany Who?”

I was happy to see her privileged ass behind bars and applaud the Russian legal system for following their law.

That she was arrested, found guilty, and imprisoned is 100% ON HER. She’s not a victim, and not a hero, she committed a crime, and guess fucking what? There are consequences to committing crimes, at least in some places in the world.

It blows my mind that apparently Russians take the law more seriously than the United States or most of the EU.

Hmmm. I wonder if Romania would allow me to retire quietly if I asked nicely to immigrate? Maybe that would be worth checking out. The language thing would still be a hurdle, but probably worth it if I could have a small home and a little plot of land where I could grow vegetables in the summer. I don’t need much and wouldn’t be any trouble. I would want to excise myself completely from the insanity of America, and become a citizen.

It’s not that I don’t love this country. I’m just tired of being humiliated again and again by the powers that be.

Biden says Griner, “Represents the Best of America”

Excuse ME? If she’s the best of America we’ve got some serious problems. I can’t help wondering if any other nations are taking the old moron seriously. If so, then all Americans traveling abroad can legitimately be viewed with suspicion. If Griner is the best we’ve got to show the world, then all Americans must therefore be liars, and stupid shitheads. I’d suspect that most countries would add thief, corrupt, deviant, to the list of descriptions regarding Americans.

Brittany Griner is the poster child for what not to do when you’re traveling. I hope she is on posters all over the world that read, “Don’t be a Brittany! Check your baggage for illegal substances.”

I’d have preferred to see her fucking rot in a Russian prison. The Russians don’t mollycoddle their prisoners like America does. (A notable exception being the prison where the DNC is holding Jan 6th Prisoners until they break.) Prison in most other countries is punishment.

Then we have another instance of Sam Brinton, the over educated MIT graduate who can’t seem to decide what the fuck he (she/it/they/them/zem/zer… whatever the fuck,) is. He’s a boy, She’s a girl, They’re a dog, or something else entirely.

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In addition to all Sam’s other fuckedupness this dumb ass also appears to have a luggage fetish.

There’s a report that Sam has been charged with stealing some other woman’s luggage in Nevada. Really Sam? Once could be a mistake, Twice says you’re the problem!

Most people don’t have a problem identifying their luggage. Have you tried a pretty pink bow on the handle of your shit? Perhaps you should consider investing in an AirTag!

My question is this, when are the US Marshalls going to roll up and arrest this fucker? When is Sam going to be fired from his cushy government job? When will Sam get to hold fetish demonstrations in a prison shower? After all, he’s got himself some dick sucking lips.

Can we assume that according to the Biden Administration that this jackass is, “The Best of America,”?

I think not! Do you think we could get Putin to put little Sam in a Russian prison? I’m sure Sam would be a favorite of Russian prisoners and bored Russian guards.

I know that’s horrible for me to say. As an American Sam is an embarrassment, as a member of the LGB community, Sam is a humiliating gender fuck drag performer that belongs on a San Francisco “Pride” float from 1980.

Hey Sam, just do the time warp again and go back to the parade. As an aside, you don’t have nearly the class that Dr Frankenfurter had.

Update: 12/12/2022 Looks like the DOE has fired Sam Brinton. All it took was two felony charges of grand theft. He is relatively low level in the grand scheme of the government. I suppose that it would take 6 or more felonies to get to some of the more corrupt elements but it’s a start.

Then we have the continuing saga of Mad Maxine Waters. She’s apparently been caught with her hand in the cookie jar again! The Federal Election Commission has disclosed that Mad Maxine has been paying her daughter’s company a shit ton of election donations to do shit to keep Mad Maxine in office.

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This is a woman who doesn’t even live in the district she supposedly represents. That’s been known for years and I’ll bet she was sweating the recent California redistricting. If the lines had been drawn a little differently, I’d bet she would have ended up in the rich white people’s district (where she actually lives) and then she’d be out of congress on her ass.

Because I’m a suspicious fucker, I have to wonder if there was some payment to the redistricting commission to make sure that the lines didn’t change too much in her area.

The shitty part of this is that her constituents are typically low income and they’re donating their hard earned money to her campaign. Hey Mad Maxine, how many hungry children does it take to keep you warming that seat in congress? Just asking for a friend…

I honestly have a hard time keeping up with or processing the changes I’ve seen in this country over my 60 years or so on this planet.

This isn’t the America I said the pledge to every morning in elementary school. This isn’t the America my father served in The Navy to protect. This isn’t the America my brother served in The Army to protect, and it sure as hell isn’t the America so many of my close friends who were Marines fought to protect.

This version of America is a flaming shit show, of incompetence, corruption, and blatant stupidity.

I don’t know what it will take to bring us back. Sadly I think there may be no coming back.

Perhaps I’m just cranky because my back is still locked up and reading about the excesses of a certain class of people pisses me off.

I’m still waiting for my white privilege to be delivered. I guess FedEx “lost” that package too!

Do you ever read Police Blotters, or Law Enforcement sites?

I do. I suppose some would say it’s morbid curiosity. Others might infer that I’m “Looking for trouble”.

I don’t look at it that way. I use this information to keep myself informed about the myriad ways that criminals work.

I’ve been interested in carjackings, follow home robberies, and street crime that I’m likely to encounter in cities.

Living near a large metropolitan area like Los Angeles, and knowing that we’re going to have a lot of Winter tourists in the small town I live in from that area, I just want to have a slightly heightened awareness of the possibilities.

After all criminals like to play in the snow too, don’t they? Some criminals might prefer to operate in an area full of visitors taking advantage of the chaos and confusion to steal from the unwary.

Some of the things that have caught my interest are “Bump & Rob”, “Follow Home Robberies”, and the clever ways criminals are inciting altercations as cover for theft.

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There’s an article in Law Enforcement Today about a rise in Bump & Rob/Carjack accidents in MN. The article is here It’s interesting. The criminals bump into a victims car, then get out while the victim driver is collecting their wits. In the momentary confusion, the criminals point a gun at the victim and then steal his or her car with all the contents.

There have been similar incidents in Los Angeles. The MN police have gone so far as to issue public warnings. I doubt that Los Angelino’s will see warnings. The LAPD and City council seem to be far more interested in sweeping rising crime under the carpet.

“Follow Home Robberies have been reported in LA and the surrounding communities. Some of the more high profile follow home robberies have involved celebrities and people in wealthier neighborhoods around Los Angeles.

Recently, there was a rather shocking smash and grab in Cucamonga. That one got my attention because it was relatively close to my home. 

Reading about the methods of both, and some of the precursor behavior I feel, makes me a little better equipped to avoid the situation before I become a victim. That’s not a guarantee but at least I’m more aware of shady behaviors that might be leading up to something.

A follow home situation is unlikely given where I live. I doubt criminals will want to follow me to where Jesus lot his other sandal, and given the rural nature of my community, criminals might think twice, assuming that rural people would be well armed and more likely to give them lead poisoning. (Generally True!)

Smash and grab might also be less likely even during the Winter because avenues of escape are few and choked with traffic. Home robberies on the other hand might become more of an issue. It’s not uncommon to see strange vehicles in my neighborhood because of lost people looking for snow play areas or the ski resort. 

In Winter there are so many strange vehicles and people occupying rental properties it’s become difficult to determine who belongs where.

The point I’m making is be aware, keep an eye on your surroundings, and report shady stuff to the police. Depending on where you live, you might have quick response or as in my case, the police are at minimum 15 minutes away. If you know or suspect your’e being followed, don’t go home. Find a police station. In the case of bump & rob, keep your eye on the occupants of the other car until you determine they’re not armed. If you see a weapon and your vehicle is drivable, I’d say  leave. You other choice it to comply (as the MN officer suggested).

I’m gonna leave! I’ll call 911 as I’m exiting and ask where the nearest police station is. Yeah my car is covered by insurance, but lets face it, the insurance company is gonna try to put you in a roughly used gardening truck with what they pay out if your car is totaled.

If I didn’t live in California, I’d be more likely to greet a carjacker with a weapon of my own. Oh, to live in a constitutional carry state!

That’s another story…

This holiday season, keep your head on a swivel and be very careful out there.

Ya know, It’s time to end PayPal.

I long ago closed my PayPal Account. I’ve avoided them like the plague since. Thinking about it, I must’ve closed that account 10 years or so ago.

I closed it because they sent out a notice telling their account holders that they’d decline to process any purchases that could be related to firearms.

I didn’t own any firearms but them telling me, the customer, that they would have final say on how I spent my money didn’t sit right. They also had some other things they’d decline to process, specifically adult oriented purchases.

To be clear, the PayPal Account I had was not a credit account. This was PayPal getting between me and the cash assets I’d deposited into their financial system.

So I thought about it for a while then pulled my cash out of their system. When the account was closed I never looked back.

PayPal hasn’t crossed my mind until yesterday.

There was an AUP (Acceptable Use Policy) released from PayPal stating that they would take $2500.00 from a user’s account if PayPal determined that the user spread “Misinformation”

There’s an article from MSN Here, and another article from Breitbart Here.

Prohibited activities include:

the sending, posting, or publication of any messages, content, or materials that, in PayPal’s sole discretion, (a) are harmful, obscene, harassing, or objectionable, (b) depict or appear to depict nudity, sexual or other intimate activities, (c) depict or promote illegal drug use, (d) depict or promote violence,  criminal activity, cruelty, or self-harm (e) depict, promote, or incite hatred or discrimination of protected groups or of individuals or groups based on protected characteristics (e.g. race, religion, gender or gender identity, sexual orientation, etc.) (f) present a risk to user safety or wellbeing, (g) are fraudulent, promote misinformation, or are unlawful, (h) infringe the privacy, intellectual property rights, or other proprietary rights of any party, or (i) are otherwise unfit for publication.

That’s a pretty broad brush they’re painting with. Essentially anything that you might say which someone might take offense at could cost you 2500.00 per incident.

They can’t directly attack the First Amendment, so they’re going to silence you with fines. Imagine, you getting into a Twitter exchange where 50 Trans or Abortion activists were offended.

With this policy in place, the perpetually aggrieved could report you to PayPal and use PayPal to financially ruin you if you had an account.

People like Jordan Peterson, Kanye West, Marjorie Taylor Green, Dave Rubin, or any other conservative voice, could literally be run into bankruptcy in less than 24 hours. Hey, it’s all automatic isn’t it? All it takes is some person in a cubical hitting a “FINE” button based on every complaint lodged against someone, verified or not. Hell it could even be done with an algorithm.

The really evil part of this scheme is that the people complaining don’t get the cash. PayPal keeps it.

There’s no checks or balances.

If a person complaining could get $2500 for their complaint, but stood to loose that money if the complaint was found to be invalid, then at least the complaints might have a chance of being ‘real’. But PayPal was trying to create a completely open ended system where they cashed in with no accountability.

PayPal must be ended! I think everyone should close their accounts immediately. Don’t use PayPal even to process a credit card. Why give them any possible leverage to destroy your financial stability?

This form of manipulation must be stopped. It’s not just PayPal, banks all over the world are starting to engage in social justice instead of doing what they’re paid to do, which is hold client money and process payments.

PayPal is walking this whole thing back today. But it’s only because of the blowback. This was not a mistake, as PayPal is claiming today. This was their intention, they just didn’t anticipate that people would actually read their AUP.

Make no mistake, banks, and payment processors, particularly those in the sphere of technology are rabid social justice warriors, they’re leftists, and this may be part of the so called “Conspiracy” to make every human being subject to ESG scores.

Choose your financial institutions wisely. Don’t comply with this kind of bullshit.

Banks hold money, it is not up to them to be your parents, approving of how you spend your hard earned money.