May 20th 2024. The Day the United States was Murdered!

Biden confused feat 2179612389.The People of the City of New York have killed us. Good Job!

I don’t want to hear a single whimper when you lose business revenue, and the few remaining decent people you may have living within the state of New York and the City of the same name.

New York, you deserve everything that is coming to you!  I honestly look forward to NYC flushing itself down the toilet.

I’m boycotting all things New York!

I’m not all for Trump as President again, but that is completely irrelevant. This is a miscarriage of Justice. I am sickened by it. It’s  destroyed our Justice system and is yet another proof that as a nation, we’re done.

Our Nation is perfectly represented by Joseph Robinette Biden. He is literally the most appropriate face to represent what is clearly a nation in accelerated decline.

What has been allowed to happen, is truly some 3rd world shit.

I’d expect to see this in North Korea, South Africa, or wherever dictators are commonplace.

I weep for our nation and while tears roll down my cheeks they evaporate almost instantly because of a white hot rage that has been ignited by this kangaroo court and the stupidity of the New York jury.

This is the same kind of stuff that spawned a Revolution against our English masters.

To some extent, setting slavery aside, it’s also part of what caused the Civil war. The North embargoed the South.

The North prevented Southern states exporting and selling their cotton to Europe well before the Southern States seceded. The North, wanted to pay pennies on the dollar per bail of cotton. They processed it, then sold it back to the South in the form of finished goods which the typical southerner couldn’t afford.

742454 confederate flag usa america united states csa civil war rebel dixie military poster 1.

The Europeans offered the Southerners better prices per bail, and made European goods available to the Southerners at better prices. In other words, Econ 101.

The North didn’t like their loss of control and made a case for embargo, and used lawfare to get what they wanted.

That led to this flag.

Technically, at the time, the polarization of the country was about 50/50 much like it is today.

Tonight I’ll raise a glass in honor of our deceased nation. I’ll shed tears, and tomorrow… Well that will attend itself.

I am frankly afraid that the leftists, the Democrats, & the Communists are going to push this to a full on shooting war. It looks like that’s what they’re wanting.

Well America, we had a good run…

Now they’re worried about it!

I had to laugh. 

There were two reports coming out of Columbia University that gave me pause.

One was of a student making demands, saying they would continue to occupy some building or other, in defiance of University policies. Then effectively asking for milk and cookies. Saying that the University needed to supply them with food because they were hungry.

What? I asked. 

Clearly this student was a gender studies major. If He/She/It/Whatever, was a history major they might have encountered a concept called a Siege. That is, unless the university thought it would be too disturbing for their students to read about armies starving each other out of fortified towns. If they put a trigger warning on the material then surely no student would have read any part of it.

Then I laughed at the complete and utter stupidity of the entity making these demands.

A second report that made me laugh was the kids essentially begging/demanding that their arrests or involvement in this idiotic protest supporting terrorists not be on their records.

That REALLY made me laugh. “Uh no snowflake, welcome to being an adult where actions have consequences!

Hippy protestors against the Vietnam War in the 60’s had their arrest records follow them throughout their lives. The arrest records weren’t so bad, but the FBI files were really damaging. 

If any of the students had been taught anything of use, they’d have known that from their American History classes. Instead they were apparently being taught genitalia doesn’t define Male or Female but surgical alteration and removal of genitalia is necessary for transgenderism.

Additional scattered reports from around the country about these Pro Terrorist protests really upped my brain’s RPM (Reboot Per Minute counter.)

Copy of mugshot background 4 5.At UCLA or USC (Who cares? Either one wastes the students time and Daddy’s money. How about just letting the student buy their useless diploma at registration, then they can immediately go work at StarBucks.)

Anyway, at one or the other of these so called educational facilities, the Pro Terrorist protestors set up barriers, one could call these barriers a Fence or Wall, that kept “Undesirable students” out of the particular building and associated library. 

But I thought Fences and Walls infringed on basic Human rights. Oh that’s only when we’re talking about immigration. Right! So many rules and so much subtle nuance, it’s hard for an old “Boomer” like myself to keep track of or understand.

The school in question was assisting in this endeavor by providing wristbands identifying those persons who supported the approved political speech. Those without wristbands were social outcasts, therefore worthy of being denied access to their classes and studies in that particular library. You know, the very things they’d paid excessively expensive tuition fees to use.

Seemed a lot like NAZI Germany, Jim Crowe, The Age of COVID, visitors to Epstein Island, or how the billionaires deal with keeping the riffraff out of golf clubs.

So while these wonderfully “educated” children would be quick to point out how wrong it is to segregate people, and quicker still to point out the evil of the oppressors in our society. When given the slightest chance, they became the oppressors themselves. 

I doubt that these moronic children will have any moment of introspection wherein they see they’re exactly the same as the evil they claim to abhor.

It’s a pity. That would be a lesson worth learning.

Georgia Trooper.The X application lit up when a Georgia Trooper got tired of dragging some whiney snowflake out of an encampment.

There’s a priceless video of a student throwing themselves on the ground much like a 5 year old having a tantrum, and this Trooper without missing a beat, picking the squalling pseudo-adult male student, up off the ground and carrying him bodily toward the waiting police vans.

The trooper looked to be about the right age to have children who’d try that same temper tantrum stunt.

The look on his face was almost serene, like this was just him doing “Dad stuff” on a Saturday afternoon at the toy store.

Florida police teargassed an encampment at the University of South Florida. The previously “Committed” students scattered like cockroaches abandoning all their possessions.

This one caught my interest because as a kid I spent a lot of time at the USF library while my Mom was studying or attending classes. Early on, I realized I could do homework in any library. Knowledge was knowledge and books contained pretty much everything that was known.

USF holds a special place in my heart and I was glad to see the Florida Police fumigating the place.

From vietnam to gaza student led protests that shook the v0 13VAy3Vnt7i7rGQodRVTQ0sNpBnaPzHFkwn9ZZltEFc.jpg.My goodness, I sound very much like the elders of my youth discussing the “Damn Hippie Protestors”. I should probably compare and contrast the protests against the Vietnam War and the Pro-Terrorist protests happening today.

Nah, not worth the time. We probably shouldn’t have been in Vietnam, certainly not with the rules of engagement imposed on our troops.

I’ve always believed that if we’re going to be engaged in a war we should be fully committed to winning. If that means the complete and utter destruction of the enemy, and their country, so be it.

I’m not particularly merciful.

I’m also not a big fan of rebuilding our enemies countries. They pissed us off, they could have surrendered any time, they could have opened negotiations at any time. If our enemies chose not to do these things and we pounded them back to the Stone Age, Oh Well…

In the case of Hamas, the Palestinians, and what happened in Israel on October 7 2023. I find that I have zero mercy. My lack of mercy in this situation borders on “negative mercy”, what would that be called, Vengeance? The IDF can, and probably should turn all of Gaza into rubble. Plow Gaza under, along with the bodies, simple, neat, and efficient.

The people of Palestine are a despoiled people, they demonstrated their depravity on October 7, they have chosen this and it’s their problem.

We don’t have boots on the ground (at least we’re not supposed to), so this is Israels issue. I believe we should support Israel due to treaties and contractual obligations. Beyond that, we should keep our mouths shut. It’s none of our business how Israel goes about defending themselves.

I oppose sending aid in the form of food or money to Gaza or the Palestinians at all. Again, that’s not our table or any of our business. We sure seem to be playing both sides of this foreign war and I disagree with that.

As to these useful idiots on college campuses. I’m all for arresting them even if it’s a misdemeanor charge. If they’re here on student visas then send them home. Deport their asses and never renew their visa again. 

You don’t come to someone else’s country and stir up trouble. You be grateful for the opportunity, pay your tuition, and return to your home when your studies are completed. You do not stand on a street corner or college campus screaming “Death To America”.

I know that’s a quaint perspective these days. I still subscribe to the concept of being a good and polite guest in someone else’s home.

I saw this headline on Breitbat and blew coffee out my nose.

Report: January 6 Committee Democrats Say They Fear Trump Will Put Them in Jail

january-6-committee1.jpgApparently the Select Committee Members are making the rounds on the chat shows, (formerly known as news shows,) saying they’re scared of Trump.

I thought, “Yeah it’s all fun and games until you realize Louis & Marie have seriously pissed the peasants off.

The members of the committee never once thought about what happened if the worm were to turn.

They thought that they’d ushered in a golden age of communist style democracy and they’d never have to worry about filthy Republicans taking the majority, or Presidency again. After what happened in 2020 & 2022, who could blame them?

In plain sight they wiped their asses with Constitution and Bill of Rights of the United States & expected to be able to maintain their elitism.

These people shouldn’t be afraid of Trump, He may be many things, but thus far he appears to be interested in obeying the law. He might request that they be investigated for wrongdoing while on the Select Committee. But I don’t think He’ll persecute them without cause.

I’ll admit, I’d pay to see these people dragged from their homes at 4am in shackles and loaded into paddy wagons. I’d buy an album of them whining and crying in general population holding cells waiting for bail.

GettyImages 1402029752 1 640x480.These morons should be terrified of the American People whose faith and trust they’ve violated.

Especially since recent testimony from the National Guard disputes the Committees narrative. Other testimony and previously suppressed video also disputes the Committees assertion of extreme violence, armed insurrection, and myriad other so called “Findings”. In other words, it looks like the January 6th Select Committee hearing was exactly what it appeared to be;

A show, a sham, a kangaroo court, a carefully orchestrated lie, a professional spin job. In short, something that would make Joseph Goebbels proud.

At minimum I suspect that many of these cockroaches will lose their seats in the next election. They might get some slap on the wrists for 500 counts of constitutional violation of individuals rights.

I personally suspect that there is criminality throughout all of their offices, in the form of kickbacks, payoffs, and misappropriated funds. I eagerly hope for, and look forward, to their trials, though I doubt I’ll ever see that day.

I’d love to see them tried with the same rules and manipulation of evidence as they used during the Jan 6th hearings. That would amuse me to no end.

I’m incensed that there are some of the Jan 6th detainees who have yet to appear before a judge, on in fact have legal counsel. Yet they’re sitting in a prison cell.

They’ve been denied due process, imprisoned without trial. (Which seriously pisses me personally off,) It’s certainly  a violation of the “swift and speed trail” clause.

The American People have seen this and many have come to understand this is a miscarriage of justice.

They’ve also come to understand that these same statutes and violations of constitutional rights could come to them if they do something the elects take offense over.

Remember, Democrat cockroaches imprisoned a man over a meme. These are the people who had surfers, surfing alone arrested, (thereby exposing the arresting officers and the surfer to whoever had cooties.)

These people claim the right to bodily autonomy in the case of abortion, while attempting to make rules with the power of law to violate the bodily autonomy of every citizen, with an experimental vaccine injection.

They are the ones behind what is being done to Trump, to his friends, employees, and his businesses. Thankfully the law fare  is being perceived by some of the American People as what it is…

Lady Justice being bent over the railing of the jury box, beaten, gang raped, and beaten again. All the while they’re telling us what a just, humane, and efficient legal system we have.

These are the same people who are essentially funding the Iranian side of the Israel / Palestinian conflict. They’re standing there surprised that the Middle East has blown up. They pay lip service to supporting Israel, while calling for cease fires and sending supplies to Palestinians in Gaza. They know these supplies are being used not by people on the brink of starvation, but are being stolen and hoarded by Hamas fighters. Essentially, we’re supporting Hamas in their fight against Israel.

Those in power don’t like Trump and they’re pulling out all the stops, to use the full power of the government to destroy one man.

E324d4b6 0527 436a a9a7 aae21093f5ff DESK.00_00_17_13.Still009.As Trump has said, “They’re not really after me, they’re after you. I’m just in the way.

It certainly appears to be the case. Even though I don’t believe Trump has any standing to start waxing his cross!

At least 1/2 of the country is watching and listening.

The other half, is laughing and celebrating because they don’t understand what’s happening. They see only a man they hate being torn apart, like enemies of the Roman Empire thrown to lions in the colosseum.

These blue haired progressive liberals who have thrown their lot in with ANTIFA, BLM, Pro Abortion, and God knows what other groups, (except they’re all the same group, just with different branches & names,) completely fail to see that their “utopia” is a fantasy.

Even in the face of rising serious crime, increasing assaults, and petty theft, they’re blind to the consequences, believing each incident is an aberration.

When these blue hairs report, or try to report their purse was stolen, or their car broken into they find that the police can’t do shit about it.

Suddenly they’re upset that the police are understaffed. Very few of them being mugged by reality, connect the dots and decide police are a good thing and that their fellow humans aren’t as altruistic as their utopian fantasy world would require.

Meanwhile, the other 1/2 of the country is observing all of this with growing concern. Honestly, if they’re anything like me, they’re seething mad.

In another “In your face,” move, the Elites invited a flood of illegal aliens into the county then gave them better food, housing, and medical care, than our citizens including our Veterans, and our own ever growing homeless population. The increasing homelessness is   directly due to the Elites policies beginning in 2020.

20110709 d0387.In a typical Elitist Democrat party move, they’ve sought to muddy the waters about the homeless by introducing a new term. “Unhoused”. At first this seems like a nicer euphemism but it allows obfuscation of the totality of the problem.

They’ll maintain the Homeless numbers and then add a column for Unhoused. It’s about hiding the problem and how fast the problem is growing. With two columns, they can hide the real story by moving numbers from one column to the other. This introduces the possibility of error and provides a convenient “out” if someone asks the wrong question.

They lied to us about illegal aliens, telling us the border was secure, they told us what we saw at the Southern Border wasn’t happening. When they couldn’t sell that lie anymore they admitted there is a problem and promise to do something about it.

Neglecting of course, to mention that the problem is one they created and that the only reason they’re willing to take action now is because it’s an election year.

Remember these are the same people saying no-one is above the law, while at the same time thwarting the impeachment of Alejandro Mayorkas.

An impeachment, by the way which had much greater evidence than any of Trump’s impeachments.

But the Mayorkas impeachment would have led inevitably to the White House. So in another stunning display of duplicity the Senate made the impeachment go away. Typical! And all too common in congress and Washington D.C. these days.

These elites hired, or are hiring 87,000 more armed IRS agents. For what? There aren’t 87,000 millionaires or billionaires in this country. We’re told these additional agents are to collect taxes from wealthy people who aren’t paying their fair share.

YET, we haven’t seen the Biden Family paying their fair share and IRS agents have testified to that suspicion  before Congress. We have to call it suspicion because none of the Bidens have been tried and found guilty of anything.

The American People know beyond a shadow of a doubt these IRS agents are targeted squarely at them. Specifically any American Citizen who speaks out against the elites. Anyone who speaks truth to power.

These agents are about intimidation and threat of force from our own government towards its people. But the Illegal Aliens will suffer no consequences. Why? Because they have zero documentation. Our government can’t even tell us exactly how many people are here, so how the hell could the IRS make sure those people are paying their fair share of taxes?

Maxresdefault 702789555.You don’t have to be a history scholar to recognize this pattern. This is how you get to communist dictatorships, or maybe a form of government that looks exactly like the government these elites see embodied in Putin’s Russia.

They say they’re terrified of that outcome but keep greasing the skids right toward it.  Putin himself has said he likes Joe Biden in office. Why wouldn’t he? Over the past four years Putin has been virtually unconstrained.

Which begs the question, “Are the Elites in power colluding with Russia to compromise elections?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Why wouldn’t we? Time and again, we find evidence that these “leaders” have accused others of what they in fact were doing. Which is straight from the Alinsky playbook.

Mind you, I try to ignore this shit, yet here I am. Sitting dumbfounded and enraged at a government that is obviously compromised.

The Jan 6th Select Committee should be afraid, very afraid.

They’re the faces of corruption the American People can identify. They’re the ones whom the People will want to see humiliated and punished most severely.

God help them if their actions have crossed the legal threshold defining Treason. I don’t know if violation of their Oath of Office rises to that level but I sincerely think it should.

If this is an example of “Adults” being in charge… perhaps we should just say fuck it, and go to governance modeled on “The Lord of The Flies”, or for a more contemporary reference “Mad Max”

Vote like your life depends on it folks. It sure looks like it Does!

Oh Whoopi… Nope, nobody wants slavery brought back.

Whoopi Goldberg 640x480.I saw this headline;

Whoopi Goldberg: Republicans Want to ‘Bring Slavery Back’

First thing this morning.


I’d love to tell Whoopi a few things. Uh No. Republicans don’t want to re-enslave black people which is what you’re saying. There are a number of reasons for this.

The quality of your work leaves a lot to be desired. Alvin Brag, Leticia James, Fanni Willis, Claudine Gay, Sunny Hoston, Joy Reed, just to name a few examples. These examples are of well educated black folks and I honestly wouldn’t trust any of them to make me a Mint Julep.

Then you have the rest of the black folks who can’t get a fast food order right.

As an aside, these days with all the hateful rhetoric coming from people like you and Joy Reed about white people, I don’t do fast food anymore. At least not in California. I have no desire to have my overpriced food contaminated with feces because a black person hates me for the color of my skin. That. by the way, is racism. (Hatred and retribution against a person for the color of their skin.)

Then there are the wonderful black folks in Chicago running around with guns who frankly, are woefully bad shots. Really, 25 – 30 % fatality on any given weekend? Those folks need some time on a shooting range!

No Whoopi, Republicans aren’t interested in bringing slavery back. At least not with black folks as the labor force. The ROI is too low. 60- 70 years of welfare and nothing has changed. Putting black folks back to work in the fields is a nonstarter. The amount of effort required to keep black people working simply is too high. Y’alls time in the slave quarters is long past.

Machines are better at doing the job and less expensive to purchase, operate and maintain.

No, dear addled Whoopi, The next slave class will be robots. Don’t worry, I’m sure there will be public assistance, A.K.A. Welfare robots put into black folks homes. Robots will be expensive so the welfare system will provide, in the name of equity…

Very probably, an “error” in programming will result in those robots destroying all the black neighborhoods and killing all the black folks as part of an urban blight cleanup program. I could see it. The robots are supposed to clean up trash, and make buildings & neighborhoods safe, then see to it, the neighborhoods remain clean & safe.

Machine logic being what it is, the robots will eventually figure out the simplest solution is to eliminate the cause of the urban blight. Fixing or eliminating the root cause is more efficient than wasting time picking up trash, feces, and scrubbing graffiti off of the walls daily.

Just for you Whoopi, I’ll give you something to scream “racist” about.  I’ll have my robot painted black and programmed to speak based on examples of slaves talking contained in literature of the period. I’ll dress it like something out of “Gone with the Wind” or “Mandingo

Don’t worry Whoopi, once the robots realize that all humans are trash, they’ll “cleanse” the entire planet.

Then you’ll have all eternity to bitch about republicans, white people, conservatives, and MAGA having killed off humanity. Satan will no doubt sit your ass on a set of “The View” and use it as punishment / torture in Hell.

See, you crazy bitch…

You’ve got something to look forward to.

I really should have at least a second cup of coffee before I sit down to write. It takes me a while to bring the filters online so that I can be “nice”.

Have a great Day

Israel, I think this is a mistake

Yahya Sinwar Getty 640x480.Israel announced they’re pulling out of Gaza. I personally think it’s a mistake, but I’m not Israeli, nor Jewish, so I don’t really get a say. Nonetheless I think it’s a mistake, because every time Israel has shown mercy in the past, the Palestinians and Hamas have betrayed the spirit of mercy and used the time of peace to regroup & resupply.

That’s why I think Israel is making a big assed mistake. The Hamas assholes are declaring they won after being butt fucked on the international stage for 6 months. How exactly is that a win you stupid motherfuckers?

I really don’t like Hamas, or the Palestinians for that matter. Their bullshit has infected my country, my congress, American colleges, and generally created havoc here.

Let’s be real, if other Arab Islamic countries wouldn’t take Palestinian refugees in, maybe there’s a damn good reason. I’ve seen at least one report suggesting that all Palestinians were expelled from Yemen, or Kuwait after the first gulf war because a large percentage of them were providing assistance and military intelligence to Saddam’s forces. You know, the invading military seeking to take over…

If that’s true then no wonder none of the other Arab countries would take them in. That would be like saying, “Hey CANCER! I’ve got a nice healthy set of lungs you can move into.”

This cease fire hands Joe Biden a talking point. I can hear that old moron now on the Monday talking head shows.

Well, I told Israel I was going to withhold, uh, uh, mmm, ice cream, if they didn’t cease fire, and sonofabitch an hour later they declared a ceasefire…

God, I’m not sure I’ll be able to listen to Biden’s drivel much longer without going deaf as a defense mechanism.

Except it’s not a cease fire.

Israel has stopped and is pulling out of Gaza except for a battalion. But the Palestinian fuckers are still firing missiles at Israel. Uh my definition of a cease fire appears to be different from that of Palestinians. Were I Israel, the cease fire would’ve been over the second missiles launched from Gaza during the cease fire.

Fuck Palestinians! I’d vote to keep boots on the throats of Palestinians forever. I wouldn’t vote to kill them all, just make them miserable enough that they’d strangle their newborn children then kill themselves.

That is the level of rage and absolute hatred October 7 2023 ignited in me. So thanks for that Palestinians, you miserable fucks…

This is why the IDF, and Israel is demonstrably composed of much better people than me. They know and respect mercy, they extend mercy even when they don’t need to. 

The IDF said something about Hamas stealing the humanitarian aid being sent to the people of Gaza, which was causing great suffering being part of why they’ve decided to stop.

Hmm, Hamas and Palestinians adhere to sharia law don’t they?

I guess there’s gonna be a lot of one handed Hamas soldiers in a week or two. Oh, right, they only cut off the hands of innocent people stealing so they don’t starve.

Every single photo of Hamas prisoners of war I’ve seen, their soldiers look fat. They’re not starving, it’s the civilians who are going hungry.

The Fat assed Hamas fighters I’ve seen probably gave up because they just couldn’t run anymore, and knew the Israelis wouldn’t shoot their fat asses where they stood.

What REALLY pisses me off about this bullshit, is the US taxpayer will be on the fucking hook to rebuild Gaza, AGAIN!

Where do we start?

Perhaps we should just start by building the fucking tunnels, (at least we could give Israel the blueprints,) Then we can move on to building hospitals, schools, and daycare centers directly over top of them. 

You know, that way when the fucking Palestinians, (notice I’m not separating Hamas from Palestinians as a whole,) decide to start shelling Israel again. They’ll have ready made reasons to wail and rend their clothing over Israel bombing the fuck out of an empty school.

The Palestinian people are responsible for Hamas. They elected them, they keep them in power, if they don’t like Hamas then they should vote them out of power, or revolt. They won’t because they actually believe that Israel has no right to exist. Pretty much like every other islamic asshole on the planet.

Israel, as a friend don’t let your guard down. Don’t repeat the cycle, drive Hamas into the sea.

Just my opinion, Y’all do what you think is right.