After two days of Snow clearing…

I can see the road in front of the house. It had about an inch of compressed ice on it.

The snow players, as anticipated made their appearance. Saturday wasn’t too bad, Sunday on the other hand was an absolute shit show.

They actually pulled up the stakes labeled “Reforestation” that marked where new trees had been planted. Obviously, the stakes were in the way of these people’s fun.

The police were up here at least 3 times running everyone out of the neighborhood, because they’d parked so that the roads were blocked. I do appreciate the police and they were ticketing and towing to beat the band.

One humorous incident came when a full sized expedition was backing into my driveway and about to hit the other half’s car. I stepped out onto the deck and yelled at them to stop. The vehicle was loaded with people, but the woman in the passenger seat told me they were locals trying to avoid the snow players.

When I pointed out that they must be new to the area because all the locals know there is no way to get to town except via Hwy 2 due to the bridge being under construction and the wash, she realized she’d been caught lying through her teeth. Then the driver of the expedition backed down the street. Where they went, I don’t know.

I can tell you that to a local it’s obvious you don’t live here. Your vehicle is too clean and if you look at other vehicles from around here, you’ll notice ice on the roof or muddy snow or splashed mud on the quarter panels and in the wheel wells.

My car is in the garage, and even it has evidence of having been driven in snowy conditions. During this time of year it’s pointless to wash your car except about once a month.

Then there was the neighbor next door who noticed an adult male trying all the doors on a house for sale across the street. When she asked him what he was doing he replied, “I’m here to fix the water heater.”

When she asked him where his truck and tools were, he disappeared behind the house and she called the police. We suspect that he was looking for a bathroom for his 3 children and wife who were playing all over the property.

Dude… This ain’t Disneyland and we don’t need to cater to your wishes or needs. Of course that means someone is going to find human poop in their yard come springtime.

Ugh! Those are just two of the incidents that stand out. The whole day was like that. So I spent most of the day shovel in hand chipping at the ice. It gave me a good excuse to keep an eye on the stupidity and generally keep folks off our street and out of our yards.

Today, has brought light showers and warmer weather it’s about 39° and thankfully the showers are more rain than sleet.

We’re expecting warmer temps and even sunshine later in the week. There was supposed to be another snow storm on Wednesday but it looks like that’s breaking up over the coast. That is a relief! All of the neighbors are tired and achy from the snow removal and none of us were looking forward to having to do it all again so soon.

We never had this kind of snow play problem before the county decided to widen the wash as part of an ill conceived flood control project. A project that over ten years has resulted in the county spending millions in overtime digging out the log flume they created, year round.

Finally a year or two ago, someone decided that replacing the bridge that had washed out was more cost effective.

Funny how the residents suggested that in the first place and also pointed out that the county solution would cost more in the long run and cause other unanticipated problems in the area.

The wash before the county messed with it, was a natural meandering space with trees and a lovely trail. The wash itself wasn’t a 50 foot deep straight gash in the landscape. It was obvious to everyone visiting the town that this was not a place to play in the snow.

After the county work, the wash looks very much like a ski run and tourists use it as such because they’re tired of sitting in line to get to the actual snow play areas or ski runs.

The first winter after the county work, everyone at this end of town knew we were screwed.

For 7 or 8 straight years we’ve watched the county dig out the wash year round, to keep the road open. Each spring the county shows up with saplings to plant in the devastation they created. Each winter, those saplings are trampled and destroyed by snow players looking for free winter fun, instead of using the appropriate and safe designated areas.

People fall and get hurt every single weekend playing in the wash because they have no idea there are rocks under the snow that they cannot see. Having to split the paramedics between both ends of town also means that skiers who are injured on the actual slopes have to wait for medical help or be airlifted out if their need is really great. Not to mention having to pay triple shifts to fire and police.

These are all things that I personally mentioned in the town meetings opposing the county’s wash project. They were only concerned with the official environmental impact statement and basically told me to shut up. They were unconcerned with the impact this would have on the property owners.

They kept telling us it was for erosion control.

Now the county is having to pay property owners whose property fronts the wash for loss of property and fences that are washed away.

If you hike up to the national forest property that was left alone, you’ll find that nature knows best. Beyond where the county boondoggle stops, the original wash is largely unchanged. Erosion is minimal and the natural habitat has naturally occurring pools of clear fresh water for the animals of the forest. It’s beautiful and doesn’t look like the lunar surface.

I think it was Reagan who said the most terrifying words every heard were, “We’re from the government and here to help you.

I’m going to go take the dog out for a walk. He’s been cooped up in the house all weekend. I’m thinking that we’ll start picking up the trash in the wash too. I can see from the back deck, there are hundreds of surgical masks littering the landscape. Those in addition to the food wrappers and broken plastic sleds give the wash and the one remaining trail the appearance of living in a land fill.

If the dog will be more or less calm, I’ll take some pictures and update this post with them.


Here’s a few pictures. The cleanup is ongoing.

We’ve got a call into the Board of Supervisors.

Apparently, their phones began ringing at 8:00 AM on Monday Morning. Folks are tired of being trapped in their homes by the chaos.

However, I know a lot of people up here don’t really expect politicians to actually do anything.

This last photo is of blood in the snow. Unfortunately, the red in the photo looks more brown. In daylight, the red was more vibrant. I think this wasn’t anything more severe than a nose bleed, caused by cold dry air.

It’s probably going to take a large patch of bloody snow to get the County’s attention. Unfortunately, that means someone is going to have to really get hurt.

What? We Still don’t know who won the election?

I’ve been busy training a dog. I haven’t been paying attention to pundits, wags, news, or opinions. It’s been all I can do to keep up with the buzzsaw named Jesse.

That’s not a complaint, the distraction has been healthy and much better for my general health and well being than reading the news feeds. I’ve been outside, walking and hiking a lot and the noise and conflict of the outside world has dropped completely off my radar.

I haven’t noticed that I’m losing any of the Covid weight yet but My heart rate is much lower as is my blood pressure. Yeah, Cardio activity will do that for you in real short order.

The buzzsaw is sleeping peacefully on the deck. We had a 2 mile adventure walk bright and early this morning. He was funny, pulling moderately on the way down the mountain and criss crossing all across the path.

His mood changed considerably when we turned around to begin the long trek back up to the house. Yeah Pup, going down is always easy, the bitch is the climb. By the time we got back to the house he was walking right beside me. He’s learning albeit sometimes slowly.

As tired as I am from the sudden change in my activity level, I’m happy and enjoying the various challenges.

While he’s sleeping, I’m checking email, catching up on the job search, and scanning the news.

Ugh! I shouldn’t have bothered. The stupidity and insanity has reached the level where it actually hurts my head to process it.

Some media outlets are claiming that Biden won. But that’s not certified and apparently won’t be for a while.

Twitter says that Jan 20th they’re going to transition the POTUS twitter feed to Joe whether or not Trump has conceded. Twitter makes no mention of what they’re going to do if Trump has no need to concede. Based on their past behavior, I’m sure they’ll just censor the hell out of the POTUS feed.

An entire company appears to be going underground to avoid answering questions in the Pennsylvania house. Dominion, who makes voting machines and voting software has been called to account for apparent irregularities in the Pennsylvania election. Their behavior begs the question, “What do they have to hide?”

Recounts are ongoing, as is litigation filed by President Trump over claims of election tampering and this is all reminiscent of the Bush / Gore election.

I personally am disgusted and dismayed that our election may have been tampered with and there appears to be ample evidence that it was. Yet the same people who screamed, “Russian Collusion” for four solid years are now saying, “everything is fine there’s nothing to see here.”

At this point, I want an entirely new election. I want it in person, I want for ID to be required, and I don’t give a shit that some people think asking for ID is racist or will disenfranchise some people. Don’t care! You’re required to have ID for virtually everything, voting is no less important.

I am pissed off, not about who, or who is not, the President. I am pissed off that the results of the election are even remotely questionable.

That being said Obama saying that everything was above board, tells me the election was rigged & completely off the rails. What I’ve learned about all the corruption going on in his administration tells me that everything out of his mouth is a lie. Obama can kiss my ass, then go straight to hell!

BLM and ANTIFA are becoming more violent and yet law enforcement does nothing to curb their terrorism. After years of racism accusations and this new systemic racism bullshit.

I’m not going to worry about being called a racist anymore. I’m white, I can’t change that, and being accused of being a racist by virtue of my skin color is in fact racist.

So screw it! I’ve now got carte blanc to be as white and racist as I freakin want to be, or not depending on their actions and my mood.

BLM/ANTIFA I have zero patience left for you. When the, however many millions of pissed off people there are in the United States, start Rittenhousing your stupid asses, I’ll not shed one fucking tear.

Since it appears most of the BLM crowd are white, privileged, spoiled, self important assholes, Dropping them in the streets with hunting rifles shouldn’t be much of a racial problem. Same goes for ANTIFA.

I will turn on the TV and make popcorn when hunting season on these assholes opens.

I may even have a drinking game, one shot of fine bourbon for every headshot shown on the news. These jackasses aren’t using their brains for anything, so it’ll be no loss when their brains get spattered in the gutters.

Harsh? Yeah, maybe.

This isn’t about fearing change, these feelings are about watching my country being flushed down the toilet. BLM and ANTIFA are just the foot soldiers. The real puppet masters are still behind the curtain. I seriously want to see them all brought into the light, tried, then hung in front of the Washington Monument.

Just so we’re clear. Tried, found guilty, and summarily hung.

That includes the news media that has skewed so far left, The journalists who have not reported the news but have been spouting propaganda for decades, and the masters of big tech that have actively engaged in censorship and silencing decent people who would otherwise have engaged in healthy civil discourse.

I’m about to the point that I’d go all in, supporting a McCarthy style inquisition.

“Are you now or have you ever been a scumbag?”

Then there’s the COVID kings. COVID is 99% survivable. There was a recent study out of Finland or Denmark that actually appears to prove that facemasks are fucking useless. Twitter censored references to the report saying that there was conflicting information from experts. Uh, the people doing the study are experts… At least one major news outlet did run the story NBC or The New York Post. So that’s at least some progress.

Gavin (Dumbass) Newsom is trying to get his paws into family gatherings for the holidays, but has found out that Law Enforcement at least in Southern California is largely going to ignore his edict. OOOOpppps, Now what are you going to do Newsom? Mobilize the National Guard to make house to house searches? I’m with the LEO folks… Fuck you and fuck off Newsom!

There’s a line from Star Wars that’s appropriate. “The more you tighten your grip, the more planets slip through your fingers.”

What happens when Newsom or Garcetti are ignored completely? What happens when Biden followed by Harris (We ALL know that’s the game plan,) are ignored? Would we have a government anymore?

I’m going back to training the dog. Burn it all down you jackasses I’ve got better things to do.

Sadly Portland you’re dead to me

Much like Seattle and San Francisco.

Portland at least grew it’s own roses for the funeral.

It’s really simple. As beautiful as these cities are from the air, and they are beautiful, I have ZERO desire to visit them. Why the hell would I knowingly walk into cities where I’m not only a target, but where I can’t be responsible for my own protection and the police have been gutted?

Why would I want to visit one of these cities now? Places where the wrong word or the slightest of incorrect reactions could get you beaten by a mob?

Doesn’t do much for your tourism does it?

57 Days and nights of rioting? Really?

You people are out of your damn minds. And even if the rioting stops (and it will), the people responsible for all this civil unrest will still be there, just below the surface, waiting for another excuse, or opportunity to mete out their particular brand so-called justice.

Seattle, and San Francisco are no better. Los Angeles is heading the same direction. Los Angeles is slightly different because it’s always been a dangerous place. You know what you’re getting into there, and you never travel in certain districts alone or at night.

I remember a scene from Logan’s Run. The hero and pretty girl are heading to a part of the city overrun with rabid children. There’s a voice from their conveyance repeating, “Warning, You are now entering a personal hazard zone,”

That’s how I feel every time I go into Los Angeles. A similar message should be playing on every flight landing in cities in the Pacific Northwest.

I don’t know anymore what these people are rioting about. I don’t know the cause of their lawlessness and further… I don’t give a shit. They can burn their homes and cities to the ground, then start slaughtering each other, over scraps of bread or some imagined insult or lack of respect. I don’t care.

If the feds march in and just start shooting the rioters, I won’t shed a single tear. Nor will I be shocked. In fact I might make popcorn and watch the show.

This is what happens when stupidity, lawlessness, and anarchy are allowed to go on for too long. It loses its impact, and the original message is long since forgotten.

All I see now is people who look and behave like they’re straight out of Fallujah. In my eyes they are no longer human, or worth saving. They’ve become rabid animals and the only way to deal with that, is to put the animals out of their misery.

I would enjoy seeing the Mayors, Governors, and so called city leaders literally ripped apart by the very rioters they’ve been making endless excuses for. They’d serve as an object lesson to other weak willed political leaders.

I know I sound harsh.

I worry for my friends in Portland because the bullshit is happening right there outside their apartments. I’ve told them it isn’t going to get any better until someone steps up and says “NO MORE”.

My friends respond with, “It’s better today… The ‘protesters’ only burned one dumpster and broke only a few windows.”

That blows my mind. My friends are starting to exhibit Stockholm Syndrome. They’re grading the quality of their days not by there being no violence, but by the level of violence that has become constant.

That’s like saying it was a good weekend in Chicago. There were only 35 shootings instead of 37. What!? That there were any shootings in Chicago is a concern, more so since shootings are so commonplace that no-one takes much notice. That speaks to a much more serious problem.

A rather large problem that no-one is talking about.

What about the rights of the people who live at ground zero? Don’t they have the right to live in a safe and secure place? Why do “Protesters” and I use that term loosely get a pass to make everyone suffer? How insane is it that normal average people are fearful leaving their homes?

It’s way past time for LAW AND ORDER to be reinstated. If that means bodies of protesters in the streets, so be it. At this point while the media would loose its shit, I bet that the majority of America would stand up and cheer.