I knew it was coming, that doesn’t mean I like being right.

What was coming you ask?

Riot 1 Milwaukie.Threats from the Democrat party. I’m not talking about outright, “We will Bury You” as in the case of Nikita Khrushchev. (At least he had balls!)

I’m talking about the passive crap. The Wall Street Journal is reporting that various groups are warning that “it could be very bad if Trump wins” there are already marches and protests planned by some Democrat Activists and still others are trying to do something constructive by packing abortion pills to be sent to women in anti abortion states. 

I do hope these activists are also putting in the packages an insert that says when a woman who has taken one of these pills should go see a doctor and what complications to look out for.

Otherwise I could see them being prosecuted for 2nd degree homicide.

The woman who recently died “due to lack of abortion” but who really died because she was late to the abortion appointment in another state, so they gave her an abortion pill (which by the way was legal in her home state,) apparently, the woman didn’t tell anyone what was going on or didn’t seek medical attention when things went off the rails.

Kamala Harris has mischaracterized this woman’s death multiple times. The woman would have received proper attention after taking the abortion pill when it was obvious something was wrong. By the time she got to a hospital it was far too late and even then we don’t know the full story. Did she tell the doctors all the necessary information?

I’m not trying to victim blame here. I’m simply pointing out that this abortion can of worms has little at this point to do with Trump. According to SCOTUS, this issue is to be decided upon by the states. Some states aren’t going to agree with abortion as late as the 100th trimester (That’s called murder…)

At least these women’s rights groups are doing something that isn’t destructive.

I found it interesting that there are Democrat affiliated groups saying there could be trouble to The Wall Street Journal. 

It’s almost as if they’re passively trying to threaten people into voting for Kamala Harris “To avoid trouble”. Kind of like paying protection money to a criminal to keep your nice glass storefront from having an “Accident”.

I don’t react well to threats. If I were on the fence about who the better candidate was, I’d sure as hell not vote for their preferred candidate after being threatened.

I am really curious about how the Democrats will behave if their people should wander into The Capital on Jan 20th. Will we see the same pearl clutching for four years about how AOC and her colleagues were in such horrible danger? Will it be worse than 9/11? 

Probably not. Which is why so many people are pissed off. It’s not about the right or wrong of any particular situation.

It’s about the disparity between the way one group is treated versus the other group.

Ohhhh I’m SOOO Scared!

These things are sooo damn funny.

Especially since;

a) I have nothing to hide

b) I haven’t been anywhere like the kinds of sites this jackass is claiming I’ve been to. Maybe XHamster once in the past 3 to 6 months.

c) I don’t typically rub one out in front of my computer. My office is a complete mess so if this jackass thinks that’s a nice setup he’s an absolute pig.

d) Even if I did rub one out in front of the computer I’d have put that shit up on OnlyFans.

I suppose I could report it to the FBI but their form demands a lot of information that honestly they don’t need. My name, my email address, and a phone number is about it.

Their form on the other hand wants my physical and mailing address, age, and a whole bunch of other stuff that looks like they’re building something other than getting information necessary to fight cyber crime.

I’ve reported stuff to the FBI in the past and this new form is excessive. Meaning that folks are probably not likely to fill it out, because why would they? The sender of this email is the criminal, yet the FBI make it seem like you’re being the one interrogated.

I can tell you that it looks like the email originates in Buffalo, NY. However the message is written by someone who may be a foreigner or someone who just copied a scary letter. There’s something about the construction that seems like it’s a translation. Perhaps AI generated???

Anyhoo here, for your entertainment is a scary threatening email. Now that I’m thinking about it, I’m gonna go rub one out. 

Have a great day.

You’re running out of time with each tick of the clock.

It’s important you pay attention to this message right now. Take a minute to relax, breathe, and really dig into it. ‘Cause we’re about to discuss a deal between you and me, and I ain’t playing games. You don’t know me however I know you very well and right now, you are thinking how, right?

Well, you’ve been treading on thin ice with your browsing habits, scrolling through those videos and clicking on links, stumbling upon some not-so-safe sites. I placed a Malware on a porn website and you visited it to watch(know what I mean?). When you were busy watching videos, your system initiated operating as a RDP (Remote Protocol) which provided me total control over your device. I can peep at everything on your screen, flick on your camera and mic, and you wouldn’t even notice. Oh, and I’ve got access to all your emails, contacts, and social media accounts too.

Been keeping tabs on your pathetic life for a while now. It is simply your misfortune that I came across your bad deeds. I invested in more days than I probably should have investigating into your data. Extracted quite a bit of juicy info from your system. and I’ve seen it all. Yeah, Yeah, I’ve got footage of you doing filthy things in your house (nice setup, by the way). I then developed videos and screenshots where on one side of the screen, there’s the videos you were playing, and on the other half, it is you jerking off. With just a click, I can send this garbage to every single of your contacts.

Your confusion is clear, but don’t expect sympathy. Frankly, I am willing to wipe the slate clean, and allow you to move on with your daily life and forget you ever existed. I will offer you two alternatives.

Option One is to turn a blind eye to this e mail. Let us see what is going to happen if you opt this option. I will send your video to all of your contacts. The video was straight fire, and I can’t even fathom the embarrasement you’ll endure when your colleagues, friends, and fam check it out. But hey, that’s life, ain’t it? Don’t be playing the victim here.

Option 2 is to pay me, and be confidential about it. We will name it my “privacy tip”. Now Lets discuss what happens if you pick this option. Your dirty secret remains your secret. I will wipe everything clean once you send payment. You have to make the payment through Bitcoins only. I want you to know I’m aiming for a win-win here. My promises are non-negotiable.

Transfer Amount: USD 1500

My BTC Address w/o whitespaces: ♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️ (I blanked it because there is no way in hell this fucker should even accidentally get money.)

Once you pay up, you’ll sleep like a baby. I keep my word.

Important: You now have one day to make the payment and I will only accept Bitcoins (I’ve a unique pixel in this message, and now I know that you have read this e mail). My system will catch that Bitcoin payment and wipe out all the dirt I got on you. Don’t even think about replying to this or negotiating, it’s pointless. The email and wallet are custom-made for you, untraceable. If I notice that you’ve shared or discussed this mail with someone else, the video will instantly start getting sent to your contacts. And don’t even think about turning off your phone or resetting it to factory settings. It’s pointless. I don’t make mistakes.

Honestly, those online tips about covering your camera aren’t as useless as they seem. I am waiting for my payment..

Sorry, I’ve been a little cranky.

I’ve hurt one of my knees again. When I say hurt, I mean chronic stabbing pain.

Jesse has been very sweet on our walks and is putting up with “old man slow”.

It’s messing with my sleep and making me really tired. So tired, that doing anything is an almost insurmountable chore.

On the plus side it’s getting better and each day, the pain is dialing down a bit, or maybe I’m just getting used to it.

I’ll be doing okay minding my own business, then I’ll catch some stupidity in politics, the government, or the talking heads & think I’ve had a stroke or something because the news and sound bites are just plain insane.

M113 Salt Creature.I actually dreamt I was watching Kamala Harris on TV and she was in a super diverse room of people. It was an interview, (about what I don’t recall.) Each person that asked her a question was obviously ethnic in some way. Kamala answered in their accent.

The crowd didn’t like her answers so they started firing questions at her all at once. She tried to answer each person in their local accent and it kept going until not only was Kamala changing accents, but her face was mirroring the characteristics of the person she was focused on. It got faster & faster until finally she didn’t look human anymore.

Then, where Kamala had been standing at a podium there was suddenly this creature panting from exhaustion. (I just realized It was the old salt monster from the original StarTrek.)

The reporters didn’t miss a beat and called the transformation, “a regrettable makeup malfunction”. Then began painting the event as a trick of the light, combined with MAGA digital interference from the internet, being injected into their live television stream.

That’s when I woke up.

I think that in one way or another for the past 10 years politics has been permeating all our waking lives. There was a time when we could pretty much ignore the stupidity. A) The level of individual human stupidity hasn’t changed. B) The concentration of truly stupid people in our government has.

It’s reached a kind of critical mass, it’s no longer about one idiot in the House asking if putting a large naval base on an island will cause the island to capsize. Although watching that Admiral choke back his first, second, third, and fourth responses while maintaining a poker face was amusing.

Now the number of truly idiotic people elected to government offices has tipped the balance such that the outliers are the sane and reasonable suggestions, and the normal stuff coming out of any office in D.C. is batshit crazy, short bus stupid, or some ugly combination of both. 

Which brings me to my point. It’s become literally impossible to ignore the buffoonery and it’s become normalized, even if you’re not crazy, you feel like you’re crazy.

That “background noise” has a habit of keeping me low level cranky most of the time. At that level, I’m usually in pretty decent control but when you add sharp stabbing pain, well the control slips. And I tend to fire off rants, screeds? without much filtering. 

All of which is to explain that this blog might be a lot more random than usual. It might also be a little more pithy than usual. So buckle up buttercups, it might be a bumpy ride.

And I apologize in advance.

Alright this kinda pissses me off but it was not unexpected.

The final T-Mobile bill showed up.

They are totally Sprintified now. Between the old Sprint’s terrible billing practices and T-Mobile’s well renown awful billing practices what you get, when you leave them is a bill that is about DOUBLE your normal rate. 

My monthly bill for years was 120.00. Then when I lost Jerry my bill dropped to $75.00. Then T-Mobile decided to raise their prices while other carriers were advertising lower rates.

Since I had the temerity to ask, about lower rates and was essentially told by a representative off shore that I shouldn’t be asking about lower rates. I made arrangement to go to one of those other carriers.

As Expected T-mobile had to make this a bad divorce, complete with alimony.

I suppose in the world I’d choose to live. I’d have expected them to ask why I’m leaving.

I’d have expected them to say, “Here’s your final bill and it’s prorated such that you only owe us for the days that you actually used our services. We’re sorry to see you go after 14 years and want you to know you’re welcome to come back to us at any time.


What you get is a psychotic blend. 

We’re Sorry to see you go. You owe us 140.07

They printed some really weird itemization. It looks like the phone line being ported to the new company collapsed the bundled plan that had my iPad and Apple Watch attached. But you can’t have a phone line on an Apple Watch by itself without a cell phone plan so in theory the watch plan should have ended when the phone plan did. 

Except it didn’t… The iPad plan since it was no longer attached to a phone plan jumped from $20 a month to $77 a month and then they doubled it. They didn’t care or notice that I manually cancelled these plans 2 days after the phone number had been ported. Nor did they care that I couldn’t cancel these plans because when they killed the phone line, they also killed my online access to the entire account.

They were acting just like a psychotic bitch burning your clothes on the front lawn!

I could call them, I could fight with their foreign customer service and get “The plan is the plan” or just pay the bill.

I’m going to choose the latter because I don’t have the energy to fight what will be a losing battle, just on principal. We all know that none of the foreign customer service people have the ability to “DO” anything. They’re just punching bags reading from scripts. AI will soon replace them and do just as fine a job as they do. Mindless recitation of a script with no comprehension of the words and less comprehension of the customer issue at hand.

Nope. I’ll simply make sure that I let as many people know T-Mobile is just as shitty as the other big carriers these days. They’ve arrived! They’re on Par with AT&T, and Verizon. Congratulations T-Mobile!

In closing,

Why are any of you reading this, paying top dollar to one of the big three when you can get comparable service for 1/3 or 1/2 the price from one of the alternate providers?

Just for the ability to flip them the finger about their shitty customer service and billing practices it might be worth switching.

However, I’d suggest that you contact your particular carrier and force them to calculate the exact day you cancel service to prevent them from screwing ya with a divorce settlement.

I might report T-Mobile to the FCC and CPUC, just to have it on file if there’s a class action lawsuit about unfair billing practices.

After Years (more than a decade) T-Mobile & I end the relationship in a shitty way

T-Mobile logo pink.I transferred my number to another carrier.

T-Mobile acts these days lot more like the shitshow formerly known as SPRINT.

The relationship came to an end when one of TMobile’s representatives said, “The Plan is the plan” 

She was explaining to me that TMobile was still going to bill me $75, a full month of service, which also included service for my phone line, (cancelled on 5/31) when I was pulling the plug on the first of the month.

What’s really annoying is that I was just auto-billed my monthly $75, 3 days ago. I’d have thought that any services would be prorated.

I asked the representative if the billing was pre or post paid.

The little foreign girl didn’t seem to understand what I was asking and just repeated 

“The Plan is the Plan”

As if that answered my question or concern about their billing practices.


Sprint Corp 742392705.This by the way is exactly how I felt when I finally terminated my relationship with SPRINT long distance years ago. I remember the same sort of billing bullshit and that is exactly why I avoided SPRINT as a mobile phone provider.

It’s just bad business practices and the corporate heads simply expect you to swallow it.

My new carrier is based in Georgia and their customer service folks are all American. T-Mobile’s customer service is at least partially out outside the country.

Worst case scenario I’m being billed the equivalent of Alimony for breaking up with T-Mobile. Thankfully it’s only one month.

Depending on what they do, I may or may not report their behavior to the FCC and Better Business bureau.

At this point, I could see putting T-Mobile on the “Avoid at all Costs” list. 

Recently, I’ve been wondering, am I the only person noticing that customer service is getting worse and worse?