This month in Modern Prostitution Magazine…

Don’t miss our top article

E. Jean Carroll

How to get paid without having to be laid.

We have an in depth interview with our hero, and brand new millionaire E Jean Carroll.

For those of you that need this spelled out…


I saw that woman on TV talking with Rachel Maddow. It’s rare that I’ve been so offended but DAMN! I’ve never been closer to vomiting over someone speaking on TV in my life.

This woman is a full on NUT JOB! It’s uncomfortable to look at her, much more so, to have to look and listen to her.

Were I updating an encyclopedia, in the article describing misogynists I’d put her picture right next to the reasons some men hate women.

Any man who might have been on the edge of becoming a misogynist certainly became one listening to her gloating and clucking about how she was going to spend money that honestly, she doesn’t deserve. There’s no woman whose hole is that golden. And her’s sure as hell isn’t worth that kind of money.

Especially when you consider that the millions were not awarded to E Jean Carrol because Trump raped her. He DIDN’T according to a jury This obscene award is because Trump said he didn’t know her, never met her, and whatever she was accusing him of was a lie.

Apparently, that hurt her feelings, and the State of New York ALTERED the statute of limitations on slander and liable, (as I understand it,) to allow this bullshit case to be brought against Trump.

I don’t have to like Trump, or agree with him, or indeed consider voting for him, to see this is the most gross miscarriage of justice I’ve seen in my lifetime.

I really hope that Donald Trump dumps all his properties in the state of New York and especially in the City of New York.

I’d like to see Trump not do any business in New York ever again. I think it would be especially interesting if he becomes President again and refuses to do anything in New York City. I could see him flying Marine 1 to the 9/11 monument once a year, attending the services, and then immediately flying out again. No press conferences or anything else. New York City and State has proven that they are not about any form of justice and therefore not actual Americans. At this point let NYC rot!

If this injustice doesn’t make your blood boil you’re missing the point. Changing the laws to allow lawfare and weaponization of the courts against a specific individual? This is not equal justice under the law.

Perhaps I’m just sensitive about legal matters. See I had no standing to sue the shit out of a hospital and cardiologist when Jerry died. His family wasn’t interested in dealing with fucking lawyers. I honestly can’t blame them.

I had enough information that I could pretty much prove malpractice. Mathematically, Scientifically, and Anecdotally. But no-one would listen, and in California the statute of limitations on Malpractice is 1 year.

In other words you have to be ready to file the instant your loved one dies. In the midst of the financial, and emotional chaos, you have to hunt down a scum bag attorney and literally force them to listen and then present them with enough CASH to hold their interest.

This by the way is not justice. Justice, would be a little longer time to file the case. Justice would be, not having to chain an attorney to a desk with a pile of money. Justice is an attorney seeking relief or reparations on behalf of their client because the client was in fact “injured” or as in this case, for the safety of 1000’s of people who live in mountain communities in this local area, all of whom are at risk because the medical facility doesn’t understand how oxygen and atmospheric pressure works.

The time period has expired.

That hospital and cardiologist will effectively kill an untold number of people, and will learn nothing. Medical arrogance knows no bounds, and doesn’t engage in introspection.

In Jan of 2023, this particular hospital was FAR MORE interested in making sure everyone was wearing a mask. I must point out that by Jan 2023 mask efficacy against COVID-19 had been throughly debunked internationally, and by our own CDC, FDA, and numerous medical papers from research hospitals and colleges across the planet.

Perhaps the medical people at that hospital should get back to “real” science instead of following the pseudo scientific recommendations of CNN.

It’s over, the opportunity is gone and it’s time to move on.

See, that’s how an adult handles the statute of limitations.

E Jean Carroll keeps getting “Do Overs” because the corrupt justice system of New York, and apparently the Supreme Court of the United States (who should have stepped in to prevent these miscarriages of justice,) have allowed a “cafeteria approach” to the law.

That cafeteria approach has but one singular purpose, to destroy Donald J. Trump.

I guarantee that if I was to keep fighting for justice and what I believe to be public safety, I couldn’t use that cafeteria approach. I’d be shut down in every court in the land.

Lady Justice was blindfolded for a reason, now the fine Lady is being told to weigh the name of the person, the color of the person, the gender identity and ethnicity of the person, and innumerable other factors that at one time were mostly considered irrelevant to matters before the court.

I have no desire to participate in the legal system after what I’ve seen in the past four to six years. Why should I sit in a jury box? The case is decided before the jury is empaneled.

The truth table is simple:

Black/brown man kills/assaults/robs/ white man = black/brown man innocent.

White man kills/assaults/robs/ black/brown man = white man guilty.

If a woman is in any of the positions then white man guilty.

Since these are the rules, why bother with trials, attorneys,judges, or any of the bullshit? And why should I be compelled to listen to the antics for $5 a day? By the way, $5 won’t buy me a gallon of gas.

This whole E Jean Carrol thing is blatant in your face messaging, and it’s not about Donald J Trump.

The message is:

“Hey You dumb fuck sheep, we can fuck you anytime we want to. So you better keep your mouth shut, vote for who we tell you, and do as you’re told. OR ELSE! We are the power elite, we’ll always be able to find someone to accuse you, and those cherished rights you believe you have? We’ll annul those faster than you can say Miranda Rights.”

Here we Go Again!

China has created a COVID variant that is more deadly than the previous version. 20X more deadly supposedly. I suppose that means it’s only likely to kill humans 4% of the time or some such. What none of the fear mongering articles answer is does previous COVID-19 exposure and recovery, confer immunity to this particular variant.

China is apparently dealing with some respiratory disease that they claim is not covid but is widespread enough that some of their cities are still operating under covid protocols.

But that doesn’t matter!

Chinese folks are traveling the world for the Lunar New Year. 

Ya know folks… We’ve seen this movie before.

Let’s see:

Disease that causes China to enact quarantine protocol for some cities. CHECK

Election Year in the United States where one candidate is a threat to Chinese hegemony, and the other is a useful empty shell that can be commanded to dance. CHECK

Billions of Chinese travelers flying all over the world like dandelion seeds perhaps carrying the new contagion. CHECK

Bioweapons are expressly prohibited by treaty. The 1925 Geneva Protocol prohibited the use of biological weapons. A supplementary convention was adopted in 1972 that apparently expanded the rules to prevent weasel-wording your way out of having created a bio-weapon.

In other words folks, we’ve known for almost 100 years that biological weapons were a SUPER BAD Idea. Yet, the Chinese military and other militaries around the world are still fucking around with them. 

Biological weapons disseminate disease-causing organisms or toxins to harm or kill humans, animals or plants. They can be deadly and highly contagious. Diseases caused by such weapons would not confine themselves to national borders and could spread rapidly around the world. The consequences of the deliberate release of biological agents or toxins by state or non-state actors could be dramatic. In addition to the tragic loss of lives, such events could cause food shortages, environmental catastrophes, devastating economic loss, and widespread illness, fear and mistrust among the public.

That’s from the UN office for Disarmament Affairs 

I’ve highlighted in blue an interesting passage right from the top of the page.

Not that the UN has any power other than the power to insult or demean Western countries specifically the United States over past transgressions, while member countries castigating the West, are currently engaging in those same activities. Slavery, paging Slavery, Women’s rights, paging Women’s rights. Border enforcement, paging border enforcement…

I personally think the United States should end its affiliation with the United Nations. I think the UN building in New York should be reconfigured as migrant housing, and the United Nations should be asked to relocate to Geneva, or The Netherlands, or a sinking cruise ship in the middle of the Atlantic. I really don’t care, as long as these fuckers are off American Soil.

As I’ve said before, I think that if the UN wants to involve the United State Military to solve a dispute, they should pay for our services UP FRONT. Or… they can offer us useful natural resources and commit their non-combatants to farming, mining, or refining those resources. They treat our Military like mercenaries, WE SHOULD BE PAID like mercenaries.

I digress.

The United Nations, like the World Health Organization, is pretty much owned by China. Neither of these organizations are any more interested in the well being of The West, specifically the United States, than Ghingis Khan would be (or the World Economic Forum is). The sooner we understand and accept this simple fact the better off we’ll all be.

For those of you who may have failed English, here’s the simple version:

UN, WHO, WEF, China… ALL ENEMIES. They be bad for us n shit.

The highlighted text should sound very familiar. We’ve lived it over the past three to four years.

Now coincidentally, we have the WEF and the WHO and UN all talking about the “Hypothetical” Disease X [dum dum duuuummm]. Interesting that they’re talking about it and supposedly making plans to “combat” it, while China is apparently building it, and quite possibly, using their people to spread it, world wide.

It would be simple… All the Chinese folks going through security checkpoints or disease checkpoints at airports get spritzed with whatever contagion, They’re not sick when they leave, they’re not sick when they arrive at their destination.

They get sick while they’re on holiday in whatever country they’ve decided to visit contaminating the locals and voila, the desired country is decimated, or if China is really lucky “Cleansed” entirely of the vermin who disagreed with their politics.

We’ve all gotten used to security checkpoints at airports, we’d think nothing of stepping into or through a “Scanner” would we?

The CCP could even use their citizen’s destination as a method to target specific countries. It’s evil beyond belief, but as they say you’ve gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet. The same is true of global conquest. So you kill a few hundred thousand of your own people. Big deal!

If their deaths killed millions of your enemy it’s a good trade off. Those of your own who died are “Heroes of the cause”, right? The State can build monuments to their sacrifice and make annual speeches about their dedication to the cause for decades, if not centuries.

Isn’t that how mass murderers and genocidal maniacs justify their actions?

I truly hope that I’m wrong, and that China won’t use a bioweapon to interfere in our election process. (Again?) but the pattern seems just a little too close. March 11th 2020 was when the WHO declared COVID-19 a WorldwidePandemic. March 11th 1918 was the Influenza pandemic a bit over 100 years prior. I’m not going to be surprised to hear the WHO declare March 11th, 2024 a Disease X pandemic. 

When some people with rudimentary education in science (real science) say, “Wait, pandemics usually only happen every 100 years or so.”

The response will be, “MORON CLIMATE CHANGE has accelerated the cycle. Now you dumb science deniers shut up and get to the back of the fucking bus! We must pray to Sol. Perhaps the sun god will charge our bus enough to deliver you to the work camp.”

Those who question the narrative will be immediately and possibly permanently silenced, (aside from a recording of Bumbling Joe Biden explaining, “You’re being shot because corn pop uhhh well I’m a working guy from scranton, and uhh, uhhh, uhhh, white supremacy!” ) Then momentary M-16 fire.

The Media will say it’s, “For the Greater Good, and our Safety and Security.

Thus ends The Republic. With not even a whimper heard in the darkness.

As I said, I really hope I’m wrong. But the similarities in the set up are spooking even a nasty asshole like me!

Al Sharpton is still a thing?

I thought that crazy, racist, old, tax evader  had been roasting his nuts in Hell for a few years now.

Obviously I was mistaken since he was leading a protest against a rich guy supposedly to support Claudine Gay’s racism claims.

Old Al must be running out of money. I’m sure he’s already sent a “Deal” a.k.a. Blackmail demand to Bill Ackman.

It probably reads something like, “Give me a check for a 5 million dollars and then you say you’re sorry about being a racist on my TV show and this protest will go away. I’ll make sure the money gets into the right hands.”

Isn’t that the way black leaders do things?

The money is never used to do any good for the black community, it always ends up in the pockets of the black leaders.

BLM? Paging BLM? How many houses did the BLM leadership buy? Jesse Jackson? Paging Jesse Jackson? How much money in “Donations” have you accepted? How much has been invested in the black community? Louis Farrakhan? Paging Louis Farrakhan how much antisemitic, anti-white vitriol have you spewed over the years? How much money have you raised and invested in the black community? Raised? A Lot. Invested? Not so much.

And Finally Al Sharpton. The racist, hateful, track suit wearing, tax evading, spotlight stealing, Democrat dick sucking, ass licking, fomenter of conflict, example of Napoleon syndrome… 

(Can you tell I have a dim view of black leaders, especially Al Sharpton? Good, I knew you could.)

I’d love to speak directly to Al Sharpton and say;

Run Al, RUN! Satan is demanding his due. I generally pray that the Angel of Death is gentle and kind when he comes to collect. In your case I might make an exception.

Throughout my entire life, Al Sharpton has been at the center of every single race related conflict. This man has spewed more hatred and stirred up more violence and cruelty than almost anyone I can think of. 

He always says it’s about ending racism, but it’s always worked out to be the opposite. 

I simply can’t understand why this fucking piece of shit is still a thing. He’s supposed to be a “reverend”, why hasn’t he returned to the church and gotten himself right with God?

His message these days sure as hell isn’t the gospel. At minimum his message is Hatred of Trump. But his overarching message is one of hatred of all white people and making them pay again and again for shit that 99% of white people don’t and didn’t do.

Believe me… If white people were expending as much energy on racism as Sharpton et al claim. There wouldn’t be any black people in America because they’d have been hunted to extinction.

At one time the black community claimed that young black men turned to crime because they were treated like criminals all the time by society. I don’t know how true this is or if it was simply a way to excuse the out of control criminal activity in black communities and force changes in sentencing laws because the majority of prison populations were black men.

Nonetheless, I can’t help but wonder. If all white people are racists, if there is no redemption, if white people are being called white supremacists and racists all the time, doesn’t the same rule apply? If society is going to treat white people like racists, doesn’t it follow that with people will be racists?

See, I believe humans, all humans, react the same way to certain stimuli. If young black men were made to be criminals by the way they were treated, then logically Al Sharpton, and the other black leaders are creating racists and white supremacists with their rhetoric and painting all white people with the same brush. 

For me… After a lifetime of getting up and saying, “I will not be an asshole today, I will not be a racist today,” now I get up and say, “I will not be an asshole today.” Whether I’m a racist by intention or accident, it doesn’t matter, with no redemption, and the assumption I’m a racist, why try? Black now has the same meaning in my head as the censored “N” word. Oddly, since I’m not worrying about being a racist anymore, I am happier.

Someone needs to tell Al, take your silly assed protest that is clearly based in the purest form of racism, and go home. Go back to spouting hate on MSNBC or from your pulpit or your basement or wherever, nobody cares. The damage you’ve done in your lifetime may well take a century to undo.

Al should also be told, Claudine Gay was forced to resign not because of her skin color, but because she broke the rules. Rules all academics are supposed to follow, and she did it willfully and in a racist way because she is black and a woman. She knew she was protected by Academia and society’s terror of being labeled a racist. She used her race and gender as a shield figuring no-one would ever call her out on it.

That is why anyone with a brain wants to see Claudine Gay dismissed not only as President of Harvard, but also from her tenured teaching position, and stripped of her Doctorate. It’s not about skin color, it’s about unfairness and taking advantage of the insidious and unjustified collective guilt, Al Sharpton, and his confederates have spent 50 years instilling in our culture.

Claudine Gay richly deserves cancellation. If the race grifters were smart they’d be leading the charge. Because Claudine Gay has exposed the race and educational system scams and how they work. How much money are indoctrination centers, (otherwise known as colleges,) hemorrhaging now?

It’s obvious that the fucking Reverend Sharpton is looking for a payday from a rich guy. Reverend Sharpton just wants him to purchase an indulgence from the Sharpton Church of Racism. In that “reverend” Sharpton, is not much different from Claudine Gay, they’re Con artists!

Do us all a favor Al…

Just Shut the fuck up!