The Moth battle is over, I won!

Okay, that probably made no sense.

California moth.Here’s the scoop. 

I had the sliding door open a little too long into an evening over the Memorial Day holiday. It was a coolish night and I didn’t think the moths were out & about yet.

I also had the front windows open. I was doing stuff in the house and didn’t close the slider or the windows until well after twilight. There were a few moths flittering around but all seemed normal. I went to bed.

I was awakened later in the night by a moth that was trying to fly through the glass door in the master bedroom. The creature was trying for all the world to get to an LED light on the rail of the deck. Grrr.

The next night, was a bit cooler, I closed the front windows earlier in the evening. At some point I heard this weird sound. I followed it to the front window and there, trapped between the screen and the glass was more moths than I could count. The screen was literally alive with them. The other window in the front of the house also had a ton of moths. 

They were contained, so I didn’t think too much about them. The next morning, they were all gone. I though they’d worked their way through the gap in between the screen and the frame. 

I was wrong, they came back the next night. I couldn’t imagine why they’d returned.

Turns out they hadn’t returned, they’d been hiding in the screen and window frame, How so many fit in such small spaces is beyond me but somehow they’d done it. I discovered this when I decided to clean the screen. As I pulled the screen out of the window frame it was “Moth-Ageddon”. 

Standing there swarmed by moths, I wondered if this was the beginning of my becoming a MothMan of the west. Since the Window was open to the sky, I thought the moths would fly out. They didn’t, they doubled back into the house, every nook & cranny now had moths in it.

I finished cleaning the screen, then removed the creatures I could see, and waited for dusk. 

As darkness fell, moths began migrating toward the windows. I’d purposely kept the lights off in an attempt to corral them. Then it was vacuum time!

2 hours later, the house was apparently clear. I increased the brightness of lights and discovered I’d missed at least 75 moths all of which were now flitting toward the lamps. The vacuum dispatched these as well. There was a satisfying “thump” as each moth got sucked into the vacuum hose.

By 11PM I called myself the winner. 

At some point, I was thinking of the old Godzilla movies where Mothra and Godzilla duked it out. Now, I have a hankering to watch those movies and I’m also considering purchasing a large iguana.

If I were to have another battle like last night, I fear even the largest iguana wouldn’t have been able to keep up. The poor thing would be lying on the floor with its stomach too full to move.

Yesterday I was PISSED OFF!

It wasn’t about politics.

It was personal and visceral.

I went to the eye doctor to pick up some trial contact lenses. Since I was out and about, I stopped by the Rite Aid with the intention of picking up toothpaste, some contact lens solution and a few other items.

The Rite Aid now has all of their contact lens supplies locked up. On top of that they were out of almost every contact lens solution (I didn’t buy anything at all). While I was processing this insanity, a black woman in a white coat (NO she was not a doctor or pharmacist,) wearing a face mask and carrying a clip board asked me repeatedly if I needed help. I managed to clip out that I didn’t require assistance.

I was able to not say, “Not if you were the last person on Earth.

I was not able to hide my rage or disdain for her. I know it’s wrong but looking at her I couldn’t help thinking she was responsible for my being continuously inconvenienced.

Well not her personally, but she represented the problem, right down to a snotty attitude as if I was somehow inconveniencing her. Mind you I was one of probably 10 customers in the entire store. 

We’ve seen over & over again black people blatantly stealing everything that wasn’t nailed down. This has caused retailers to lock everything up. What I don’t understand is why the hell we are still dealing with common items, being unavailable. 

For that moment, as I dealt with yet another unbidden change to my life forced upon me… Well, what went through my head was, “Black People are responsible!” The anger and hatred I felt couldn’t be hidden.

She might have been a nice person, but I don’t care. Her appearance was nothing more than costume and was designed to capitalize on the supposed respect that Americans used to have for medical professionals.

Boy, is Rite Aid misjudging the way some of us feel about doctors these days. In her case, it was a double whammy. For an instant I saw her, (unfairly I admit,) as one of those women dancing on a car just to be causing a scene.

Video up to 50 smash and grab thieves ransack la nordstrom v0 a2R6nvwieMjiVp2pcwp2iRY6QhCtCmQISu0 ow4MFBQ.jpg.Or one of those hood rats stealing shit out of a store in an organized group knowing they’re not going to get caught, or stopped, or face any kind of ramifications at all.

Yes, I know it’s unfair to characterize every person of an ethnic group because of the actions of a few, but my ability to rationalize is fading fast. If there’s a preponderance of a certain group of people who are breaking the law, then why should I feel guilty when I avoid that group of people entirely?

RapperShootsself 640x480.It’s common sense, you avoid wild animals in the forest so they can’t injure you.

In California, avoidance is the only option because of California’s weapon laws. California even regulates NON-Lethal weapons because the California legislature wants to make sure the citizens have zero capacity to defend themselves. 

There’s the case of the super intelligent rapper shooting himself in the face while making a TikTok video.

What a way to go, “I gonna be cool n shit, make dis TikTok n shit, den make a rap ‘bout it n shit…” Ooops!

Whatever laws were in effect where he lived didn’t stop the moron from shooting himself.

He got hold of a gun. Probably illegally, then figured he didn’t need to obey the “oppressive” gun rules of “Da White Man” and guess what? BANG!

Thankfully I don’t think he’d become a baby daddy yet. The last thing we need is more defectives like him.

I sound like a damn racist! That pisses me off too. I fought being a racist my whole damn life. I’m really tired of the fight, there’s no percentage in it.

As a child I was caught between two worlds. I lived in the Deep South, my Mother was devoutly anti-racist. I’m not sure why. Her relatives were involved with the KKK operating out of Indiana and Illinois.

My Dad’s side of the family was from the Carolinas and every single one of them used the “N” word liberally. Oddly, I don’t recall if any of my dad’s side of the family was in the KKK. I think Dad just refused to waste any energy whatsoever on black people.

I was caught between my Father’s honesty about what he thought, and my Mothers attempt to not raise another generation of racists. That being said, she didn’t like MLK and hates the MLK holiday and all the streets named after MLK. When she was still driving, she’d avoid MLK Blvd, Street, or HWY if at all possible.

She’d say she’s not a racist but I wonder. I also wonder if, as my mom got further into her teaching career she started dealing with diversity hires and the attendant diversity promotions of unqualified people. I’ll never know. At her age there’s a lot of malfunctions in her memory and years of repression have colored her remaining memories in odd ways.

I’ve about decided that it’s pointless for me to hurt myself by attempting to deny facts presented daily. I don’t want my memories tainted and twisted by years of repression, lying to myself, and twisting my logical processes into a pretzel to construct a reality wherein I can ignore black criminality & racism towards white people. Or for that matter, that a rather larger percentage of black people will not obey laws and therefore end up in jail.

The prisons being full of black men, isn’t the fault of the justice system, it’s the fault of the black folks and their shitty choices.

Maybe I am a racist and maybe that’s perfectly okay. Racists are built bit by bit, insult upon insult, until one day the person simply doesn’t give a shit about being called a racist anymore. 

Perhaps I’ve reached that threshold. My life is being directly impacted by entitled and stupid black people stealing shit to the point that our entire way of life is changing to accommodate them. That is BULLSHIT!

My plan is to find a place that is whiter than the driven snow to live out my life. You can be sure that I’ll be voting against any and all affirmative action crap when I get to my new place wherever that may be.

You wouldn’t believe how tough it is to get google to answer the question, “What is the Whitest place in America to live?”

I’m sure that the census data will be able to answer the question.

Ideally, I’d like to ask Google what cities/states have the highest percentage of white people .AND. are adherents of the 2nd amendment .AND. conservative .AND. LGB Friendly .NOT. TQIA2S.

If Google was in fact just a search engine, I could ask it that question and have it spit out a list of Cities/States in descending order of matching criteria, then I could start looking for apartments or houses in those areas.

Google is not just a search engine. Google skews every result returned toward an “Acceptable” narrative. It does this by excluding or obfuscating results contrary to what the powers that be, think we should see. Sometime if you ask Google something completely unacceptable, it will return completely random and unrelated results. Other times, it will return results counter to the search you performed in an attempt to “Educate” you in the error of your ways.

Bear that in mind the next time you do a Google search for something you heard in passing on the news, and come up with no results.

Here we are again! Power is out.

Edison claims they’re replacing power poles.

The power will be out until 4PM but Edison being Edison, means it will probably be out longer.

I powered everything down this morning prior to them turning the power off. The power doesn’t just go off. There’s this weird dribble effect. It’s like someone is rubbing two bare wires together but not holding them still.

I don’t think that’s what is actually happening. I suspect, it’s all the solar panels on the houses around here. I’m betting that their switching systems aren’t all detecting the power outage the same way, and are allowing the various panels to feed power into the grid for a minute after the power is gone.

Technically, that shouldn’t happen, all the systems should switch over to either battery, or disconnect the panels from the grid instantly, that may not be happenig as designed. I don’t even know if my panels switch off properly because I wasn’t here when the installers were doing the final inspection.

The dribble effect is interesting because the alarm on the stove grumbles to itself until the power is completely gone.

I’ve got the HAM rig running on battery, I’m listening to a country music station out of Las Vegas. Which means my Ham Rig is a very expensive FM radio at the moment. Oh well…

I can broadcast on battery, I just don’t want to talk to anyone. It’s times like this when I do wish I had the bluetooth mic but obviously I don’t want it bad enough to have spent the money on it. I could lose the whole day playing on the radio.

When the power is off, all the usual interference is gone and I can hear, and talk to folks a lot further away, even with my shitty little antenna.

I’d planned to get a nice “Permanent Antenna” and mount it in the back yard. But there’s not much point in doing that if I’m gonna move. I could do some kind of portable long wire solution but I don’t need another distraction. I other words, if I could screw around all day on the radio I would. I’d get nothing done! Looking stuff up on the computer is bad enough. I swear I’ll try to look up one little thing to help with cleaning or fixing stuff. Then I look up & 2 hours have gotten by me.

Nah, I’ll wait on antennas, and radio gear till I get fully settled, either here, off the mountain, or in another state.

I’ve been doing chores around here, those that don’t require power. I’d reached a point of annoyance / frustration with one chore and decided to take a break to finish my coffee before it got cold.

Time to walk the pup.

Have a great day.

Update: They didn’t get the power back on until 6:15 PM or so. Gee Thanks Edison!