I Had the perfect post

It was all there in my head. A perfect gossamer soap bubble, it completely encapsulated what I wanted to convey. It was exciting and I’d just started to type it.

Then interruption upon interruption. Dog howling, Washer buzzer going, Extraneous conversation directed at me.

I usually filter out about 75% of the words I hear, to boil the conversation down to the actual facts. The process excludes attempts at humor, a myriad of detail that is not necessary to support the ideas and generally over complex sentence construction.

What I’m often left with is, “Do you want lunch?”

The problem is, all of this requires a ton of extra mental processing. In this case the additional processing load caused the beautiful soap bubble of thought, to go pop!

I tried to recover it, but while I was trying to recover it, store the words in my memory, more and more mental processing was being directed away just to determine if the conversation was anything that required immediate attention.

You know, something akin to, “Hey you’re on fire!”

Although the person doing the talking would probably have phrased that condition something like this;

“You appear to be hot, not in the sexual way, but there seems to be smoke rising from your general vicinity. Oh look, I can see now that you are actually combusting, or is that just your clothing? Well if it is just your clothing I’d suggest that you remove the combusting clothing and seek the resources of the nearest water access point. Unless the combustion is electrical in nature, then perhaps you’d like to have the fire extinguisher that is designed for that purpose. Do you think you’re likely to want the fire extinguisher and would you like me to retrieve it from the closet for you?”

This, I think is why, the person in question is virtually useless in an emergency. All the chatter in their brain limits their ability to actually take action.

Really, it’s interesting to watch. They just stop and stare glassy eyed at a situation. It’s like watching a computer trying to compute Pi to the last digit.

It’s also why I actively don’t hear what they say 75% of the time. Mostly, I scan the sonic stream for key words that may be actionable.

In the example above, the actionable words would be, “smoke,” and “combustion”.

With my stepfather the filtration rate is 95%. President Biden has a filtration rate of 99.8% Biden is harder because he usually manages to spawn at least 4 other conversations or stories and tries to tell them all at once.

Biden’s “word salads” are epic and wholly unsatisfying. The few times I’ve expended the energy to understand what he said, have led to my brain having to restart from first principals.

Autonomic functions – reloaded – normal.
Optical input – normal
Higher cognitive functions – Reloading
“I think, therefore I am…”
and so on until I’m operational again. This can take some time, and is not completely painless. On the bright side, It does clean out a ton of “hung threads” in my thinking processes.

Biden’s speeches are wonderful at rebooting my brain.

There are other things that can reboot my brain, for example 75% filtration of incoming conversation, a bunch of random input and having a really wonderful blog post, or chapter of a book spring fully formed into my head.

Admittedly, I’m somewhat ADD.

At any given moment there’s a lot of other stuff going on in my head. Some of it useful, and some of it not. This makes focus hard for me to achieve and maintain. Once I achieve focus, I tend to go to extreme measures to hold onto it. Including biting someone’s head off if they’re blathering on about something that is inconsequential.

More fairly, something I think is inconsequential.

The fragments of my soap bubble of thought, are lying in a heap in my brain. It will require a substantial effort to reconstruct, and I’m ambivalent about the ROI.

Even reconstructed, that particular train of thought will not be as perfect as it was.

That dear reader, is why you’ve gotten this goofy post, instead of something more enlightening or thought provoking.


This employer vaccine thing is concerning…

Before you lose your mind…


This kind of thing has always concerned me. I’ve worked for several companies that I LEFT because of health insurance or corporation biases.

There was one company that noticed I had a motorcycle endorsement on my driver’s license during the onboarding process.

The HR person told me that I’d have to provide them with a bill of sale for my bike within 30 days. She then went on to tell me that riding my motorcycle onto company property was a fireable offense.

After saying this, she went on as if she expected me to just comply without any pushback. When I asked her what the hell? She was quite shocked that I didn’t understand. After a bit of prodding she explained that the group insurance policy forbade anyone being covered from riding a motorcycle.

She was even more shocked when I told her we were done and asked for the hiring paperwork that I’d already filled out so that I could shred it. Then she got mad. I remember her screeching, “We’re only trying to protect you!”

My retort was, “Yep, at the price of becoming an indentured servant whose rights are granted by my employer, instead of The United States Constitution. What’s next? Approval of my sexual practices? Will I have to bring in the bedsheets weekly to prove that I’m not having sex if I’m unmarried? Will I have to prove that I’m not masturbating as well?”

Hey, I was younger and more prone to hyperbole.

I remember walking out of that place so pissed off I literally had to sit in my car in a mall parking lot to calm down for the drive home. Then I realized, “I’m at a mall, screw it! I’m going shopping!”

Then there was another company where smoking was suddenly forbidden, dictated again by a change in their insurance policy. This was not just on company property but in your home. I’d quit smoking a couple of years before, but that day when I stopped for gas I bought a pack of smokes. Then I found a nice bar and ordered a double. I sat there drinking and smoking much too late. I quit the job the following Monday, I quit smoking again about a month later. I made sure that when I went in to quit I reeked of cigarette smoke.

Then there was a company who sent out a survey to each employee asking if they were SCUBA divers, or skydivers, pilots, mountain climbers, motorcyclists, dirt bike riders, or enjoyed hang gliding. Most employees thought they were doing one of those HR team building things where the company would build clubs of likeminded people to tout their work life balance. My antenna went up immediately after reading the list of activities. I didn’t send my survey back.

Two weeks later an HR representative was standing at my desk with a stack of surveys demanding that the employee named on the survey fill it out while they waited. The representative testily pointed out that lying on a company form was grounds for dismissal.

She had maybe 30 other surveys in her hand. I asked, “Why is it so important for you to know if an employee participates in this specific group of activities?”

She told me, “the reason was none of my business.”

I told her, “Then write that I do all of them, then you’ll have whatever reason you’re fishing for to do whatever you’re going to do.”

Ahh… The fun of open office plans with 4′ cubicle walls. Several of my colleagues had incomplete surveys to fill out too. They heard the exchange and marked all of the above as well.

I’d already interviewed for another position with a competitor, and been offered the job.

The little lady stomped off, and I finished my resignation letter effective immediately. My boss pointed out that 2 weeks was customary and I said, “I’m not going to allow a company to dictate my personal life.”

My boss sat back and said, “Oh, you’ve heard.” I said, “Nope, but I’ve been to this rodeo before and know how it ends. Out of courtesy, I’ll give you two weeks because you’ve been decent to me.”

The next week, HR announced that the company decided the activities listed on the survey were too dangerous and employees were not to participate in them because medical insurance would not cover “Dangerous Activities”. In the HR announcement, they said they’d be reaching out to employees with acceptable methods that employees could prove to the company they’d given up these “dangerous” hobbies.

Over the next two weeks, the company received the resignations of about 20 engineering employees. In the end, they were begging for people to stay. HR remained intractable and started trying to hire replacements. But the word was out in the engineering community. It turned out that American engineers like to have fun in their off time.

These are examples of employer overreach from my own life and personal experience.

I’ll grant you that COVID vaccination was a bit different when the vaccines were being touted as providing immunity. But now?

We’ve been told by the CDC, and Dr Fauci that the vaccines against COVID-19 are therapeutic not preventative. We’ve seen articles in the mainstream press saying that the vaccine will prevent hospitalization with COVID but that even vaccinated persons can still get COVID and spread it.

So NOW with this knowledge, is it reasonable for corporations or governments to demand their employees be vaccinated? Is it right for those corporations to insinuate themselves into the personal lives of their employees? Will the future hold that an employee with HIV or cancer, or heart disease be threatened with their job if they don’t take HIV meds, or choose not to have chemo, or refuse a pacemaker?

This comes to mind because T-Mobile can be added to the list of employers demanding that their corporate employees get vaccinated. The article is here.

Since I’m adamantly against a corporation dictating any aspect of my life except when I must be at work to do my job, I’m in a bit of a conundrum.

I don’t want to support companies that do this sort of thing. But after doing some research it turns out that T-Mobile provides the best plans and pricing for me given my family’s needs.

Generally speaking, I’ve been terminating my connections/subscriptions to companies whose policies I disagree with. Apple being a notable exception although I have been reducing the new dollars that I give them.

There’s a problem being entrenched in any corporate ecosystem. You try to get out and they keep pulling you back in… To paraphrase the movie line about the Mafia.

I miss the good ol’ days when companies were just about making profit and were publicly apolitical. I know we’ll never get back to simple transactional relationships with Corporate America.

That doesn’t mean I can’t miss the simplicity.

Here’s an Interesting Stat

I just cancelled Amazon Prime.

I was paying 12.99 per month since about mid 2019.

In that time I’ve had four packages delivered and watched 25 movies.

For ballpark comparison, let’s just call it 380.00 over the time I’ve had the service. None of the packages arrived via anything except the free UPS delivery. Apparently the stuff that I wanted from Amazon was not available to ship via Prime.

As to the movies…

Well 380.00 / 25 = 15.58 Per Movie. I know that more than a few of those movies were 3.99 rentals.

As a point of comparison, I won’t pay 14.99 for movies on Apple TV. I’ll wait till a movie I want is on sale for some price below 10.00. And I have the rights to view that movie as many times as I want.

Yes, there were some movies that were available on Amazon Prime and nowhere else. But those movies have become fewer and some of them are no longer available in the Amazon catalog.

I’m not saying that Prime is a bad deal for everyone. But it was a bad deal for me. It duplicated what I already had as far as music went. I use Apple Music. The video quality of some of the movies was poor and I, as a rule hate commercials before actually getting to the movie. I hate commercials on paid services in general. Amazon wasn’t as bad as Hulu has become it was just more expensive. Hulu is next on the agenda, I’m not watching much on their service either.

I had maintained Amazon Prime for the series, The Expanse. Funny thing about it was that with the character Alex being killed off at the end of last season, I couldn’t muster enough interest in watching this season to actually sit down and watch it. The actor that played Alex was accused of sexual harassment and was therefore immediately removed.

Having been sexually harassed by women, I take claims of harassment seriously. I also believe in due process, and let’s face it men don’t get due process ever. Even if the charges are completely dismissed, the accusation lingers, forever coloring everything they do and profoundly affecting their careers. Accusations of sexual harassment leveled against women on the other hand, are largely ignored. They are just as damaging to male victims but nobody cares.

I don’t know if Cas Anvar was actually guilty. The accusation alone is enough to destroy a male actor these days. In the series of books, Alex wasn’t killed off.

The whole cast is great, I’ve enjoyed their performances. But for some reason, I just completely lost interest in the story. Perhaps it was end of series malaise, perhaps it was something more. I own the first four seasons, I don’t know if I’ll spend the bucks to add season 5 and 6 to the collection or not.

I find that my interest in movies, TV, and even music is declining. I suppose it’s just that I’m not in any mood to sit down for two or three hours of haranguing about social justice, the end of the world, or whatever the cause de jour may be. Give me a good book instead and I’ll be happy.

In any case, I just cut 155.88 per year out of my budget. I guess I can apply that toward my gas or grocery bills.

I’d say, for everyone to take a look at parasitic monthly billing. It’s really easy for that stuff to accumulate and be forgotten about. It’s probably not going to put a lot of money back in your monthly budget, but these days every little bit helps.

Have the “Woke” & Transgendered Folks killed porn?

I’d say yep!

Well, they helped for sure.

There used to be some great porn being produced. I’ve got a bit of a collection, but oddly I haven’t added to that collection in quite a while.

There’s just not much of interest these days. A lot of the venerable porn production companies are (or were) located in California.

Over the past few years, I’ve been seeing fewer movies and a lot more compilations from old films being repackaged as “New” movies.

There used to be a lot of good productions that dealt with subjects such as bondage and domination. The current crop of films isn’t nearly as entertaining. It’s like now the directors and script writers are worried about offending someone.

The beauty of porn was that it offended some people. Those who were offended had a simple choice, continue watching and be offended OR turn it off.

There have been porn movies I’ve seen that were totally not my particular cup of tea. Did I whine about it? Nope! I exercised my god given right to find something else to watch.

I’ve seen some newer movies where the female or male wasn’t what they initially appeared to be. These movies are not my cup of tea. So I found something else to watch.

There’s just something about a female who disrobes and has tits and a dick. It’s not like I’m transphobic, it’s just that I don’t find that erotic. I feel like I’ve been the victim of bait and switch and it totally kills the mood I was going for.

I’ve also noticed that a lot of the old production companies now appear to be owned by one or two conglomerates, this is having a homogenizing effect on the movies that are being produced.

There aren’t, for instance many older performers. The entire cast seems to top out at 22. In some cases this is perfectly fine, but I personally have a tough time maintaining a suspension of disbelief when a 20 something male is being called “daddy” or is supposed to be some kind of dominant macho leather stud.

I mean no disrespect to the actor, but honestly, a guy that young hasn’t lived it and it shows. His balls have barely dropped.

The females too, are so young. I have a tough time believing they’re experienced enough to know what they’re doing or actually enjoying it. In the back of my mind I’m wondering things like, “how could she be so experienced? Was she abused?” Then the mood is killed because I’m thinking about that.

In Bi or Gay porn there’s the same problem. All the dudes look like they’re boys not men and I start thinking paternally again.

I’ve also noticed that a lot of the performers I used to look for, aren’t making films with any frequency either. That could be a function of them tiring of the industry, or age, or ageism, but it’s become obvious they’re missing from the scene.

This particular phenomena caught my attention because it was so sudden. Almost like a light switch being flipped.

The porn printing industry (books and the like) also seems to be dying. I know from the warning labels on some of the books I’ve looked at, that an author now has to identify every single act.

“This book may contain Penetrative acts, bondage, forced sex, rape, torture, descriptions of prostitution, kidnapping, etc, etc, etc.”

This list is long and tedious. It’s obvious that the publishers are seemingly afraid of anything that might be uncomfortable for a percentage of the readership to read. To that end they’re creating the equivalent of trigger warning labels.

Come On! Get a grip!

The beauty of a book is that if something is too intense, you can skip ahead. Pornographic stories are NOT supposed to be taken as anything serious. It’s not like they’re an instruction manual, they’re fantasy.

Here’s a sex instruction manual I put together off the top of my head.

Step one, obtain consent.
Step two, become intimate and stimulate your partner.
Step three, remove articles of clothing as desired or needed and continue with touching or other stimulation.
Step four, oral stimulation may be applied to any part of the body, to heighten the arousal state.
Step five gently explore sensitive orifices with whatever genitalia is available if desired. Substitution of tongue, or digits is allowable.
Step six, scream, yell, grunt, as orgasm occurs
Step seven, lie in each others arms… Smoke if you’ve got ’em.
Step eight, Repeat as necessary.

Even this basic manual is skewed toward the multi-gendered so as not to offend.

The Original manual was much simpler.

Step one, Kiss kiss kiss.
Step two, lick, lick, lick.
Step three (optional) suck, suck, suck.
Step four, thrust, thrust, pump, pump.
Step five, Smoke if ya got ’em. Repeat as necessary.

A pornographic story takes these basic notions and expands on the possibilities in a safe fantasy. Most of the stuff written in pornographic stories are wild and outlandish. They’re things or situations that you’d never try in real life. But through the magic of human imagination we can experience these outlandish activities in a safe simulation space within our own heads.

Why on earth would an adult looking to purchase and read a pornographic novel need a warning label?

“Daddy’s Dungeon” as a title pretty much tells you what you’re getting into. The cover art is also a really good tell tale.

If there’s any question you can read the synopsis. Most of the time these days, you can even read a sample online. Back in the day, in an adult bookstore you’d flip to some random pages and read the action. Then you’d make a decision to buy the book or not.

As a male, I’d flip to a chunk of the story, read a bit, and decide based on the swelling in my crotch if the book was worthy of my hard earned money.

OMG! I might just have offended someone with my CIS gendered appreciation of my erectile pleasure!

That’s the problem! The majority of men that I know, enjoy and derive deep satisfaction from our erections. There are however a fractional percentage of folks that find that glorious feeling uncomfortable. These people have decided that since THEY don’t enjoy it… NO ONE should.

To that end, they’ve become a vocal minority who are mucking up one of the single best, basic, and free thing that people do.


Then they’ve gone on to destroy even the release offered by sexual fantasy.

Here’s a thought. You do you, and I’ll take care of me.

Data Cleaning

About a year ago, the other half had a computer that malfunctioned in a particularly nasty way.

All of the data from that computer was essentially wiped because the computer itself managed to rewrite data enough times on an SSD that it killed the drive. FYI. Solid State Drives have a finite lifespan that is dictated by the number of times data is written to them.

The other half’s computer managed to kill not one but two SSD drives in 6 months. Wow! that’s a whole lot of rewriting of data. 20 years worth in 3 months.

The upshot of all of this is that I ended up digging data up from backups, and places on the network where they’d stored data. This doesn’t sound like much of an issue until you realize that the other half stores data in a completely random way.

This is not surprising since hardcopy data is stored in exactly the same way in odd little places all around the house.

After I’d consolidated all the data I could recover into a single group of folders on the server, I said, “Okay that’s all I can do, you’re going to have to sort through and delete duplicates and what you don’t need.”

That was over a year ago. Guess what? Nothing has been touched since the important documents got transferred to the new computer.

Here’s a lovely chart showing how much data is needlessly occupying space on the server.

These numbers are astounding. Gigabytes of duplicate data? Really?

Well, since none of this has been touched in over a year. I’m going to clean house!

This is going to take a really long time. I’m not even going to bother to examine files, I’m going to use a utility to merge folders and delete duplications.

Whatever is lost will probably be of no consequence since it wasn’t important enough to look through in the first place.

The fact is, there’s no reason to have 5 folders of duplicate information indexed and stored on the server. It’s not that I’m all that worried about space I’ve got tons available. It’s about the possibility of a drive crash and all of this crap would make recovering from a one or two drive malfunction in the RAID array really tedious.

I’m sure that I’ll hear about something being lost, sometime in the future, but I’ll deal with that when/if the time comes.

At this point, I’m curious to see just how the deletion of all of this crap affects the performance of the server. I’m betting that the reduction in size of the index files alone will get me a speed boost.

I just hope the utility can swallow and digest a mountain of redundant data.

I should know in another 12 hours or so.

Now off to deal with some other poop. This time it’s legitimate poo, from the dog. Strangely I don’t mind cleaning the poop from the back yard nearly as much as I mind cleaning up the poop on the server.

Have a great weekend.


260GB deleted. Probably 100GB more to sort through.

The cleaning application, got lost in the mess. This happened several times.

I finally got annoyed with the utility. I was seriously considering asking for a refund. I went in manually to do the job. Initially I was thinking, “DAMN a human brain will still be needed to do the most basic things!”

Uh Huh…

I found that the application was having a problem with folders nested within folders that all had the same names.

It looked like the image to the right.

But in each one of the subfolders, there were files. Some of these files were originals and some of them were duplicates.

This diagram shows a recursion only 5 levels deep. Something like 63 directories and what I was looking at was in some cases 7 levels deep. It was not uncommon for there to be 1000’s of files in each directory.

As you can imagine, it got out of hand very quickly. Especially when you consider that many of the file names were duplications.

I’d been annoyed at the utility for not being able to keep it all straight. But I was far less annoyed when I realized that I, (The Human,) had gotten lost more than once in this digital house of mirrors.

As a interesting aside, It took me two different applications to create even this simple representation. One of the applications flat out refused to engage in the illogic and crashed.

The second application was somewhat uncooperative but eventually allowed me to create it, then save it as a PNG.

I’m no longer annoyed at the duplicate finding utility that threw up its hands. Even trying to create the representation was harder than I thought it would be. I could picture in my head what I wanted to show, but translating that kind of irrationality to something clear was… Odd.

In the case of the utility, I very much doubt that the programmer who created it even considered that someone would do something like this. So I still think the utility was worth what I paid for it.

Looking at the recycle bin, it looks as though the utility handled 4 levels of recursion without a complaint.

It’s because of this kind of thing that I personally am a bastard when it comes to training computer users on the importance of reasonable directory structures. I’ve always said that if you need nested directories more than five levels deep, you’re doing something wrong.

Obviously, there are exceptions to this rule. Computers can keep track of much deeper nesting, but non-technical average human beings??? More than five levels down, you’re asking for files to be “lost” and setting yourself up to chew hard disk space with duplicate files that will never be accessed again.

Yet again… There’s usually a good reason for me doing things the way I do.

So that was my Saturday… I hope yours was more fun and less, uhh… interesting.