WIRED Magazine did a piece on something called “Active Clubs” the piece tacitly banged the alarm bell because the clubs are connecting using the Telegram App. Why Telegram you ask? Why is the method of communication important? Because it’s encrypted.
There’s more information on the ADL website at Active Clubs

Antifa, BLM and Smash mobs use encrypted apps to coordinate their activities but you don’t see the liberal press making sure that the specific application is known. You also don’t see the kind of scrutiny applied to those groups as you do to something with the slightest whiff of racial pride on the part of White people.
At their heart “Active Clubs” are about activities as near as I can tell. To some extent they’re about physical training and health versus sitting on your ass all the time, watching TV, playing video games, or being a keyboard warrior.
To the right is an active club logo. In looking at this logo, I immediately see there’s a lot I agree with. Weight Training, Boxing/Self Defense, No ANTIFA, No Communism, No Drugs. I don’t know what the Spray can is supposed to mean. But when an organization’s logo communicates the organization is 83% in line with my core beliefs I’m going to want to know more.
I applaud anything that gets us off our couches.
Especially when sitting on your ass all the time in front of the TV is a great way to get brain washed and indoctrinated by a news media where the lies start pretty much after the words “Good Evening, I’m your host”.
Let me be categorically clear. I’m not a fan of anti-semitism, Neo nazi groups, or hate groups of any kind. I’ve spent my life trying to avoid being “That Guy!” You know, the White Supremacist everyone is afraid of. God knows where I was raised, I could easily have joined the KKK. But I believe that every human being has something to bring to the table and that we should learn from each other.
That being said, I’ve been taught as some cost that it doesn’t really matter if you’re a White Supremacist or not.
I’ve never had a white person, steal from me, I’ve never had a white person threaten me with a weapon, I’ve never been told to ‘leave a place or be beaten’ by a white person. I’ve never been surrounded and beaten by a “Pack” of white people. I have experienced all of these things at the hands of non-white people.
I’ve never known any white person that did a smash and grab, or looted, or set fire to buildings. I’ve seen this being done by mostly non-white people on TV.
This is not to suggest that White people don’t do these things, it’s a statement of fact that my lived experience suggests I as a white person am far safer and less likely to be a victim of crime or engaged in crime if I’m hanging with White folk.
Except that nowadays it “Feels” a lot like just being a white dude who wants to hang with other white dudes is painted as somehow criminal, or that it’s being a white supremacist. For fuck sake, just wearing a MAGA hat or expressing support for Donald Trump is considered by some to be white supremacist behavior.
Going to church, being pro-life, expressing a dissenting opinion at a school board meeting, not believing or agreeing that there are 147 genders, and being white, can get you painted as a white supremacist. The fucking FBI has issued memos that in effect tell their agents to be suspicious of otherwise law abiding citizens if they express any opinion congruent with older accepted societal values.
Proud Boys can trace it’s origin to Gavin McInnes who suggested as a joke that we needed a group of men who were proud of Western Civilization and that civilization’s values, and who were supposed to hold the line against the erosion of those values.
Proud Boys, as an Idea found traction not as a white supremacist group, but as a Men’s group who celebrated being men. The Proud Boys actually attended protests and rallies in this local area to help make sure no-one got hurt and everyone got to exercise their first amendment rights.
I continue to be astounded that some of the media calls The Proud Boys a white supremacist organization when the head of proud boys is Enrique Tarrio. Other media describes The Proud boys this way; the Proud Boys, a far-right neo-fascist organization that promotes and engages in political violence in the United States.
Note the WikiPedia definition says Proud Boys is Neo-fascist. Which plays well with the observed behavior of the Proud Boys in their conflict with and opposition to ANTIFA. This characterization allows ANTIFA to be painted in a positive light and the Proud Boys to be painted negatively.
I disagree with the characterization that Proud Boys are far right, or Neo-fascist. As I’ve written elsewhere in this blog I considered joining Proud Boys. I wanted to join an organization where I could contribute to the local community and where I’d be around other men who abjure the narrative that all Men are inherently evil, testosterone poisoned, misogynistic, rapists, that are responsible for all the bad shit in the world.
Hillary fucking Clinton calls pretty much anyone that doesn’t agree with her views Neo-nazis, Neo-Fascist (yeah those two are probably redundant), or if they’re white, White Supremacists. She recently suggested that anyone who supported Donald Trump might be better off being Deprogrammed. So explain to me again Hillary what Fascist is???
Thus far I’ve not seen one single article investigating how someone becomes involved in one of these groups or how they somehow get roped into the dark path to White Supremacy.
I rather suspect that I already qualify as a White Supremacist by the definition of the FBI. But I got here without actively trying. I actually feel like I haven’t moved in my beliefs, but society’s stated beliefs have moved past me.
I’m old, white, conservative, I don’t believe in more than two genders, I’m Pro-life, anti-ANTIFA, and Anti-BLM. I’m Pro-constitution, specifically the 1st, 2nd, and 4th amendments. I do happen to be gay, but because of all the other beliefs above, I’m obviously a self hating gay so there’s no get out of jail free card there. And to top it all off, I absolutely despise what the Biden Administration has done to this country. I think Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are both unfit for their duties and should be removed via impeachment as soon as possible.
The FBI should be breaking my door down any moment!
My point is, calling someone a White Supremacist, or a group White Supremacist, is as nonsensical as calling someone that you disagree with, a racist. It’s almost meaningless because everything the left doesn’t like or that appears to be a collection of people who have beliefs in opposition to the left, is…
(Check One)
- Racist
- White Supremacist
- Fascist
It’s possible I might join an “Active Group” because I really could use some human contact and if that contact also meant I was getting fitter, or learning a new skill then so much the better. That doesn’t make me any of the descriptors above.
I know I’ll join one of these groups and along will come the Anti Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center, they label the group White Supremacist and presto just like that I’m a member of an organization akin to the KKK.
In truth, I think White Supremacists are built, they don’t occur naturally.
In my case, I could easily devolve. There’s no reason to fight against being a white supremacist because no matter what, I’m going to be perceived as a white supremacist because I’m white, and conservative.
So if there’s no hope, no redemption, and no choice… I might as well raise a confederate flag and join Patriot Front!
The sad part is that reading Patriot Front’s manifesto, I can see a lot that fundamentally I agree with.
Our government is out of control
Our culture and society is being destroyed
Our People (Americans) are actively being divided and turned against one another.
We as a people (Americans) need to regain our pride, get back to work and remember what it is to be Americans standing together, choosing right over wrong.
I’ll have to read their manifesto in depth, I scanned it. I can say as a person that believes in smaller less invasive government, a quick scan of what Patriot Front is about seems interesting.
I find this interesting because there was a time when I’d have looked at organizations like Patriot Front as a bunch of lunatics right from the get go. But now, not so much. I’m starting to wonder if organizations like this are actually canaries in the coal mine.
They’re composed of folks who are just more sensitive to their rights being abridged and more likely to scream bloody murder about it. Maybe these are the people who are just not wired to “Go along to get along”. Does that make them White Supremacists, or White Nationalists? I don’t know.
I do think a bit of American Nationalism would go a long way to getting the country back on track. The worry I have about that is that it’s not a big step from pride in our country to asking people for their papers, and imprisoning anyone who doesn’t have papers.
Given what’s been going on in the past decade or so… I’m not even sure that asking people for their papers is a bad thing.