Ya know, sometimes it’s tough to see beyond the evil and stupidity.

I’m having that kind of day. 

So I’m turning off the news. Well, more properly I’m ignoring it. 

From the mayor of Boston being a racist against white people (while being married to one, there’s a marriage on the rocks), to Eric Swalwell potentially being an accomplice in Hunter Biden’s defiance of Congress. To Joe Biden’s upcoming impeachment, It’s all a steaming pile of runny shit.

You know, Eric Swalwell, if he had an ounce of smarts would be keeping a low profile after skating on ethics violations because he was fucking an employee(?) who was also a Chinese spy. Oh and let’s not forget that he was doing that while he was married, so he also committed adultery. There are other conservative Congressmen who’ve been tossed out of office for the same or less. (Paging Madison Cawthorn!)

But never mind that obvious double standard. The show must go on.

Oh there was a blurb about the dumbass who took it up the ass in a senate chamber, claiming that the release of the video and his subsequent firing was due to homophobia. Gag! 

No, Princess Prolapsed, You weren’t fired for being gay. You were fired for completely inappropriate behavior in a place of business. Having sex in a public place such as a hearing room is simply wrong. It’s a little thing called etiquette. Your momma and daddy should have laid a belt to your ass more as a child and raised you better.

Yeah, I’m sure they’re super proud and just love being humiliated in the grocery store. Dumb ass, your name is pretty damn unique. Your dad is gonna love people seeing his credit card and saying, “Oh your son took it up the ass in the senate! You don’t have any other kids do you?” Your poor dad probably can’t have a beer with his buddies without your ass literally being a topic of discussion.

I guess they don’t teach things like etiquette in college anymore, either.

You being fired had nothing to do with you being gay, nor should it have.

Hell dumbfuck, I’ve seen a straight couple who were fucking in a locked office, fired on the spot and marched out of the building by the president of the corporation. Yes, the door to the office was locked, but the damn window was wide open and visible from the sidewalk. The president of the company was coming back from lunch and saw it all. That was the first issue. The second issue was that the male was director of HR, and the third issue was the female was the HR director’s employee.

Ding! Ding! “Strike Three… You’re Out!”

ANY of the issues noted, were grounds for immediate termination in the case I witnessed.  I am absolutely certain that your employment agreement had some verbiage about inappropriate conduct.

Anyway. I’m putting it all on ignore for a day or two, maybe longer. I’m not really mad about any of it, I’m just really annoyed, and saddened.

I’m annoyed that apparently our country has fallen so far. I’m saddened that there doesn’t appear to be any other country to emigrate to which is any better. It appears virtually every country on the planet has lost their damn minds and is rife with corrupt politicians, and plain stupid, or evil humans.

The trouble is, if you look at this kind of crap for too long, it sours you on humanity and life. 

I’ve been wondering if that’s the reason the “News” is always so incredibly bad and depressing. You know, some people might just figure it’s better to kill themselves than continue to take the onslaught of whatever the fuck this is.

If I was a super conspiracy theorist, I’d say the goal is depopulation. These days as a man, you might be pumping your seed into someone you think is a woman, only to find out she’s not. Or you find out she started to transition to being a man, then changed her mind, but the damage was done, she’s sterile. Either is a problem if you want to be a father. 

Or the girl looks like either of these charmers…  Uh NOPE! I actually like my penis, even though sometimes I beat it like it owes me money. I wouldn’t put the poor fella in either of these things.

I swear, my general rule of peoples appearance still holds. In nature, venomous creatures often have something strikingly out of the norm. Bright colors for example, odd textures to their skin, warning sounds, etc. When people adopt these traits, often they are toxic. They may be dangerous in other ways, but generally speaking you don’t want, or need to waste your time with them. No good will come of it. On some level, instinctively they’ve adopted warning plumage because they know they’re defective. 

As a guy, I’m not interested in someone, (male or female) that looks like a tattoo shop wall. Well executed, artistic tattoos are neat. Something that looks like the tattooist had a hangover and threw up on you, is not. I find overly tattooed people distracting enough that I’m not interested in sex with them, I feel like I have to glean the meaning of all the ink.

I have encountered people whose tattoos chronicle the story of their life and are well thought out and coherent. Those folks are rare but when you meet them you know. Their stories are often beautiful and tragic. The person is more often than not an amazing soul.

Put a lot of disjointed tattoos on a woman with the personality of a pit viper, and well… if I’m supposed to put a baby in that… humanity is doomed.

I wonder, how many men are jacking it into the toilet rather than having sex with women because they’re afraid of bringing some abomination into the world? If you knew your next load was going to result in one of the moronic people we’ve seen in the streets over the past 4 years wouldn’t you want to flush that bad seed, or at least see it running down her leg?

I mean dudes, think about it. Do you want to contaminate your genetic line with whatever comes from blending half your DNA with half the DNA from a fucked up chick with unresolved daddy issues, defective brain, and who spews venomous hatred all day long? If you wouldn’t trust her with a puppy, you shouldn’t trust her with your child. Guys… be freakin selective or do her anal.

BTW Guys, good women know this and act on it instinctively, they literally don’t think about it.  If you’re a fucked up douche bag, who’s the male equivalent of the two winners pictured. That’s probably why you don’t ever get to date good women. Get your shit together, clean yourself up, and become a man worthy of dating good women. 

Yeah, I really need to turn away from it all.

It’s gotten bad when I’m not just praying for an asteroid impact. I’m trying to figure out if I can make a magnet big enough to cause an asteroid impact.

Perhaps when the AI’s actually become SkyNet they’ll just nuke the planet and note somewhere in a database that humanity was a bad idea. 

John Varley ended Millennium with a computer contemplating if silicon rather than carbon was a better medium to build life. The computer in question wasn’t sure that humanity was worthwhile, but chose to save it just in case. The computer was going to contemplate the question over a very long period of time. While it had facilitated humanity’s escape to the future, the computer had to go the long way around.

Imagine Humanity’s surprise if they came out of the time warp, and the BC, (Big Computer) had decided they were too flawed, and too much trouble, to live.

Staffer who filmed himself getting buttfucked in Senate Hearing room fired…


I don’t know what the Senate is so upset about.

That guy getting fucked in their chamber is probably the single most honest thing that’s happened in that room in decades.

Call it truth in advertising!

The young man is a metaphor for the citizens of the United States. 

Every time congress votes to send more money to Ukraine or print more money, or lie to us about inflation they’re fucking us all in the ass.

At least that boy gave us an appropriate visualization of the workings of congress.

I’m sorry I couldn’t provide a better image. Strangely, it looks like the internet is missing tons of images lifted from the film. I had to settle for this one from Breitbart. 

The Democrats really hate being humiliated don’t they? Deletion programs at the NSA must be running overtime. On the plus side, at least it wasn’t Hunter again.

I’m sure in a month the video will show up on “OnlyFans”.

My take on the Biden Christmas uh, whatever it was.

The Biden White House Christmas … uh … thing… Whatever it was has been soundly thumped in the conservative news outlets.

The liberal news outlets seem to like it. That split is typical, so nothing new. Liberals hated Melania’s red trees. Conservatives tried to see the best.

After watching 2-3 years of various Biden holidays. I’ve come to the conclusion that the Biden’s are pretty classless.

In my family, they’d be the tacky distant relatives that you didn’t visit, or who might have been visited once in 20 years.

More money doesn’t make a classless person, classier, it just magnifies the classless behavior and poor taste.

This latest Christmas thing at the White House is tacky. I don’t care about the politics of the dance troupe or the individual dancers. I didn’t care for the costuming, or the actual dance, the entire production looked rushed and didn’t appear to fit the space. 

Some of the set pieces reminded me of Shopping Mall decorations from the 1980’s. You know, before Christmas decorations became offensive to small but vocal buzzkill groups.

It felt like Jill decided one morning, “I think I’ll have dancers” then called a dance troupe and said, “Be here at 3 this afternoon to perform.”

That’s the kind of thing a newly wealthy entitled woman would do. Especially if she had delusions of Queenhood. Thinking back on all of the Biden holiday events they’ve seemed poorly planed and executed.

They smack of poor folks from the holler getting an insurance payoff when uncle Cleatus got hit by a car. Suddenly they’ve got some money and they can make their dreams come true.

That’s when you see some of the tackiest shit you’d ever imagine. Neighbors will drive miles out of their way to see what new car or truck is up on blocks in the front yard next to the outhouse and shiny new 25 foot diameter satellite dish. There’d really be talk when uncle Cleatus’s family, had their new trailer repossessed after 6 months & had to move back into the old one. Parking would be easier with only one trailer on the lot.

It’s weird but I could easily see the Biden’s in a shabby trailer with a convertible in the yard on blocks. I could see Jill with her hair wrapped around beer cans, wearing $200 fake nails waiting on the welfare check. I could see Joe in a wife beater drooling on himself sleeping on the front porch, and Hunter passed out face down & naked in the drainage ditch.

None of it would strike me as odd or out of place.  That’s just the way they come across to me.

The sad thing is, the rest of the world may see the Biden’s in the same way. 

The other strange thing, (at least to me,) is that I’ve known very poor folks who lived in trailers. (Some were my family.) But they weren’t trashy like the Biden’s are. Sure they were poor, but their humble home was clean and well kept. 

Just because you’re poor doesn’t mean you’re trash, conversely, just because you’ve got money doesn’t mean you’re not trash.

My recommendation for Jill’s next Christmas in the White House, after the obligatory, “Bless your heart”…

Jill, hire some professionals to do the decorations. You’re maybe qualified to choose a theme, but after that leave it in the hands of people who know what they’re doing.

Go traditional. More Norman Rockwell. Less Las Vegas C-level off the strip showgirls.

My good boy, and he doesn’t stink anymore.

The pup has had a busy day. Nobody mentions that his Dad is tired too. After all, Dad walked the pup, then showered, then loaded the dog in the car and drove to the groomers. Dad didn’t get lunch until about 3 PM.

Nobody cares though, it’s all about the dog!

He was a good boy for the groomer so he got to pick out a new rope tug toy.

He’s tired. But like a two year old, he’s fighting sleep. Give it another 5 minutes and he’ll be snoring.

I’m really starting to question the Smart house…

Way back when Nest produced their first thermostats I bought one. Our contractor installed thermostat was the cheapest piece of shit they could install, and honestly it didn’t fucking work.

We’d set the temp, the Thermostat was say it heated the house but a normal thermometer told us that the house was colder than when we’d started.

In the winter this presented a problem for the instruments (Harps, Guitars,) anything with strings. The people weren’t exactly happy either!

So at some point I got pissed and plunked down $300 for a Nest learning thermostat. In the beginning it was great and I highly recommended a unit to anyone and everyone. Then fucking Google bought Nest.

At first there didn’t seem to be too much of a problem. My programming of the thermostat held true and the unit adjusted to our changing schedules. It did what it was supposed to do and for a good 10 years the house was warm when we got home. I know the system was working the way I’d intended because if I was home sick with a cold or whatever, I’d have to override the thermostat during the day. I also saw the difference in the Gas bill in Winter and the A/C bill in summer.

Google got ever more invasive. Google wants to deprecate the Nest application login and force you to make a Google account. I’ve moved as far away from Google as possible and don’t even have gmail accounts anymore. That means I’m resisting.

Every time I log into the Nest Application or the Nest Website. Google has a shit fit! “Don’t you want to create a Google log in? Don’t you want to enable 90 factor log in security? “ On and on and on…

NO! I don’t want any of your shit Google! Just let me get to the actual control part of the damn application!

Lately, my thermostat is being reprogrammed without my consent.

62°F at night is too damn cold! Even with blankets and flannel sheets, I’m not sleeping well. I do sleep soundly if I’m in my sleeping bag that’s rated to 0°F. I shouldn’t have to sleep in a sleeping bag… IN MY OWN FUCKING HOUSE!

During the day if I’m home the temp is set to 66°F in the winter. That’s still a bit too cold but I’m willing to put up with it because I live in terror of the damn natural gas bill. Southern California Gas royally fucked everyone last year. Of course their executives still got their bonuses for incompetence. That’s another story!

I have specifically told the Nest Thermostat that I don’t want it learning. I don’t want it making adjustments, I want it to maintain my set temps within the schedule I’ve created and I want it to go to the lower temps when it figures out I’m not home.

Dirt Fucking Simple!

But… Somewhere, deep in the bowels of Google, some little Indian programmer fuck is deciding via programming that I don’t know what I’m doing and they know better what I need.

Every time they send a software update my schedule gets “Fine Tuned”. It used to be that having your temps set to 68° F or lower was considered worthy of a little environment leaf. Now the leaf doesn’t show up until you dial the temp down to 65°F. Nighttime temps of 63°F used to be “efficient” and worthy of the leaf. Now it’s 62°F.  The Nest “Fine Tuning” routine “adjusts” whatever your schedule is, to having the leaf indicator on.

If you scheduled 68°F during the evening… “Well you’re a moron! Let Google set your temp for you. There 65°F aren’t you happy? Gee sorry about that asthmatic child developing pneumonia. We’re about saving the environment, a little collateral damage is acceptable.

I don’t care about the leafs, I care about not having my hands turn blue, or shivering in my bed all night.

Were I not thinking about selling this house and moving, I’d be shopping for a new thermostat. I have reprogrammed my schedule according to my needs 4 times in the past 3 months. If you see a little yellow/gold gear with a leaf at the bottom of your Nest thermostat display, guess what? You’ve been fine tuned! 

We hope you like being cold living above the snowline. You’re welcome! Sincerely Google.

My problem is this. I bought the fucking machine, I installed the fucking machine, I expect the fucking machine to obey my wishes, not the wishes of some asshole I’ve never met who doesn’t live my life, who has decided that they’re my better!

I may start shopping for a new thermostat anyway. I’d go for one of the really old units with a mercury switch and piece of coiled metal that reacted to temperature. Unfortunately, you can’t get mercury switches anymore. 

Mercury is bad dontchaknow even if it’s sealed in a glass ampule that never, or only rarely sees the light of day.

There are some old school thermostats like that in houses in this little town. Those scary dangerous mercury ampules have been in service for 70 years firing up heaters and haven’t hurt anyone yet.

This bullshit with the thermostat has made me seriously start rethinking the smart house concept entirely.

So long as the devices in my home are controlled only by me we got no problem and I like the convenience. But when they start disobeying, or someone remotely overrides my settings we got a serious problem.

That’s why after the house burned, we didn’t sign up for Edisons Power Savings thing again. The A/C Compressor of the old house, Edison could kill remotely.  We were going to drop out of that program. The house burning down simply spared us the annoyance.

That previous summer, Edison shut down the A/C while we were at work several days in a row. The interior temps of the house exceeded 100° F and caused $50-$60 worth of harp strings to snap each day. It also caused a meltdown on a RAID array that contained all our data. The RAID array did a thermal shutdown but the damage was already done. (It was a shitty manufacturer and while it was supposed to shut down prior to damage, it didn’t.)

At the time I remember wondering how it could be better for the grid, to have all the home A/C compressors in Southern California running at the same time for 2 or 3 hours.  That’s what it took to bring the temps in everyone’s homes down to something livable again after work. It wasn’t good for the grid. But it was great for the Electric company executives who were making more money than ever, and bitching about the strain on the electrical grid to justify rate increases to the PUC.

When / If I move. I’m going to be considering very carefully how smart I make things. 

While I like having the lights come on when I get home, I could do that with a motion detector. I like having lights come on at a particular time, but I could do that with a timer. I like being able to turn the lights off at night with a word, but I could do that with The Clapper .

Do I really need the maintenance headache of smart lightbulbs, ceiling fans, thermostats, and security cameras?

Thinking about it, I had most of this back in the ‘80s. 

It was done with the BSR X-10 system. And I had one!

Nobody could screw with the BSR unit via the internet. (The internet existed but wasn’t offered to the Public yet.) If someone was messing around with your lights and things it was an accident. They’d set their box to the same base code as yours and it was easily handled.

I suppose it’s another case of the old way is the best way.

Just how smart does my house need to be to make me happy?

The answer to that question may be, “My house needs a lobotomy.”