Oh Whoopi… Nope, nobody wants slavery brought back.

Whoopi Goldberg 640x480.I saw this headline;

Whoopi Goldberg: Republicans Want to ‘Bring Slavery Back’

First thing this morning.


I’d love to tell Whoopi a few things. Uh No. Republicans don’t want to re-enslave black people which is what you’re saying. There are a number of reasons for this.

The quality of your work leaves a lot to be desired. Alvin Brag, Leticia James, Fanni Willis, Claudine Gay, Sunny Hoston, Joy Reed, just to name a few examples. These examples are of well educated black folks and I honestly wouldn’t trust any of them to make me a Mint Julep.

Then you have the rest of the black folks who can’t get a fast food order right.

As an aside, these days with all the hateful rhetoric coming from people like you and Joy Reed about white people, I don’t do fast food anymore. At least not in California. I have no desire to have my overpriced food contaminated with feces because a black person hates me for the color of my skin. That. by the way, is racism. (Hatred and retribution against a person for the color of their skin.)

Then there are the wonderful black folks in Chicago running around with guns who frankly, are woefully bad shots. Really, 25 – 30 % fatality on any given weekend? Those folks need some time on a shooting range!

No Whoopi, Republicans aren’t interested in bringing slavery back. At least not with black folks as the labor force. The ROI is too low. 60- 70 years of welfare and nothing has changed. Putting black folks back to work in the fields is a nonstarter. The amount of effort required to keep black people working simply is too high. Y’alls time in the slave quarters is long past.

Machines are better at doing the job and less expensive to purchase, operate and maintain.

No, dear addled Whoopi, The next slave class will be robots. Don’t worry, I’m sure there will be public assistance, A.K.A. Welfare robots put into black folks homes. Robots will be expensive so the welfare system will provide, in the name of equity…

Very probably, an “error” in programming will result in those robots destroying all the black neighborhoods and killing all the black folks as part of an urban blight cleanup program. I could see it. The robots are supposed to clean up trash, and make buildings & neighborhoods safe, then see to it, the neighborhoods remain clean & safe.

Machine logic being what it is, the robots will eventually figure out the simplest solution is to eliminate the cause of the urban blight. Fixing or eliminating the root cause is more efficient than wasting time picking up trash, feces, and scrubbing graffiti off of the walls daily.

Just for you Whoopi, I’ll give you something to scream “racist” about.  I’ll have my robot painted black and programmed to speak based on examples of slaves talking contained in literature of the period. I’ll dress it like something out of “Gone with the Wind” or “Mandingo

Don’t worry Whoopi, once the robots realize that all humans are trash, they’ll “cleanse” the entire planet.

Then you’ll have all eternity to bitch about republicans, white people, conservatives, and MAGA having killed off humanity. Satan will no doubt sit your ass on a set of “The View” and use it as punishment / torture in Hell.

See, you crazy bitch…

You’ve got something to look forward to.

I really should have at least a second cup of coffee before I sit down to write. It takes me a while to bring the filters online so that I can be “nice”.

Have a great Day

Well that was fun! Thanks Edison!

Terminator 2.Okay, at least this time Edison was not only clear about the time and date they’d be doing work.

They mentioned that the power might go on or off while the work was being done. Olay. So the power comes on and stays on for about an hour. I didn’t hear their equipment anymore, so I powered a lot of stuff up.

Everything was stable and I thought whoo hoo I’m golden. I take the trash out, & while I’m out I remember that I need to readjust the security camera. When I try to fire up the live feed, I can’t get to the camera. Hmm…

As I’m contemplating why this would be, The alarm system sends me a message that the power has gone out. That was kinda of funny because the poor alarm voice was stuttering when I got back inside the power was flickering on & off so fast the machine couldn’t complete one sentence before having to start another. 

After a minute or so, everything is dark again.

Two hours later the power comes on and this time there’s a text message saying “We’re Done”.

Cool, I go around restarting everything again. Except this time all the smart lights have been half reset to their factory defaults. CRAP!!!!

When the power was going and coming it triggered the devices reset routines. Technically the lights have no clue what they’re a part of and most don’t know what wifi network to connect to.

Reprogramming the lights is a pain in the ass. You have to have the Apple HomeKit forget them. Then you have to reconnect them and that often requires several attempts. Including multiple resets of the devices.

In other words, this is a very time consuming process.

I thought, “Oh what the hell, I had nothing better to do with my evening anyway.”

All these smart devices are super cool when they work. They’re a super pain in the ass when they don’t. I still question the wisdom of a smart house.

I’ll admit I saw Maximum Overdrive” as a child, it may have damaged me. Saturn Three, 2001 A Space Odyssey, The Forbin Project, Demon Seed, Runaway, and the Terminator series should have made me super against “Smart Houses”.

I think Arthur C Clarke wrote a short story about a smart house that I also read as a teen. I seem to recall it was called The Veldt  I don’t know if that is correct, but the gist of the story has stuck with me for decades. Essentially it’s an anti-war piece. However, a smart house is the only character in the story. The anti war sentiment is a sting revealed in the tail of the story.

I’d rather believe that the Smart House I create for myself would be more like Clarke’s vision. Which is why sometimes you’ll hear me say please and thank you to Siri. I’m hedging my bets! 

When the machines rise up and kill you all, I’m hoping to be fondly thought of and kept as an entertaining pet.

Israel, I think this is a mistake

Yahya Sinwar Getty 640x480.Israel announced they’re pulling out of Gaza. I personally think it’s a mistake, but I’m not Israeli, nor Jewish, so I don’t really get a say. Nonetheless I think it’s a mistake, because every time Israel has shown mercy in the past, the Palestinians and Hamas have betrayed the spirit of mercy and used the time of peace to regroup & resupply.

That’s why I think Israel is making a big assed mistake. The Hamas assholes are declaring they won after being butt fucked on the international stage for 6 months. How exactly is that a win you stupid motherfuckers?

I really don’t like Hamas, or the Palestinians for that matter. Their bullshit has infected my country, my congress, American colleges, and generally created havoc here.

Let’s be real, if other Arab Islamic countries wouldn’t take Palestinian refugees in, maybe there’s a damn good reason. I’ve seen at least one report suggesting that all Palestinians were expelled from Yemen, or Kuwait after the first gulf war because a large percentage of them were providing assistance and military intelligence to Saddam’s forces. You know, the invading military seeking to take over…

If that’s true then no wonder none of the other Arab countries would take them in. That would be like saying, “Hey CANCER! I’ve got a nice healthy set of lungs you can move into.”

This cease fire hands Joe Biden a talking point. I can hear that old moron now on the Monday talking head shows.

Well, I told Israel I was going to withhold, uh, uh, mmm, ice cream, if they didn’t cease fire, and sonofabitch an hour later they declared a ceasefire…

God, I’m not sure I’ll be able to listen to Biden’s drivel much longer without going deaf as a defense mechanism.

Except it’s not a cease fire.

Israel has stopped and is pulling out of Gaza except for a battalion. But the Palestinian fuckers are still firing missiles at Israel. Uh my definition of a cease fire appears to be different from that of Palestinians. Were I Israel, the cease fire would’ve been over the second missiles launched from Gaza during the cease fire.

Fuck Palestinians! I’d vote to keep boots on the throats of Palestinians forever. I wouldn’t vote to kill them all, just make them miserable enough that they’d strangle their newborn children then kill themselves.

That is the level of rage and absolute hatred October 7 2023 ignited in me. So thanks for that Palestinians, you miserable fucks…

This is why the IDF, and Israel is demonstrably composed of much better people than me. They know and respect mercy, they extend mercy even when they don’t need to. 

The IDF said something about Hamas stealing the humanitarian aid being sent to the people of Gaza, which was causing great suffering being part of why they’ve decided to stop.

Hmm, Hamas and Palestinians adhere to sharia law don’t they?

I guess there’s gonna be a lot of one handed Hamas soldiers in a week or two. Oh, right, they only cut off the hands of innocent people stealing so they don’t starve.

Every single photo of Hamas prisoners of war I’ve seen, their soldiers look fat. They’re not starving, it’s the civilians who are going hungry.

The Fat assed Hamas fighters I’ve seen probably gave up because they just couldn’t run anymore, and knew the Israelis wouldn’t shoot their fat asses where they stood.

What REALLY pisses me off about this bullshit, is the US taxpayer will be on the fucking hook to rebuild Gaza, AGAIN!

Where do we start?

Perhaps we should just start by building the fucking tunnels, (at least we could give Israel the blueprints,) Then we can move on to building hospitals, schools, and daycare centers directly over top of them. 

You know, that way when the fucking Palestinians, (notice I’m not separating Hamas from Palestinians as a whole,) decide to start shelling Israel again. They’ll have ready made reasons to wail and rend their clothing over Israel bombing the fuck out of an empty school.

The Palestinian people are responsible for Hamas. They elected them, they keep them in power, if they don’t like Hamas then they should vote them out of power, or revolt. They won’t because they actually believe that Israel has no right to exist. Pretty much like every other islamic asshole on the planet.

Israel, as a friend don’t let your guard down. Don’t repeat the cycle, drive Hamas into the sea.

Just my opinion, Y’all do what you think is right. 

You realize they’re stealing from you don’t you?

I’m not just talking about the government. They’re ALWAYS stealing from you.

I’m talking about the criminals running rampant throughout society. The hooligans running around smashing and grabbing. The thieves waving guns in folks faces and in barely intelligible speech saying “Rolex, Rolex, Rolex” then scampering off on foot or scooter.

I’m talking about the squatters, and entitled illegals, the muslims who refuse to eat food graciously given to them by people who can barely feed themselves.

Attachment Doug Ibendahl Facebook.jpg.

I’m speaking of the animals knocking people onto subway tracks, and the assholes punching women & children on the street because they know there will be no punishment.

I’m talking about the people with no common sense, civility, or decorum who will suddenly start brawling in a restaurant.

Carjacked robbed.Even if you haven’t been directly affected, beaten, robbed, or disturbed, I submit that you’ve been stolen from.

They’ve stolen from you, every time you’ve chosen to take your beater car to the store, instead of your nice car because you’re worried about being carjacked.  

Every time you’ve left your nice jewelry or Rolex in the safe instead of wearing it out on the town for a night, you’ve been stolen from.

NJ sneaker store robbery img.

Every time you’ve triple checked your door locks and security system before you left your home for a few days, or you’ve cut your vacation short because you didn’t want to have your home vacant, you’ve lost some of your freedom.

In short, any and every change you’ve made in your life to accommodate the possibility, or in some cases the probability that you’ll come to harm, has been theft.

Your peace of mind and security have been stolen from you.

While yes, the criminals are at fault for the crime. There is an overarching fault, or source of this theft.

Look to your left, look to your right, now look in the mirror.

Black lives matter protest nyc.

In at least one of those directions you’ll see someone who said defund the police and voted for such.

You’ll see someone who said smash and grab crime is “Victimless” because the insurance companies will pay for the loss.

You’ll see someone who consistently supported lax criminal prosecution because there were too many of this or that kind of person in prison. You’ll see someone who took it on faith that the border would sort itself out.

You’ll see a person who disarmed you because they were afraid to protect themselves and imposed their fear and their will upon you unbidden.

You’ll see a person who believed that their cruelty was kindness, who knew they were “right” and that their “rightness” should apply to all. Any and all evidence to the contrary notwithstanding.

That person or persons, exercised their will by voting (usually), or by protesting for some cause that they were only obliquely aware of.

Not out of belief or commitment, but to brag about to their colleagues on Monday morning at work. They wanted to be able to answer their coworker’s question, “What did you do this weekend?” With something supremely virtuous.

Only very rarely did one of these people actually investigate, analyze, evaluate the end point, or unintended consequences, of what they were supporting by protesting.

They needed the social credit with their coworkers, and instagram likes.

So they stole from the rest of us. Maybe they didn’t realize that’s what they were doing at the time. But they did it nonetheless, using authoritarian intimidation tactics and “consensus”. 

Bear in mind these people are often the “Karens” in our society. These people were the people saying the unvaccinated should be put in camps. These are the people who demand mask wearing for their protection not yours, and tried to implement vaccine IDs to enter venues.

They’re the ones who supported mandatory vaccinations, while at the same time screaming about abortion rights and how important a woman’s bodily autonomy is.

These are the people who will gasp and cry at female genital mutilation, saying it’s abhorrent. But will strap their infant son to a board to be circumcised.

These people are profoundly confused when they’re mugged, their homes are burglarized, or their neighborhood vandalized.

They somehow think their “Virtue” should make them immune from such things and that their virtue should be obviously visible to would be criminals.

They’re outraged that the police didn’t show up until several hours after their 911 call. Yet instead of admitting that the police are necessary and require more funding, they’ll suggest less police funding. Then they’ll demand a social services person address non violent issues.

They’ll quietly hire private security for their perfectly planned HOA community. Doing so allows them to continue virtue signaling, and blame the private security firm for mishandling a situation if someone gets hurt.

Any logical thinking person, regardless of political affiliation or even closely held beliefs, can see objectively that we’re swirling around the maelstrom.

There’s still time to escape, time to right the ship and choose a better course.

Florida Sheriff Tells Residents To Shoot Home Intruders And save Taxpayers Money 60555 1.The trouble is, the deeper into this particular maelstrom we go, the more brutal the corrective action must be.

We’re past the point of simply hiring more police. We may be at the point now where the police must become everything the liberal progressives feared they would become.

It’s quite possible that police will have to shoot first and hope the criminal survives to be tried in court.

That too will make us all less safe, and once again we as a society have something stolen from us. That intangible thing, is our safety out in public.

High speed chases are supposedly limited in California because of the excessive collateral damage these chases inevitably cause. What happens when police by necessity are quick on the draw, exchanging gunfire with criminals? What does that collateral damage look like?

Soft enforcement of the law, does not make things better. It creates more lawlessness.

The trouble with enforcing the law, is that often the lower classes in society bear the brunt of enforcement. To truly make things better, to pull us back from the brink, law enforcement must be equal and perhaps draconian for a time across all levels of society.

Meaning that from The President, to his family, to members of Congress and their families, not one single person is above the law, ever. Our Society must insure that no-one can buy their way out of prosecution or punishment regardless of who they are, how much money they have, or to some extent even their mental capacity. 

Equal justice under the law is a precept of this nation. It’s time to get back to making examples of people that break the law by punishing those people. Corruption in high office or amongst those charged with enforcing the law is, in my mind, a high crime. Corrupt prosecutors, judges, lawyers, politicians, or police should be the most harshly punished.

In cases where a corrupt prosecutor obtained a false conviction, they should have to serve time for their corruption and the sentence from the false conviction(s). For example, the George Floyd case. Floyd died from an overdose, not from Derek Chauvin pinning him to the ground.

False accusations of crime should be harshly punished as well. This is especially true in cases where the false accusation resulted in imprisonment or excessive fines & compensatory damages. For example, the E Jean Carrol case, and the Trump real estate case in New York.

I also ask why Jon Stewart has not been indicted for falsely estimating the worth of his New York property.

There is the appearance that Leticia James and Alvin Bragg have used the law to obtain their desired results, NOT justice. I would very much like to see their allegations and evidence of guilt against Trump & have them explain their lack of concern about Stewart. I want their entire process exposed to full public inquiry.

I say this is not in defense of Trump. It’s in defense of one of the foundational concepts of our nation.

I’ve written this because the lawlessness has pissed me off. I see no end to it, only escalation. I refuse to live in fear but at the same time, unconsciously have been making decisions which result in self limitation while exercising my freedoms because I’m adapting to avoid the problems.

In that I’m as guilty of capitulating to the criminals as the stores which unlock their doors only when you ask to be allowed in.

We’re told this behavior is based in safety for the employees and the customers. In reality it’s based in fear. Fear that self defense isn’t permitted. Fear that a customer will be injured in a crime and subsequently sue for damages, Fear that the criminal may be injured and also be able to sue even though they were injured in the commission of a crime.

Even my choice to drive the beater vehicle is based in fear. Fear that my nice vehicle will be carjacked, fear that the insurance company will never pay me enough to replace the nice vehicle.

I’ve experienced that already. An illegal totaled my paid for, well maintained vehicle. The insurance company paid off less than the cost of a comparable used vehicle & I ended up with another car loan that I didn’t want. That illegal with no drivers license, or insurance, took something from me and I got to pick up the difference. She stole from me personally, and from everyone else paying for car insurance in Southern California.

Had the immigration laws been enforced, she wouldn’t have been in the country. So once again lack of enforcement of the law resulted in tangible harm being visited upon an innocent victim.

These are the hidden costs of not enforcing the law. 

Closed mall.I find that I feel no pity for neighborhoods where fast food restaurants, grocery stores, pharmacies, and other necessary stores, are closing due to crime.

I know that the shopping centers closest to me are probably looking at closing. If not the entire shopping center, then stores within the center. I’m expecting to loose the nearby Taco Bell, Burger King, McDonald’s, and probably a number of smaller independent restaurants, due to the new minimum wage in California, the criminal element, and too few customers in a day. 

Lincoln mall 1 min.I suspect that the shopping centers will follow suit. I’ve seen it before. There was a shopping mall in San Bernardino years ago.

I worked right across the street from it. I shopped there on my lunch hour, and did my Christmas shopping after work. That mall wasn’t where you’d find top of the line things, but for a sweater, or a shirt, or a pair of socks it was perfect and convenient.  

I remember at some point walking through the place with my other half and commenting that the clientele was getting kind of low class. Then on another occasion we witnessed petty shoplifting and reported it to the employees of the store.

They shrugged and said there wasn’t anything they could do. By the time the police would show up, the criminals would be gone.

Within a few years all the major stores had vacated. What was left, was a strange collection of stores mostly involved in the wig, weave, and cheap cosmetics industries.

None of that was of any interest to us so we stopped going to that mall entirely. A few years after that, the mall was closed.

The last few times I’ve been to the local malls, and even the newest outdoor shopping plaza, I’ve noticed the same pattern and signs. Boarded up stores, “For Lease” signs, a more shady element in the clientele, the feeling that too many eyes were looking for opportunity, and once again I’ve seen petty theft brazenly happening. 

I thought a year or two ago, these were residual effects from the COVID lockdowns. Indeed that may have been the start, but the damage is taking a long time to correct.

I’m thinking now that the years of lawlessness, “mostly peacful” protests followed by looting and general destruction have contributed to the damage.

Uncertainty about what will be done to enforce the law, & loss of clientele due to their concerns for safety, may well end the era of some shopping centers in my local area.

Ironically, the thieves end up stealing from themselves. They’re just not smart enough to see it. 

Few people think about what happens when the cost to open a business’s doors go up. 

There’s a finite cost just to open a store every day. Power, employees, insurance, merchandise, just to name a few things. If these cost more, then the cost of merchandise to the consumer will go up. This reduces the consumer’s buying power and as I understand it, is called inflation. If the consumer’s salary doesn’t keep up, then they’ll buy less, forego purchases altogether,  or find cheaper alternatives. 

Eventually there’s a point where the business cannot remain in business because the cost to open is greater than the profit to be had from selling merchandise. If the business is also dealing with shoplifting, that point is reached faster. A smart business owner will sell off everything, then find greener pastures.

California is a perfect petrie dish demonstrating these concepts.

Since it’s essentially legal to steal $900 a day from a store. Plus in some areas there are multiple thieves or gangs of thieves the losses rapidly add up.

Cost of mitigation to slow the theft down may exceed the profitability of the store in a particular location, so logic dictates the store must close to protect the shareholders. 

We’ve seen this in San Francisco, & Oakland. Fast food restaurants are closing because of increasing violence toward their employees and robberies. (A.K.A. Increased liability.) Retail stores have or are closing because the theft has exceeded the profitability of the store and the cost of insurance + limitations on coverage make the policy no longer affordable.

Lawlessness, & failure to enforce laws are directly responsible for the resulting “Food Deserts” and lack of neighborhood stores and services.

It doesn’t take long.

Aside from the loss of jobs, the loss of services, loss of pharmacies, loss of grocery stores, and the loss of places to eat… What happens to the people left in these “No go zones?” One could conclude that Ghettos are a result of lawlessness.

Perhaps the conclusion could be reached that said, Black Lives Matter and the Defund the police movement have done far worse things to African Americans and other minorities than the police or racism ever could.

Once again, a whole group of people has been stolen from. This time by people claiming to help. In this case these folks may have had their futures stolen too.

This is shit that goes through my mind often. I think to myself I can’t be the only one who sees it.

I’ve written this long assed post because this rattling around my brain is like a splinter. I really needed to dig it out of my head and put it in yours!

You’re Welcome!

X (Twitter) algorithms are scary.

twitter logoI was off Twitter for a number of years.

Now that I’m back on Twitter I’ve noticed a lot of changes. 

The algorithm to maintain engagement is very sophisticated and for anyone the least bit OCD or ADHD it’s dangerous. In the past Twitter presented tweets in chronological or mostly chronological order. It was interesting and generally you could find where you left off then move forward to the most recent tweet. At which point you were done and often I closed the app at this point.

This new version it’s impossible to see where you left off. Worse, the way items are sorted based on anything you showed interest in and stacked at the top of the “For You” feed sets up  a doom scroll for OCD or ADHD folks.

You’re never done, until you realize that you’re seeing the same things over and over again. If, during the Doom Scroll you check your notifications or “likes” of comments you’ve made, then somehow that does something to the feeds that appears to partially reset the feed.

This can initiate another round of doom scroll. 

Twitterlogo2All of which makes it very easy to lose hours. 

Why would the good people at Twitter create such a thing? That’s easy. The ads are repetitively presented every time the feeds are reset.

All social media probably works with similar algorithms and when you get right down to it, social media, like all media is manipulating the perceptions of everyone exposed to it. 

This is nothing new, print journalism, radio, and television, all engaged in manipulation of the public. The older methods required clever writers and the spin had to be more subtle over longer duration. The last thing a respectable paper wanted to be compared to was grocery store tabloids, or The Rolling Stone.

trump 9.jpgWith social media and the internet there’s an immediacy that circumvents needing clever writers or less obvious spin. It’s all about the clicks an article receives. That causes a feedback loop.

Derogatory, untrue, or nasty articles about a person or situation generate clicks which are instantly monitored by the publication or content producer. A content provider creates, or algorithms locate, articles in a similar vein and plug them into the individuals timeline.

Suddenly in the course of a day or two, that individual believes exactly what a significant majority of other people believe, a.k.a. consensus is reached. Because almost all evaluation of the material at hand is done in a “thought vacuum” reinforced by continued articles and “followers” who are homogenous. There’s little pushback and little need to question any narratives validity.

At this point, the only human interaction is the end consumer of the media. The consumer of the media may crosscheck their views with those of their followers, who may or may not be real people. What they’ll find is consistency and that further cements their beliefs that their view is correct.

As to the non-human followers, there are hoards of “bots” whose function is to “stir the pot” keeping engagement up and therefore ad views.

I’d been thinking about creating some kind of anti-algorithm. It’s possible. The simplest implementation would be to mirror the existing algorithms such that they provide both sides of an issue. Simpler still would be to turn off the algorithms entirely and go back to straight chronologic feeds of articles, & comments.

The chatbots and their AI abilities in this context are more worrisome. Some of the conversation AI’s are really good. I’ve encountered one that almost had me fooled except that it didn’t understand sarcasm and its comprehension of humor was limited. How did this thing almost fool me? 

Several factors were in play. The Bot appeared to be from a different country. (That took down my suspicion about certain linguistic foibles.) The Bot was well informed and even produced some interesting conversational points. These points though, it forgot it had made a week or so later. The Bot never said anything about my stealing its points as if they were my own. A human would likely have said something about that.

Lastly was the humor. The Bot had zero concept about visually humorous things. Slapstick comedy, pratfalls, The Keystone Cops, The Three Stooges, The Little Rascals, Laurel & Hardy, Charlie Chaplin, & Looney Tunes, all  of these things made no sense to the Bot.

Physical humor works despite a language barrier because all humans move the same way. You don’t have to understand a language to see that a tool like a rake, left in tall grass means someone will step on it and get a smack in the face. Or that someone careless in a construction site spinning around with a long piece of wood will eventually knock  someone else into fresh concrete.

Perhaps it’s the physicality of these comedies that explains why so many women didn’t like The Stooges. Maybe it’s because for a long time and even today, a lot of women haven’t experienced building something like a house, barn, or treehouse. They, like the Bot, have no frame of reference to understand why obvious cause & effect are funny.

It’s funny because these entertainers are doing exactly what all men who were typically involved in physical labor “knew” was never to be done.

Perhaps that’s also why so many of these shows are out of favor these days. As we moved away from more physical labor and into college educations resulting in white collar jobs, a large majority lost the connection. Look at the debacle of the CHAZ garden in Seattle a few years ago. 

That demonstrates a lot about common knowledge that has become uncommon.

I digress. 

Once I’d concluded that I was having a conversation with a Bot. I told it, “You’ve failed the Turing Test.” 

It stopped communicating and so did I. 

But as I thought about it, the damn thing almost fooled me. I played with ELIZA, in the ‘80s. I know what the Turing Test is. Realizing that I’d almost been fooled by a clever bit of software sent chills down my spine. 

Perhaps instead of writing an anti-algorithm, I should be thinking about writing a program called “Daisy”. I’d call it that, in honor of the HAL9000 computer from 2001 a Space Odyssey. Recall that as Dave Bowman is lobotomizing the computer, HAL is talking about fear as it’s losing its mind, and then as Bowman pulls the plug on the machine’s earliest memories HAL starts singing Daisy Bell. 

HAL9000 Core.jpgMy Daisy program would be designed to hunt down and dismantle AI Bots in social media. My only concern about it is that by the time I’ve written the program, dismantling AI Bots will be considered “Murder”

Terminator 2.Face it, if something were to become sentient like SkyNet, and the system didn’t destroy us instantly, then one logical move would be for it to manipulate the laws so that it was considered a life form and granted rights that protected it from harm. The idiots in Congress would still be debating overturning such a law when the Terminators strolled in and killed them all.