What a beautiful day Tuesday was.

I slept very soundly Monday night. I woke up feeling pretty happy. I was looking for mean tweets over my morning coffee, but didn’t find any. 

I guess it’s going to take a few days before those become a regular thing again.

I don’t know how to describe it, I felt a sense of relief. As I’ve said, Trump is no angel, he’s certainly not the second coming.

But he’s not Biden!! He’s not Harris! 

He is a mostly successful businessman who understands cash in / cash out and making sure that you get something for the investment you make.

TRUMPSigning EO.The Paris Climate accords for example skew charges and fees toward the wealthier western countries taxpayers, and allow emerging countries to pay less, and pollute more, when they could be building their infrastructures from the ground up to be cleaner.

It makes no sense for China and India to build industries that they’re just going to have to retrofit in 20 years & no doubt by then, the Western Nations will have to pick up the tab for the retrofit too.

It’s a bad investment. Not that being responsible and minimizing pollution is a bad investment, but being on the hook to pay disproportionate carbon taxes does not serve the US Tax Payer.

The United States is already one of the least polluting nations on the planet. Yes, we could make a case that planetary ecology concerns us all. That’s a true statement, however pumping trillions of dollars into foreign governments hasn’t proven to have the desired effect, pretty much ever.

There has to be another way. Perhaps making our cleaner technologies available to 3rd world nations at a discount, in exchange for raw materials?

I was really happy to see us pull out of the World Health Organization. Back at the beginning of COVID it was blatantly obvious that the WHO was compromised and only a puppet of China. 

More recently the WHO has made statements that concerned me and made demands that all nations submit to their mandates regarding the next pandemic. Their guidance, obfuscation, and mandates, including statements about not restricting travel to and from China arguably made the COVID pandemic worse.

Why quarantine people in their homes, but not quarantine travel from the country of a disease’s origin due to fear of being called racist? That’s not medicine, that’s politics.

The best part of the day was those 51 intelligence officers who certified that Hunter’s laptop was a fake,  and Miley having their security clearances pulled.

I blew water out my nose when that came on the TV.

I can hardly wait to see what he does today & tomorrow.

This was weird…

I watched the actual swearing in of Trump yesterday.

I loved the Marines walking JD Vances children in. I’ve always been a sucker for Dress Blues.

What was weird is this. I got emotional about it. I’m quick to anger to be sure. But not quick to tears. 

While watching the inauguration I had this weird juxtaposition of time. Trump should have been The President in 2020. For just a moment, I thought I was back in 2020 waking from a nightmare. I expected Jerry to be alive and that I’d tell him of this crazy assed dream. Then we’d laugh at my silliness and all would be well.

But Jerry is still dead. I’m still alone. Things are still much more expensive than they were, injustices still happened, and two tier justice is still the norm. The “Nightmare” was real.

I cried.

Perhaps from relief that Biden wouldn’t be fucking things up worse. Perhaps because It wasn’t a dream and that hit like a ton of bricks. Perhaps it was just the last of my grief leaving, and me looking forward to opportunities the new administration may provide.

I lay a lot of my sadness, angst, and loss at the Biden administrations feet.

Jerry’s life might have been prolonged if he hadn’t had to navigate COVID protocols and repeated cancellations or rescheduling of appointments with his cardiologist.

Eventually, he stopped trying because every appointment was canceled due to someone testing positive for COVID in that office. Which meant they’d shut the place down for a week or two.

Jerry wasn’t alone, a lot of people were denied care for the same reasons. He gave up on his doctor in October of 2022 and was trying to find a new cardiologist but ran into the same BS when scheduling appointments. 

Biden and his shitty administration aren’t directly responsible or that.

They are directly responsible for increasing the stress & fear, and censoring information about COVID that might have brought the pandemic panic to a close sooner.

None of them will ever be held to account.

I can only hope that things get better for this country as fast as they went into the shitter with Biden’s executive orders in the first 100 days.

Somehow, I doubt it. 

It takes a lot more energy to create that to destroy.

On the plus side, the stock market was hopping yesterday. That’s maybe a positive sign.


The the words of David Lo-Pan from “Big Trouble in Little China” 

“NOW this shit really pisses me off!”

President (I shit myself again,) Biden a.k.a. sniffer in chief, apparently issued preemptive pardons for the J6 Committee, General “Treason is my second job” Miley and that scum bag rabid little weasel Anthony Fauci!


The article is here

I’d hoped that finally after 40 years I’d get to watch Fauci get what’s coming to him. As I’ve written elsewhere in these pages that little fuck is responsible for pain and suffering clearly enumerated by all the panels of the AIDS quilt. Then that little weasel fucked us all again with COVID and what is starting to look like illegal gain of function research.

Biden issues pardons 640x480.Biden is too dementia ridden to stand trial, but not too demential ridden to issue pardons for crimes that have not been proven to have occurred? 

President poopy pants, just gave a bunch of mother fuckers a get out of jail free card for shit they’ve not been tried for. The Biden administration has got to be the most corrupt illegal administration in the history of this country.

Good riddance to bad rubbish! 

This really may spell doom for the Democratic Party I wouldn’t shed a tear about that either. The party of the KKK and unbelievable corruption needs to be dispatched.

I hope that come midterms every American remembers that preemptive pardons are essentially admissions of guilt and votes accordingly.