Not to be a wet blanket…

Donald trump.I don’t mean to be a bummer here, but I’ve been noticing in recent weeks, particularly since the election, that everybody seems think Donald Trump is going to be able to fix everything all at once.

Having these kinds of expectations, I think that this is going to create substantial amount of disappointment. There’s no way he can walk into office day one no matter how well prepared he is, and take us back to the land of plenty.

I have no doubt that he’s going to walk into office and make sweeping changes but it’s going to take a while for those sweeping changes to trickle down to the average person.

Trump is not a messiah. He’s a man and some of his ideas will be good others, not so much.

Taxes are not going to drop instantly, food prices aren’t going to be suddenly affordable, interest rates won’t drop instantly either.

We will still be carrying a lot of the burden that the Biden administration has saddled us with and it’s going to take some time for those bad decisions to get unwound. Then there’s a whole question of whether or not some of these poor decisions can be unwound in the first place.

It’s entirely possible that the rhinos in Congress in cahoots with the damn Democrats in Congress will find a way to continue to screw us.

There’s also the beginnings of some kind of “green energy” scandal that the main stream media is not covering. I’ve seen now two blips about it. One was on Breitbart and the other was in another alternative reporting system, whose name escapes me. A point of interest is, this Biden administration scandal sounds a lot like Solyndra 2.0.

It’s a ticking time bomb. It will probably explode shortly after Trump takes Office. Trump will end up having it hung around his neck, the media, and particularly the Democrats, who are really upset that Trump won in the first place, are going to point to Trump and say it was his problem, his scandal, he created it.

Once that hits the media, it’s going to be just like the “Very Fine People”, or the “Trump cleared rioters from a Church for a photo op”, or “Tump grabs women by the pussy”, misrepresentations or outright hoaxes.

It’ll probably create just enough confusion that we have to have congressional investigations and a long drawn out hearings, and all of that just to find out that the scandal actually started because of a Biden administration mismanagement.

I’m not saying that the Biden administration was, you know, the right hand of Satan. I also don’t think that Joe Biden or Kamala Harris were fully cognizant of everything that’s been going on.

I really suspect that the hands behind the Biden administration are a bunch of ultra left new world order nut jobs, and they created a situation where we had government running amok bypassing what few controls or limitations on power were still functioning.

I also think that Trump will, at the very least delay or otherwise throw one hell of a monkey wrench into the new world order types grandiose plans for a “perfect world”. That alone may buy time for others, like DOGE and voters to effect enough change that we can turn back the clock on corruption.

If we’re lucky…

On the threshold of World War III

Well, what a lovely Thanksgiving this is going to be.

It’s not that Thanksgiving itself is all that bad. I’ve been invited over to a neighbor’s house so that’s going to be nice, and means that I can drink and I don’t have to worry about driving. The worst that could happen is I’ll fall down in their driveway, then roll down the hill right into my driveway.

Unfortunately, we’re sitting on the verge of World War III. How is that going to play out in dinner conversation? It’s like having the sword of Damocles hanging over our heads, we’re back to Cold War era dinner conversations.

At least in the Cold War, we knew we had mutually assured destruction, these days not so much.

President Biden.I am astounded that the Biden administration is poking the bear the way they are with the Vladimir Putin. At the moment he is the only one that appears to be sane. That’s saying something completely strange and I didn’t have this on my 2024 bingo card.

Putin, as I’ve said before has some legitimate issues.

1) Ukraine as a NATO member puts NATO on Putin’s front door step. We didn’t allow it when the old USSR put Nukes in Cuba. Why do we expect Putin to allow NATO to put Nukes in Ukraine?

2) Putin knows as long as he maintains a war footing with Ukraine he stands to gain a couple of things. Land, odds are good that he’ll be able to keep what he’s captured or at least some portion of it. There are people in Ukraine who are ethnically Russian and they apparently want to be part of the mother country. I could see an election being held that allows the Russian portions of Ukraine to decide for themselves where they send their taxes. 

3) The longer Putin keeps the war going, the longer Ukraine is not a NATO member. I’d bet that he’s just going to keep this mess going long enough to get Trump back into office, then he’ll negotiate with NATO & Trump some deal that keeps Ukraine out of NATO for the time being. I say this because Putin knows he can’t negotiate with the Biden administration. 

I believe Putin can’t negotiate with the Biden Administration for a couple of reasons. I suspect that a large portion of the Biden administration actually believes the throughly debunked, disproven, pack of lies about Trump / Russia collusion. You know the lies and rumors started by the Hillary Clinton campaign.

That nasty bitch telling lies and Adam Schiff & the media constantly repeating lies has, I believe damaged world peace.

The other reason is one that has been glossed over a lot. Joe Biden, through Hunter has ties and did favors for the Ukrainian oligarchies and Burisma. There is at least one of the business people who claims to have the receipts on money paid to Joe Biden for favors.

Then there’s evidence suggesting there were the biolabs in Ukraine that are reported to have done work for god knows who, in the United States, prior to COVID-19. These labs were a mechanism for Fauci et al, to get around the restrictions on gain of function research, and keep their hands clean.

It is not in Biden’s or his administration interest to stand down from this shitty little war they’ve been feeding because if loads of hard evidence show up, Biden is toast. 

I suspect that’s why Biden has authorized the use of the long range missiles, which require United States personnel to fire. Meaning, the US military is actually firing weapons into Russia.

You want to tell me again what a bad shit crazy & unreasonable man Putin is? He could have declared war on the US and the UK, but didn’t.

S960 Shadow Storm USE contract   MBDA UK Ltd 2016-960x640-1-960x570.Yeah, the UK for god knows what reason is allowing their StormShadow missiles to be fired into Russia too. The StormShadows, like our missiles require the assistance of HRH Charles III’s military.

Right now, we, the entire world, are skating on the razors edge with Western leaders apparently trying to piss Vladimir Putin off.

President Putin.Lest we forget, there are people in Putins government who have been sharpening their teeth since the 60s & 70s. They’re a lot more nationalistic and war mongery than Putin. I would imagine there are some very contentious meetings happening in The Kremlin every day. 

Yes, I understand that the Russians started this war, (in my opinion because of Ukraine beginning the NATO entry process). However, Western leaders have placed Putin in a very awkward position. That he’s keeping a lid on this bullshit is impressive.

I personally think that we should all send very polite messages to President Putin saying “Спасибо, сэр”(Thank You Sir.) Because after his demonstration of the hypersonic MIRV he put us all on notice. 

Some reports say that weapon exceeded the speed (Mach 10), President Putin said it operated at. To me that suggests that perhaps they didn’t open it up all the way. That would make sense because the distance between Russia and the target was relatively short.

Uhhhh, we can’t shoot down something moving at MACH 10. 

We really need to applaud and thank president Putin for showing restraint.

Instead idiots in the West, The Biden administration among them, went to a higher nuclear readiness level, which Russia has no choice but to answer with a higher level on their part. Do we see a pattern here?

This shit has got to stop! If it doesn’t, we’re going to have a misfire, then a horrific accident, then all out war. Nukes, tactical or otherwise are not an option. Yes, I’ve joked about stopping global warming by Nuking our enemies.

I never considered the possibility that someone would be reckless enough or foolish enough to push us to the brink of another war. Then along comes Biden… And NATO.

I really had high hopes that all the nukes would be dismantled and their fission cores used to fuel power plants bringing free energy to everyone. Why free? Because every citizen in nuclear capable countries has already paid for the R&D on nuclear weapons. They should see a peaceful return on their investment. Free electricity seems like a great start!

It doesn’t look like peace or any other good things are in the cards, near term. 

Thanksgiving it is, with conversations steered away from religion and politics.

Whooo Wheee! Pete Hegseth is in the target of the media. (Or I could title this; We don’t hate the media enough.)

The view cast season 26 239202356.Last week in one day “The View” got 4 legal notes. Throughout the week they’d been getting them once or twice a show, but they topped their week off getting 4 in a single day.

These legal notes are essentially on-air retractions for slander by the ladies of “The View” (or is it libel since “The View” is a kind of recorded media?)

Slander is orally saying something that damages a persons reputation or casts doubt upon their character. Libel is essentially the same thing only in print. I honestly don’t know how that works for televised media. It’s an interesting question though.

Sunny Hostin.

The View” is always funny because when they have to read legal notes, the ladies sound like they’re reading a political prisoner’s recitation of their crimes prior to being sent to the gulag.

The ladies called Hegseth a rapist, they called Matt Gaetz a pedophile and I believe on one occasion said he was a rapist. Then they had to apologize for it. That was fun.

Once Gaetz bowed out, the more generalized media targeted Hegseth. Wikipedia paints a terrible and slightly fictitious account of the sexual assault allegations against him from 2017.

Pete Hegseth by Gage Skidmore 3.

The media minimizes that he’s a veteran, holds a BA from Princeton, and a Masters Degree from Harvard. He served in Iraq and Afghanistan, was awarded 2 bronze stars, is an author, and also a television personality on FOX.

They like to boil all that down to he’s a newscaster who paid off a woman that accused him of rape.

So much for “nuanced” reporting.

The October 2017 police report (just released) the accuser filed makes for very interesting reading. He was drunk, she was not. She escorted him to his room, there are video surveillance tapes to prove that. There are witnesses who say he was very intoxicated.

This was in 2017 when he’d arguably been less than honorable regarding his second wife. He & his second wife were divorced in August of 2017. He’d had an affair with another woman, a child was born of that affair in August 2017. This alleged assault happened in October of 2017.

I’m speculating, but I see it like this. He was “newly single”, had a hell of a mess in his life, was at a hotel, then did what men do sometimes. He went to the hotel bar, had a few too many drowning his sorrows.

I’ve done it. I’d bet almost every man alive has drown their sorrows at least once in their life. We know getting drunk isn’t helping while we’re doing it. We also know that alcohol is likely to set us up for more trouble. But we just want to numb whatever pain we’re feeling for a little bit, so we have the bartender pour us another one…

The police report details a woman flirting with & leaving the bar with Hegseth. The woman in question was there with her husband and children, but she’d been downstairs with her female work friends in the bar & had been texting her husband about this hot man in the bar that all the girls were drooling over.

At 1:15 they leave the bar, at 1:30 a hotel employee tells them to move along from the pool area due to disturbance calls from other guests. (Talking / laughing too loudly?) The hotel employee noted Hegseth was very intoxicated and that the female companion appeared to be unimpaired. They leave the pool area together. In the police report there is mention of her asking if Hegseth has a condom.

There are other details, The police in a separate interview with Hegseth note that he didn’t know the woman’s name, but he did accurately describe her clothing and that he remembered being confused that she’d escorted him to his room but then didn’t leave promptly. 

It’s at this point that the police consider charging the accuser for sexual assault. (Personally I think they should have.)

Hegseth remembers the woman saying something about telling someone that she’d say she fell asleep on a couch in one of her friends rooms.  This is exactly what the woman told her husband who was worried about her, but couldn’t leave their children alone in the hotel room.

Hegseth chose to pay the cunt off rather than adding to the difficulties he was facing at the time.

Yes I’m calling her a cunt. She cuckolded her husband, practically raped Hegseth, then decided that she’s going to cover it all up, by filing a police report accusing Hegseth of what she herself did. And to top it off, she got a momentary reward for being a lying, duplicitous, cunt.

That’s the definition of a rancid fucking cunt in my book. If society treated her like they do men, her husband would divorce her, she’d be paying alimony and child support, she’d lose her house, be living in a shitty apartment paycheck to paycheck after the alimony payments, and she’d lose her children.

But it gets better, because of this fucking police report, Hegseth will forever be subject to the assumption of guilt because he paid the cunt off. I get why he didn’t go to court but I wish he’d dragged her skanky ass through the very mud she’d stirred.

The woman, in my less than humble opinion should be tossed in jail for making a false statements to the police. She wanted Hegseth’s dick, then she took what she wanted. This situation is a prime example of the bullshit women get away with.

If a guy had escorted a drunk woman back to her room, they had consensual sex, and she felt guilty about it, she’d claim she was raped, she was in no condition to give consent, “boo hoo, I’m a victim of the bad man who only wants one thing.” 

Then the dude would be serving 10 years, & be on a sexual predator list for the rest of his fucking life. You’re never going to see that happen to a woman.

This isn’t new, women have been doing this shit for centuries. History is filled with women using their bodies and beauty to get what they want and they’ve started a few wars in the process to boot.

There’s no way to win these situations if you’re an average guy. Men are always the villain especially white men.

If you’re a dude who is on TV, runs for office, or is selected for a position by the freaking President you’re screwed six ways from Sunday. The media will sweep shit under the carpet if they like you (Hunter’s laptop,) and if they don’t like you, or the person you’re working for then they’re going to keep digging up this same old shit for your entire career.

In the case of Hegseth he gets to carry additional burdens;

Oh shit! He’s a good looking man!”, “Oh My God! He’s got a big assed Jerusalem Cross tattooed on his chest, he must be a white supremacist!”, “Arrrggghhh, In his book he doesn’t suck Islam’s cock! He says that Islam is not a religion of peace!” (That latter one is really funny because Thomas Jefferson also had a very dim view of Islam.)

All of this adds up to a bunch of smoke, mud & shit that the media is throwing at Hegseth. All of it is nothing more than a distraction from Hegseth’s actual qualifications which are what we should be looking at in the first place.

I personally like that he’s not some desk jockey general, admiral, or whatever. I like that he’s been in the shit and will have an appreciation for all the reasons to not be in a war.

I also like that he’s probably not going to have a lot of patience for fat assed desk jockeys worrying about what to call the genderfuck drag queen sailor who can’t report to battle stations in less than 20 minutes because she/he/it had to put on their makeup.

But my feelings are not reason enough to give someone like Hegseth a job as Secretary of Defense. Is he qualified? To determine that, he should be vetted based on his experience, & education. The salacious rumors spewed by the media and most certainly not the blatherings of the harpies on “The View” have no place in this process.

I do wonder in the case of “The View”, is there a point when apologies and retractions no longer have merit? Isn’t there some point where the obvious intent, regardless of what’s said in a “correction” is to cause harm to someone’s reputation and it becomes actionable in court?

How many times can I call Sunny Hostin a fat rancid cunt then say “Correction: Sunny Hostin is not fat and has no vaginal diseases” before I’m sued?

Sunday… At least it’s sunny.

Yesterday my chores got rained out. Boo hoo.

Today it’s sunny and windy and some of my chores might get cancelled today as well. I’m gonna cry me a river about that.

While Jesse & I were walking yesterday we did encounter the rainbow in the picture. I don’t thing Jesse appreciated it as completely as he might have but he was enjoying smelling the smells that the mist had awakened all over the trail.

I did indoor chores, laundry, cleaning, cooking & such. I’ve been trying to make a few meals ahead, and making things that I can use in multiple ways. 

So the day wan’t a complete waste even though it did get sort of gloomy.

As usual I was thinking about things and the future. 

I’ve decided that I really want to find a job of some kind. How I”m going to go about that I don’t really know, I’ve grown tired of job search sites and all their bullshit. Simultaneously I’m over creating infinitely varied versions of my resume to cater to some HR system software that does nothing but waste my time because some idiotic bimbo can’t read words and apply a “might fit” algorithm. 

Hmmm. Perhaps I shouldn’t refer to them as HR bimbos.


After four years of beating my head against a wall it’s really tough to not be pissed off when dealing with these unthinking bureaucratic functionaries who are the gatekeepers of the most Holy HR database.

Every time I sit down to search for a job I’m kind triggered into a rage at the way I’ve been treated over the past 4 – 8 years by snot nosed shitheads that don’t use English words with actual definitions, but instead use English words as approximations of meaning. 

This gives them “wiggle room” to pass the blame if something doesn’t work out.

I am what I am, I like me, I can engage in words with actual definitions at 50 paces and win. All I want is a job. I don’t want to be in management, I don’t want to be a team lead, I just want to do my job, produce results and move on to the next thing.

I don’t want to deal with political infighting or bullshit. I don’t much care about whatever the cause de jour is, I just want to work quietly.

Anyhow, I have a dog pawing me to go for a walk. He’s got a good point, it’s a beautiful day.

It’s going to be one of those nights!

I’m sleepy but can’t sleep. Jesse is spun up about something. He’s acting like he’s scared, but there’s nothing new or strange in the house. I don’t hear anything if I’m out on the deck with him. 

Sometimes he’ll do this if there are coyotes roaming the neighborhood. Tonight isn’t one of those nights.

I was writing a little on one of my stories. I’m just not into it. My mind is wandering all over the place. I remembered that I’m an adult male and I’m allowed to have a drink once in a while. I poured myself a bit of Jack Daniel’s then waited for Jesse to come back in.

He’s lying behind me now in the office. He’s not dozing as he usually does. He’s watching me.

I’ve tried searching the HAM radio bands for some other insomniac. It looks like tonight, I’m the only one who can’t sleep. That’s actually nice, I wish the other insomniac HAMS pleasant dreams and deep sleep.

I tried scanning “X” for anything of interest. That was a wasted effort. X is not as toxic as it once was, but after the election, it looks like a bunch of the Democrat snowflakes are fleeing to a new platform called Bluesky. The funny part of that is they’re running over to the supposed “Safe Space” and finding it not so safe. They’re reporting each other for violations of the “Happiness code” a.k.a. Terms of Service. They can’t blame us. Conservatives aren’t moving over to the new platform, the left is eating their own in this situation. The funny thing is that the leftists are signing back into X to complain about Bluesky. Bluesky itself reported publicly that they’ve seen a 300% increase in reports of violations.

They can keep the lefties! I’m done with those dunderheads.

Ever since the election, there’s been a constant whining about truly stupid shit. Trump is gonna do this or that. Trump is gonna hunt people down, blah blah blah. If these people would at least try to learn something about the Government, the rules, and the laws. They’d be far less neurotic. They’re claiming Trump is going to use the military to hunt people down and put them in camps.

Wow! That one is by far, the stupidest. Here’s why.

There’s an act called The Posse Comitatus Act, it was signed into law in 1878 by President Rutherford Hayes. In other words it’s not new. In short it says you can’t use military personnel on US soil except under very specific circumstances. Think Disaster. Then only after the state national guard had run out of personnel and resources. 

It’s a really big deal to get around Posse Comitatus. Unless you modify the law, which Biden did about a month ago. So it’s Biden, not Trump who’s setting up to have military personnel open fire on civilians. That’s literally what the new “Guidance” says. Lethal force shall be authorized.

I don’t even want to think about how illegal and immoral that order, should it be given, would be. The UCMJ would get one hell of a workout.

Point is, Trump didn’t authorize this, Biden did.

Then there’s the matter of camps. For maybe a decade or more we’ve been hearing about the camps. First it was send the Gays to the camps, let them fuck each other to death with the AIDs. Then during COVID the lefties were saying that the Unvaccinated should be put in these supposed camps so they can COVID each other to death. Now the tranny activists are claiming that Trump is going to send all the Transpeople to the camps. Here we go again. 

The Trans people are truly morons. All Trump has to do is cut off the hormone supplies. We can watch in real time as you idiots revert to what your genetics dictate.  No need to put anyone in camps at all. Besides, those camps will be used to house the illegals while we figure out what plane to put ‘em on sending their asses home. We should probably tell the illegals that with Boeings recent issues, we can’t guarantee anymore than four in five flights won’t crash. With those odds, maybe they should start walking home.

Honestly, I’ve had a bellyful of the Trans bullshit. Every other day the Trans demand to be celebrated. Trans month (cause it ain’t pride anymore), Trans week, Trans this, Trans that. FUCK! Stop!

We’re sick to death of hearing that you cut something off your body. People losing a lung to cancer don’t talk about it this much. They too cut something off their bodies…

Never once have I heard of a doctor that said, “That cock and balls are a work of art and I will not deface God’s handiwork with my crude blade.”

That would be newsworthy, I’d actually read that article.

That you cut off your breasts or your cock & balls is of zero interest to me. I don’t care that you shoot up testosterone or estrogen in the bathroom like a heroin addict. Leave me the fuck out of it!

I’ve noticed that X is a lot more interesting because there’s a lot less Trans. Unfortunately, now we’re dealing with Maori oppression and someone in New Zealand doing a Maori war chant or challenge.

That’s mildly interesting, now we have crazed white women cosplaying this too. Obviously it’s for nothing more than attention. It seems crazed liberal white women can’t stand not being the center of attention.

Ladies, go find a hunky, hairy, muscular, masculine, big dicked man, ask to sleep with him and go at it until you tap out. Have a baby, find God, do something, anything, to be productive.

Dressing up like handmaids tale, screaming into the camera from your expensive car or from your nice suburban home, shaving your head, closing your legs, or whatever the fuck else you’re doing, is wasting your time and only making you unhappy.

Get busy and focus on your career, put all that energy into making real substantial change. If you’re lucky enough to find a man that loves you, have children so that you & he can change the future by leaving a legacy of your values behind in your children.

Cause ladies… ain’t nobody interested in your screaming diatribe. At this point when we see you on our screens and swipe quickly by, it’s always the same high pitched banshee wailing. You’ve all literally become interchangeable. “Oh look, another, of a thousand screaming cunts,” Next!

Ahhh, Jesse has gone to bed. I can hear him snoring in the bedroom. It’s time for me to try to get to sleep myself.

Pleasant nightmares.

Later in the Morning…

I came back and made some edits to fix spelling errors and clean up a point or two. Rereading, this morning it could be construed that I was advocating for violence against the crazy liberal white women. That wasn’t the intent. As I mentioned I’d scanned X and apparently had seen one too many videos of bald angry white women screaming into the void. 

I really shouldn’t be quick to press publish when I write and have been drinking.

That being said…

Ladies, Kamala LOST. One of the reasons she lost is because like you, she’s thoroughly unlikable and fundamentally flawed as a human being. She’s in her 60s and is unlikely to change very much. Most of you on the other hand are young and you have an opportunity to change and grow.

I beg you, please seize that opportunity.