As Anticipated, Making Apple’s ADP Unavilable to UK citizens wasn’t enough.

HD wallpaper london doomsday big ben clock dark doom england lightning uk united kingdom.Big Surprise!


Here’s a link to another article about the UK hearings

The UK simply cannot be trusted with a back door decryption key. No government entity could be.

I don’t care who. We certainly can’t trust the United States Government based on what we’re learning about the corruption there. 

We have no reason to believe any other government would be trustworthy.

According to Apple, even they don’t have the keys once the ADP system is turned on. The upside is Apple cannot be compelled to disclose something they don’t have. The downside is if you lose your recovery key, or your devices you’ll not be able to recover your data either.

Everything has a risk. The question to answer would be, “Is this an acceptable risk?”

I’ve been considering the Pros & Cons for my personal situation. There are some documents that I’d like to store in iCloud but haven’t, because I was concerned about security. Enabling ADP would make me feel a lot more comfortable about sensitive documents being in iCloud.

The trouble with that is, in the event of some catastrophe, such as the house burning down and losing all of my devices where would I store the recovery key?

The reason I consider the iCloud solution is because I’ve had a house burn down and did lose all my devices. After the fire it was very difficult to recover a lot of critical items/paperwork and some, I was never able to recover.

Scanning and storing those kinds of documents in cloud based storage makes sense until you consider the possibility of hackers gaining access to what would be a gold mine of information.

Consider for example, having your home, papers, and all your data storage destroyed but having that data in the cloud. With ADP enabled, hackers couldn’t further compromise you. But without ADP, hackers, who are soulless animals, could be able to utterly destroy your life while you were trying to recover.

After the fire, there were all kinds of strangers showing up “Offering to help” but they weren’t neighbors nor did they know me. These were people who, for a percentage would have been happy to “help” me, A.K.A. to rip me off. Due to record keeping, police & fire reports, my name, address, and personal information was widely available to anybody.

It felt like I was waving a torch at a bunch of jackals closing in for the kill.

It’s because of this experience and the other half having their identity stolen several times that I have been adamantly opposed to storing anything of importance in the cloud.

However, I’ve been reconsidering that stance due to the advances in security Apple has made both on their devices, and in their cloud storage.

Now, with the UK’s demands I feel that Apple is being pushed up against the wall.

The UK is also just fucking sneaky about how they do this stuff. Apple can’t mention it, Apple can’t have open public hearings on the matter, the UK wants to do all of this in back rooms, in the dark.

United kingdom dark flag texture_204197 4943.That, in my opinion, is never a good look for any government.

If the UK persists in their unreasonable demand, I could see Apple making a tough decision like closing all their stores in the UK.

Imagine that! Apple fires all their UK employees, closes their stores and refuses to sell their products or services in the UK.

That would be one hell of a statement on Apple’s commitment to privacy.

I doubt that would happen, but my goodness what a message to totalitarian elements within the UK government.

The other part of this is why is the UK so determined to compromise their people? If the issue is to put an end to crime, then what kind of crime do they seek to end? Are they fighting terrorist elements they’ve allowed into their country? 

Or are they trying to make sure that UK citizens who have reached their limit with unending migrants and cultural accommodation resulting in child rapes, don’t have the ability to become nationalists rising up in defense of the UK?

Honestly, the latter wouldn’t surprise me since in the UK you can be arrested and harassed simply for saying you don’t like the muslim invasion on social media.

This line of thinking leads to another question. 

“Who is pulling the UK government’s strings?”

Is it the EU? I thought the UK had pulled out of that globalist crap.