Some people…

I used to care about people. I used to warn people away from danger.

I got tired of being cursed at, told to mind my business, frankly I got tired of people purposely leaving mounds of trash behind because I’d annoyed them. 

I only made comment out of genuine concern that they or their children would get hurt.

I don’t anymore.

This photo is of a father of the year!

This guy, and his children are playing in a flood control channel.

While the dog and I were making our way up the access road, the water had risen such that this guy moved his kids twice.

He was very busy having an animated conversation on his phone, so I suspect it didn’t cross his mind that the problem wasn’t his children moving into the water, it was that the water rising and also gaining speed.

In my 45 minute walk down the access road nearest my home, down to a main road, then back up the other side essentially making a “U” where the bottom of the “U” shape is a paved bridge. The sound of rushing water increased quite a bit.

The dog at one point stopped and looked at the wash, cocking his head as dogs sometimes do when assessing a situation.

The rising sound of rushing water is one of those things you listen for, if you’re used to mountains and the “washes” that happen around their bases.

I suppose that would apply to any river prone to flooding. In our case, the wash tends to flash flood.

Typically this happens during a heavy rainstorm, but it can also happen with snow melt.

Snow melt is what we have today. 

We got about a foot of snow Wednesday & Thursday. The temperature was, at one point 26°F.

Today, the temperature hit 56°F and it was very sunny.

Riddle me this Batman; “What happens when all that snow melts? Where does the runoff go?”

For comparison sake, the photo with the dog was taken on the access road on Thursday. The dog is actually standing on a flat rock buried in the snow. He’d been about chest high in snow just moments before.

The photo at right is pretty much what the access road looks like today.

The water is rising in the wash. Perhaps by this evening it will be roaring.

What kills me about this Father of the year, is there are signs posted all along the wash saying it’s Dangerous, Do Not Enter, The county assumes no liability for your injuries, in the event that you come to harm.

And yet…

Even the dog and I don’t go into the wash except in the dead of summer after months of zero rain. Why? Because there is a lot of water making its way down from the mountain top.

But if I said anything to the genius with his kids standing dead center in the wash,  I’d have been the bad guy. It’s not just water. Sometimes, really big boulders roll down the wash channel along with the water.

I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s not worth my time or effort to bother trying to protect an idiot and his potentially mentally defective offspring.

It’s much less hassle to let Darwinism sort it out.

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