Happy time change!

It’s just a single hour. It shouldn’t make that big a difference.

Yet, Seeing that it’s 9 am when the sun and my body are saying it’s 8 am really screws me up.

It’ll take a week or more for me to readjust and let’s not even talk about poor Jesse. 

He’s all about the sun in the sky and doesn’t appreciate his schedule being messed with because I’m obeying some numbers on a clock face.

I’ll spend the next month glancing at the clock and thinking I’m always late, not to mention what this does to my sleep.

I thought we weren’t going to be playing this game anymore. Didn’t California have some legislation pending, didn’t Trump promise to do away with this insanity?

I’m just cranky.

I’ve never been able to get a clear answer. AZ doesn’t swap DST/Normal Time. As of today in CA our time is the same as AZ time.

What is the real time? Did AZ put a stick in the ground one day and set Noon when the stick cast no shadow? Or is the other time that we just left, the real time?

Maybe I’ll put a stick in the ground and check myself!

Have a good day, is it a shorter day or a longer day? I’m so confused!!!