Hmm. Talk about misreading a room!

I’m honestly not sure what to think about this whole Zelensky affair.

Donald Trump and Volodymyr Zelensky in the Oval Office.Seeing the Ukrainian Ambassador essentially face palm it was pretty darn funny. Her expression was one of “Oh Shit! This isn’t going well at all.”

We’ll never know if she told Zelensky to just make nice in front of the cameras, sign the mineral deal, and we’ll negotiate these other issues on the backend. 

That probably would have worked very well. “Give a little, get a little”.

Trump and his people are no doubt very aware that the American People have had quite enough lighting our tax dollars on fire. Therefore a public showing of American getting something in return for their support of Ukraine, and a more private deal in a conference room who’ll have been much more likely to have been agreed to.

There’ve been reports that part of the deal Trump was suggesting was to negotiate more European involvement in securing Ukraine in addition to America naturally protecting businesses and citizens who would be working on the minerals side of things.

I believe and always have believed that Putin’s biggest reason for invading Ukraine, (Aside from Biden being very poor in international policy), was the NATO connection. NATO membership for Ukraine brings with it, all kinds of unacceptable issues including weapons systems and potentially nukes of various types right to the border of Russia.

Biden’s posturing about Ukraine being given NATO membership, might not have been the only reason Putin Invaded, but it damn sure had to have been a factor.

Zelensky getting mouthy with The President, The Vice President, The Secretary of State and others, in front of The American People, in The White House was a super bad move.

For many of the American people tired of financing the Ukraine, Zelensky looked like one of those homeless people who demand money from you as you walk past then get belligerent when you say you haven’t got anything to give them.

Indeed lots of Americans have suffered with taxes, inflation, and all the other issues the past 5 years brought them. And yet Billions kept flowing to Ukraine while our own people suffered. 

I think Zelensky will not be seeing any more American money, weapons, or resources. Even if he apologizes it might not matter. Americans are souring on propping up everybody else’s countries or governments. Especially when doing so leaves our people wanting.

I’m leaning toward Zelensky missing some social queues. Perhaps he thought he’d plead his case in front of the American People, hoping that they would intercede with the mean new administration. If that was his plan, he grossly misread America.

Zelensky was being criticized by medrmebers of his own government Friday evening. Who knows? Zelensky might be on his way out as the President of Ukraine too.

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