There’s an old saying, “If you find yourself in a hole,”


Newsom 1536x864.Apparently Governor Newsom hasn’t heard that one. In truth a lot of politicians have never heard that one, or met any expensive project they didn’t want to pull out Our wallets to fund.

After asking for 3.44 billion last week to provide state services for illegal aliens, he’s asking for 2.8 billion this week to fund Medi-Cal so that the state can provide medical coverage for illegal aliens.

This is classic Sacramento, and really stupid!

The simplest solution is the obvious one. Send the illegal aliens packing. Get on the horn to President Trump and request Tom Homan clear California ASAP.

That would mean admitting that sanctuary policies are wrong-headed even if they’re based in charity and kindness. In truth, I don’t believe there’s anything charitable or kind about California’s sanctuary policies. 

I believe it’s about something else, probably to do with money, graft, and corruption. I’d love to see a DOGE like agency rip through the California government.

Newsom will never admit the policies are wrong, or that they’re driving the state further into debt. Or that the quality of life is degrading in California. Or that none of these expenditures are helping the homeless California American Citizens. 

Most of all, Newsom will never admit that perhaps Trump was right in that allowing unlimited illegal aliens is unsustainable.

Nope, he’ll just keep asking for money. The California legislature will keep adding taxes, then they’ll add hidden taxes (they call fees). Then local taxes with their attendant fees go up, and all the while, a segment of the population gets handouts that citizens don’t get, and aren’t qualified to get no matter their need.

I recently noticed that my auto registration is over 1/2 fees. The registration part of the bill, (you know, the actual sticker) is $150. The remainder of the almost $400 bill is a bunch of stuff that goes directly to Sacramento waste and has nothing to do with the registration. Oh, and just for reference none of those fees are tax deductible. The registration portion of the bill ($150) is deductible, but nothing else is.

I probably wouldn’t be so annoyed except that there are roads here so rough and debris covered that you need a kidney belt and the evasive driving skills of a professional race car driver to navigate.

Honestly. I understand people wanting to come to America for better lives. I applaud and welcome those folks that come here and work so hard to become citizens.

But Newsom asking for over 6 billion dollars to support people whose arrival started with a crime. Then continue to require ever increasing funding, while degrading the quality of life for people who are actual citizens, is a hole that can never be filled, and one which we should stop digging deeper.

Newsom needs to put the damn shovel down.

As Anticipated, Making Apple’s ADP Unavilable to UK citizens wasn’t enough.

HD wallpaper london doomsday big ben clock dark doom england lightning uk united kingdom.Big Surprise!


Here’s a link to another article about the UK hearings

The UK simply cannot be trusted with a back door decryption key. No government entity could be.

I don’t care who. We certainly can’t trust the United States Government based on what we’re learning about the corruption there. 

We have no reason to believe any other government would be trustworthy.

According to Apple, even they don’t have the keys once the ADP system is turned on. The upside is Apple cannot be compelled to disclose something they don’t have. The downside is if you lose your recovery key, or your devices you’ll not be able to recover your data either.

Everything has a risk. The question to answer would be, “Is this an acceptable risk?”

I’ve been considering the Pros & Cons for my personal situation. There are some documents that I’d like to store in iCloud but haven’t, because I was concerned about security. Enabling ADP would make me feel a lot more comfortable about sensitive documents being in iCloud.

The trouble with that is, in the event of some catastrophe, such as the house burning down and losing all of my devices where would I store the recovery key?

The reason I consider the iCloud solution is because I’ve had a house burn down and did lose all my devices. After the fire it was very difficult to recover a lot of critical items/paperwork and some, I was never able to recover.

Scanning and storing those kinds of documents in cloud based storage makes sense until you consider the possibility of hackers gaining access to what would be a gold mine of information.

Consider for example, having your home, papers, and all your data storage destroyed but having that data in the cloud. With ADP enabled, hackers couldn’t further compromise you. But without ADP, hackers, who are soulless animals, could be able to utterly destroy your life while you were trying to recover.

After the fire, there were all kinds of strangers showing up “Offering to help” but they weren’t neighbors nor did they know me. These were people who, for a percentage would have been happy to “help” me, A.K.A. to rip me off. Due to record keeping, police & fire reports, my name, address, and personal information was widely available to anybody.

It felt like I was waving a torch at a bunch of jackals closing in for the kill.

It’s because of this experience and the other half having their identity stolen several times that I have been adamantly opposed to storing anything of importance in the cloud.

However, I’ve been reconsidering that stance due to the advances in security Apple has made both on their devices, and in their cloud storage.

Now, with the UK’s demands I feel that Apple is being pushed up against the wall.

The UK is also just fucking sneaky about how they do this stuff. Apple can’t mention it, Apple can’t have open public hearings on the matter, the UK wants to do all of this in back rooms, in the dark.

United kingdom dark flag texture_204197 4943.That, in my opinion, is never a good look for any government.

If the UK persists in their unreasonable demand, I could see Apple making a tough decision like closing all their stores in the UK.

Imagine that! Apple fires all their UK employees, closes their stores and refuses to sell their products or services in the UK.

That would be one hell of a statement on Apple’s commitment to privacy.

I doubt that would happen, but my goodness what a message to totalitarian elements within the UK government.

The other part of this is why is the UK so determined to compromise their people? If the issue is to put an end to crime, then what kind of crime do they seek to end? Are they fighting terrorist elements they’ve allowed into their country? 

Or are they trying to make sure that UK citizens who have reached their limit with unending migrants and cultural accommodation resulting in child rapes, don’t have the ability to become nationalists rising up in defense of the UK?

Honestly, the latter wouldn’t surprise me since in the UK you can be arrested and harassed simply for saying you don’t like the muslim invasion on social media.

This line of thinking leads to another question. 

“Who is pulling the UK government’s strings?”

Is it the EU? I thought the UK had pulled out of that globalist crap.

Some people…

I used to care about people. I used to warn people away from danger.

I got tired of being cursed at, told to mind my business, frankly I got tired of people purposely leaving mounds of trash behind because I’d annoyed them. 

I only made comment out of genuine concern that they or their children would get hurt.

I don’t anymore.

This photo is of a father of the year!

This guy, and his children are playing in a flood control channel.

While the dog and I were making our way up the access road, the water had risen such that this guy moved his kids twice.

He was very busy having an animated conversation on his phone, so I suspect it didn’t cross his mind that the problem wasn’t his children moving into the water, it was that the water rising and also gaining speed.

In my 45 minute walk down the access road nearest my home, down to a main road, then back up the other side essentially making a “U” where the bottom of the “U” shape is a paved bridge. The sound of rushing water increased quite a bit.

The dog at one point stopped and looked at the wash, cocking his head as dogs sometimes do when assessing a situation.

The rising sound of rushing water is one of those things you listen for, if you’re used to mountains and the “washes” that happen around their bases.

I suppose that would apply to any river prone to flooding. In our case, the wash tends to flash flood.

Typically this happens during a heavy rainstorm, but it can also happen with snow melt.

Snow melt is what we have today. 

We got about a foot of snow Wednesday & Thursday. The temperature was, at one point 26°F.

Today, the temperature hit 56°F and it was very sunny.

Riddle me this Batman; “What happens when all that snow melts? Where does the runoff go?”

For comparison sake, the photo with the dog was taken on the access road on Thursday. The dog is actually standing on a flat rock buried in the snow. He’d been about chest high in snow just moments before.

The photo at right is pretty much what the access road looks like today.

The water is rising in the wash. Perhaps by this evening it will be roaring.

What kills me about this Father of the year, is there are signs posted all along the wash saying it’s Dangerous, Do Not Enter, The county assumes no liability for your injuries, in the event that you come to harm.

And yet…

Even the dog and I don’t go into the wash except in the dead of summer after months of zero rain. Why? Because there is a lot of water making its way down from the mountain top.

But if I said anything to the genius with his kids standing dead center in the wash,  I’d have been the bad guy. It’s not just water. Sometimes, really big boulders roll down the wash channel along with the water.

I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s not worth my time or effort to bother trying to protect an idiot and his potentially mentally defective offspring.

It’s much less hassle to let Darwinism sort it out.

Happy time change!

It’s just a single hour. It shouldn’t make that big a difference.

Yet, Seeing that it’s 9 am when the sun and my body are saying it’s 8 am really screws me up.

It’ll take a week or more for me to readjust and let’s not even talk about poor Jesse. 

He’s all about the sun in the sky and doesn’t appreciate his schedule being messed with because I’m obeying some numbers on a clock face.

I’ll spend the next month glancing at the clock and thinking I’m always late, not to mention what this does to my sleep.

I thought we weren’t going to be playing this game anymore. Didn’t California have some legislation pending, didn’t Trump promise to do away with this insanity?

I’m just cranky.

I’ve never been able to get a clear answer. AZ doesn’t swap DST/Normal Time. As of today in CA our time is the same as AZ time.

What is the real time? Did AZ put a stick in the ground one day and set Noon when the stick cast no shadow? Or is the other time that we just left, the real time?

Maybe I’ll put a stick in the ground and check myself!

Have a good day, is it a shorter day or a longer day? I’m so confused!!!

What is up with X and their prices?

I don’t know what’s going on, but X is getting flat out weird. They’ve literally doubled their price in just the past month or so.

I purchased a blue checkmark last year. My intent was to dabble a bit in monetization via putting out a virtual “tip” jar, seeing how that went then moving into subscriptions. 

I wasn’t expecting to make a lot of money, it was more about gaining experience and trust in the backend payment processing services. There are a lot of these services, and many have terrible reviews and/or horror stories about getting payouts. They’re not very highly rated on the customer support side of things either.

I’m thankful that I took advantage of X’s yearly subscription special because when I signed up for “Premium+” it was about $100 for the year.

4 Months later, that membership is $340. I’ve seen 2 price hikes in 4 months. Oh and I wasn’t able to test the subscription stuff where X paid me for content. I’ve dragged my feet on establishing the “tip” jar because their “preferred” payment processor seems like they have a lot more “Horsepower” and expense than I’m looking for.

That being said, it’s probably all a moot point anyway, because I’m not going to be renewing the subscription.

After the first price hike I was questioning renewal. After the second price hike their fate is sealed. Based on their averages there will be 4 more price hikes before my renewal date comes up.

I’m sure that I can’t afford that. As it is, I’m looking for a new web host. My current one has gotten way too expensive and every bit of their sales/support team is offshore.

Do we see a trend here?

Prices increasing, value per dollar decreasing?

X is kind of interesting. Their AI is interesting. But the value for either is not worth the price unless the algorithm allows you a wider audience that is also blue check marked. Without that wider audience making money sharing “pearls of wisdom” is a bust.

It’s funny too, when I signed up, there were always posts about people getting their first contributor check, or folks being excited to begin contributing. 

Pretty much 5 days after I signed up, those happy posts were gone. Now those sort of posts are exceedingly rare.

What’s become more common over the past few weeks has been people posting they’re not renewing their subscription, (monthly, or yearly,) and apologizing to their followers who rely on verified blue check users to remain monetized.

To be honest I’m losing my taste for X and I can’t really say why. 

I’m having far more, (as X puts it,) regretted seconds than un-regretted seconds.

That means the ROI for the subscription is low, and dropping. X increasing prices just drives more people to abandon the blue checkmark.

It’s their business, they can charge whatever they want, but I don’t have to support it.

My blue checkmark will be around until November then I’m going the be just another one of the unverified riff-raff.