A guy walks into a bar…

London cozy bar.Yesterday, I was bored. Not really bored but I had an appointment in Palm Springs. 

I could have done the appointment via teleconference. As I was thinking about it, I realized I hadn’t been anywhere except the grocery store, pet store, or postoffice for months.

I’ve grown tired of people and tired of the stupid stuff people do. Without interacting with the world, you start to loose touch. 

Depending on your inputs about the world and the people in it, you might even take on very negative views and start to insulate yourself because that is safe and comfortable, versus having to have your guard up all the time. Probably continuing to insulate like that isn’t healthy.

So I saddled up and drove out to Palm Springs. Yes, I know gas is $5 in California. But the tank of gas in the car was from October, so I needed to burn through some of it and give the car a run.

Traffic was lighter than expected. I chuckled when I had the thought, “I guess the deportations are working.

I got to my appointment early and spent the extra time walking around, watching tourists, and wondering why the drive out hadn’t been “Fun”.

The road was open, under normal circumstances that would have put a smile on my face because I’d have been opening up the beast, flushing all the accumulated debris from short drives and stop & go traffic out the tailpipe.

But oddly there was no joy in the exercise. That was confusing.

Appointment done, I found something to eat, ran a couple of errands, got my hair cut, looked at the heavy congestion on the traffic maps heading back up to my place, and found myself a bar.

The bar is owned by a bar tender who used to introduce me to a different bourbon each time I went to the bar he worked at. I met him in 2016 maybe 2017. Super nice guy, funny, and made you feel welcome even if the place was packed. 

At some point he & I had chatted about careers, and other stuff, & I’d learned that his goal was to own his own bar.

Sometime between the onset of the COVID lockdowns and now, he’d achieved his goal.

The bar is cozy, eclectic, and old school. There’s no “Soda Gun”, all the drinks are made old style with a flourish and each one is a work of art. It was neat seeing a drink crafted before my eyes that looked just like the pictures in books. 

While I was there a group of 4 guys came in. After they’d gotten their drinks they started talking about the Democrat Party “rising again” they didn’t put it that way but that was how it sounded.

They were still in love with Kamala, they felt that Newsom was too slick and came across as untrustworthy.  

They were also betting that Kamala would be a shoo in for the presidential nomination in 2028. They were talking about how she could easily take Trump down in a debate and were talking mostly as if Trump would be running in 2028.

Later they posited that Trump could put Eric or Don Jr into the Whitehouse then be their puppet master.

I’m not sure where this kind of derangement comes from.

Trump is done! This is his last term. I don’t know if Eric or Don Jr. have any political aspirations and wouldn’t be at all surprised to find they didn’t. After what’s been done to their father, them, and their families why the fuck would they want to go into politics?

I’m betting that after Donald Trump Sr. is done, the Trump family will return to media. Don Jr. has a pretty going concern in his podcasting. Eric seems pretty content running the family business. I expect that Eric will sell all the properties in New York as it’s possible to do so, then move the Trump empire out of that state.

The long term damage that would cause to New York would be a fitting punishment for the law fare the state of New York engaged in.

I couldn’t help thinking, as I was overhearing the political conversation, that these Democrats to my right were missing the target. The one to watch is JD Vance.

He’s young, he’s wicked smart, he’s sarcastic, and witty. He’s the perfect candidate to keep the young people who voted Trump into office this time, voting for the Republican Party. Age wise, he’s perfectly positioned to attract Gen X, millennials, boomers, the other age brackets, and keep them. Because he’s experienced their issues, insecurities, and lived through their concerns.

Kamala Harris would be out classed, out gunned, and out performed in a debate with JD. 

That being said I hope Democrats do run Kamala again. Because if that’s the best they’ve got, their party is dead meat.

I didn’t interject myself in the conversation but I haven’t got any kind of poker face. I’m sure my facial expressions were a dead give away that I was overhearing their conversation and that I was probably “The Enemy”.