Rainy day blues

It’s a rainy day.

Last night there were a couple of warnings about mud slides and potential evacuation orders due to the Bridge fire back in September. 

On this side of the mountains I was far less concerned. As things are turning out, we’re not getting a ton of heavy rain, it has been more moderate, just continuous.

The dog has refused to go out.

I think that’s funny as heck because he loves the snow but a little rain is beyond the pale for him to deal with. 

Every single time I’ve asked if he wanted to go out he’s just laid down and looked at me like I was insane then gone back to sleep.

I suspect that he’s going to demand that we both go out for our usual walk. His thinking is probably, “If I have to get wet, the so do you!”

It wouldn’t be the first time he’s played that card.

I am happy that it is not freezing. If this storm lasts as long as it’s expected to there would be a ton of snow.

I’m sure that Mother Nature is saving the big snowfall for the end of February so we can have another frozen March & April. That happens every other year or so.

The solar panels should be nice and clean tomorrow when the sun comes out. I was about to hose them off this saves me the water. I’m calling it a win.


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