Wow, Twitter is dangerous for me

Not really, but it is very easy to lose time with it.

Why is this on my mind today?

Long story short, I was reading the morning news, after reading today’s thought in The Daily Stoic.

A news article led me to a tweet, which I opened to read. That led me to the news that a nice person I’d interacted with via Twitter, in Canada died on the 6th.

He’d gone to the hospital a day or two before with chest pain and the hospital decided he wasn’t having a problem, therefore wasn’t an emergency and the hospital staff put him back in the waiting room. After spending 6 hours in the waiting room he said “fuck it,” and went home.

Apparently he died at home. He was 39.

I was taken back to Jerry’s death and the way the hospital here and our medical people treated him, then him dying at home. Which led me to doom scrolling through twitter. 

All of this ties oddly back to The entry in The Daily Stoic, which is talking about everything ending. Empires, to lives everything ends. It doesn’t do well to dwell on it, but it’s equally not good to ignore that time is a predator that stalks us all.

And that leads back to twitter/ X. Which is insidious in the manner in which it steals our time, while not providing a lot in the way of tangible benefit. 

I was right all though years ago when I walked away from social media. I’ll be walking away from social media again real soon.

I have other things that I want to do rather than pissing my life away engaging with almost nightmarish insanity that social media is, and always has been.

None of us should be surprised.

We all knew that he’d do it.

Some people are losing their shit over Biden Pardoning Hunter.

Joe biden hunter inside zoom 1df4b7c6 a6a4 4aac 9355 825ee2676955.Not sure why there’s any surprise about it.

Biden is a father, Hunter is his son, and no father is going to let his son go down if he can stop it. This is especially true if the father in question might be implicated in the son’s illegal activities or maybe directing those activities.

I suppose that people are freaking out because Joe Biden, less than 6 months ago, said that he wouldn’t pardon Hunter. I guess folks are looking at it as Biden lying again. Which is true, Biden has once again very publicly contradicted himself.

Much as I dislike Biden, in this, honestly I can find forgiveness for him.

I choose to put my faith in Karma. I think that punishment will come swiftly to the Biden’s.

Joe will continue to spiral into dementia. Hunter is not going to be welcomed back into the circles that he once moved in, and capitalized on, simply because he has nothing left to sell. Hunter may finally harm himself beyond medical science’s about to help him. Another tragedy waiting to befall the Biden family. The most fortunate person in the Biden’s extended orbit may be Hunter’s un-acknowledged daughter. At least the stigma of the name Biden won’t stick to her.

Jill, in propping Joe up the way she has, destroyed any possibility of them being able to spend his remaining time at a beach in peace. Had she let him retire, he’d have been the former Vice President declining quietly on the beach with national respect for his 40 years service to this country. Lots of folks, myself included, think that she has acted reprehensibly, perhaps to the point of committing elder abuse. I believe she did it for her own vanity, she wanted fame.

Joe’s presidency may well go down as the most epically bad presidency in our nation’s history. This administration has certainly eclipsed Carter. 

I feel sorry for Joe Biden. It’s possible that some good may come out of his presidency. He inadvertently underscored the depth of corruption extant within our government. Trump had called it out but no-one believed him. No-one wanted to believe him. Joe Biden’s bumbling might ultimately have saved us from a level of corruption that was growing in the shadowy netherworld of Washington DC backroom deals and politics.

That’s something for historians to write about a few hundred years from now. By then there should be enough distance to be able to see if the highlighted corruption was eliminated once the people saw it, or if it persisted and grew.

I disagree with Joe pardoning Hunter. That doesn’t mean that I don’t understand it.

I think this underscores the hypocrisy that the Biden administration has running through it. It also makes a much stronger case for the rejection of Kamala.

With this historic move Joe Biden may have put the final stake in the heart of the Democratic party.