I’m done with my accountant after 25 or more years

I purposely got them the tax shit on March 15th. I’d been shooting for February 20th however there were docs that didn’t show up on time.Taxes money.

Not that it mattered, I didn’t get the tax shit back until yesterday, October 15th. Oh, I’d been calling and being ignored leaving messages, over the past 6 months.

Had I gotten my taxes back in a more timely manner I’d have been able to actually plan to get the state and fed tax fuckers their damned money. 

Yes, I’m super annoyed about the amount of taxes, because of the way this administration and California has been wasting the cash.

I’m way more annoyed that because this accountant dawdled and fucked around, I had absolutely zero maneuvering room to cash out some holdings to make writing the check a little less painful or dangerous.

Oh and I had to call the son of a bitch again a week & a half ago to lite a fire under his ass.

This by the way, is the second time this guy has fucked me like this. The first time Jerry, in his infinite kindness handled, never letting me know that it was this fucking accountants error that resulted in my being fucked.

I didn’t find this out until after Jerry’s death and like Jerry I assumed (apparently Incorrectly) that it was a one off. It wasn’t looking at the data, it looks like in 2018-2019 the guy did the same kind of thing. 

He dawdled around, then filed an extension in April, then didn’t get us any of the necessary information until the very last day in October (the 15th) leaving us in a panic trying to get everything done before we missed the post office pickup.

Next year I’ll be finding someone else to do the fucking taxes.

I was pretty depressed yesterday. I’m pretty depressed today and I didn’t sleep worth a shit last night. However I’m recovering and who knows it might not matter anyway.

If Kamala wins as I’m pretty sure she will, we might not have to worry about taxes. People are pretty pissed across social media. Her stealing the election could well trigger a civil war. Trump winning could also trigger a passive aggressive civil war that would be just as bad.

There’s a bit of a move to write the Feds $750 checks next April and tell ‘em to go fuck themselves. You know what? I’m super into that!

It’s remotely possible that Trump gets into office and keeps his promises about seniors. In which case maybe I won’t have to pay taxes at all.

I’m not holding my breath.

I think we’re looking at a civil war.

Folks are angry and disgusted about a whole lot of stuff. Immigration, the Hurricane relief, the constant lies, Inflation, Being involved in wars over which we have no control, Crime rising, having our tax dollars going to foreign interests instead of to Americans, I’ve seen articles recently that say on November 10th The Biden /Harris administration will reveal their phenomenal management of medicare supplements which may triple the costs.

None of these concerns of the American People will prevent tone deaf Democrats from fucking around and putting Kamala in office. Then they’ll be surprised when riots start. They’ll point and say, “See this is the MAGA white supremacy we warned you about.” Although I suspect the mixture of skin tones will represent a pretty healthy cross section of the United States.

Kind of like “The Proud Boys” who don’t ya know, were a white supremacist group, being led by a Cuban American, with a healthy mix of Black, Latin, & White guys standing for what used to be “Normal” male values. God, Family, Country, you know the values that made our country strong.

All of which is to say, that I might not give a shit when the tax man comes, I might not be around to pay, or the Tax collectors might not be around to collect.

I’m not particularly inclined to pay whatever bill the accountant sends. I have bigger problems thanks to him.