Sorry, I’ve been a little cranky.

I’ve hurt one of my knees again. When I say hurt, I mean chronic stabbing pain.

Jesse has been very sweet on our walks and is putting up with “old man slow”.

It’s messing with my sleep and making me really tired. So tired, that doing anything is an almost insurmountable chore.

On the plus side it’s getting better and each day, the pain is dialing down a bit, or maybe I’m just getting used to it.

I’ll be doing okay minding my own business, then I’ll catch some stupidity in politics, the government, or the talking heads & think I’ve had a stroke or something because the news and sound bites are just plain insane.

M113 Salt Creature.I actually dreamt I was watching Kamala Harris on TV and she was in a super diverse room of people. It was an interview, (about what I don’t recall.) Each person that asked her a question was obviously ethnic in some way. Kamala answered in their accent.

The crowd didn’t like her answers so they started firing questions at her all at once. She tried to answer each person in their local accent and it kept going until not only was Kamala changing accents, but her face was mirroring the characteristics of the person she was focused on. It got faster & faster until finally she didn’t look human anymore.

Then, where Kamala had been standing at a podium there was suddenly this creature panting from exhaustion. (I just realized It was the old salt monster from the original StarTrek.)

The reporters didn’t miss a beat and called the transformation, “a regrettable makeup malfunction”. Then began painting the event as a trick of the light, combined with MAGA digital interference from the internet, being injected into their live television stream.

That’s when I woke up.

I think that in one way or another for the past 10 years politics has been permeating all our waking lives. There was a time when we could pretty much ignore the stupidity. A) The level of individual human stupidity hasn’t changed. B) The concentration of truly stupid people in our government has.

It’s reached a kind of critical mass, it’s no longer about one idiot in the House asking if putting a large naval base on an island will cause the island to capsize. Although watching that Admiral choke back his first, second, third, and fourth responses while maintaining a poker face was amusing.

Now the number of truly idiotic people elected to government offices has tipped the balance such that the outliers are the sane and reasonable suggestions, and the normal stuff coming out of any office in D.C. is batshit crazy, short buss stupid, or some ugly combination of both. 

Which brings me to my point. It’s become literally impossible to ignore the buffoonery and it’s become normalized, even if you’re not crazy, you feel like you’re crazy.

That “background noise” has a habit of keeping me low level cranky most of the time. At that level, I’m usually in pretty decent control but when you add sharp stabbing pain, well the control slips. And I tend to fire off rants, screeds? without much filtering. 

All of which is to explain that this blog might be a lot more random than usual. It might also be a little more pithy than usual. So buckle up buttercups, it might be a bumpy ride.

And I apologize in advance.

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