Anti-Misinformation Laws be damned – I’m calling this one out.

Kamala Harris finally visited the Southern Border. Yipee! I’m so impressed!

That’s insulting enough, Yet to add to insult, during her short visit which was obviously nothing more than a photo op, she managed to speachify.

Then she blamed the border troubles on Trump.

Excuse me, you lying slut!?!? (My opinion of her. I have no definitive proof of the latter, the nation can observe ample evidence of the former every time she opens her mouth.)

How the hell can she blame Trump for the border issues? I’m honestly surprised she wasn’t struck by a bolt of lightning.

As a Senator, she criticized Trump’s policies, and she criticized the border wall as ineffective. Siding with illegal immigrants against the American People.

As Vice President, she stood by as President Biden literally dismantled Trump policies that were arguably working and at least having some control over illegal immigration.

She, like President Biden, accused Texas Border Patrol of whipping illegal immigrants from horseback without evidence, without knowing the full story, and oh, by the way ignoring that the person who took the fucking pictures was telling them, “Border Patrol did not, and was not, whipping the illegals.” Truth didn’t matter then and I suspect hasn’t mattered in the Administration ever.

She stood by while Mayorkas destroyed the careers and livelihood of Texas Border Patrol officers with an investigation that dragged on for months keeping the officers either at reduced duty and pay or suspended entirely.

She stood by while the Texas Border Patrol’s equestrian unit was effectively dismantled. Then criticized when more illegals were drowning in the Rio Grande than before.

She and the administration facilitated the discount sale of border wall materials which the taxpayer had already paid for, to other countries. 

She and the administration sued Texas & Arizona when both parties set up barriers to protect their borders and the sovereign borders of the United States. 

She was appointed border Czar. (There are recordings and news articles calling her that, so yes it Fucking happened!) Damn I hate being lied to, (I know the polite term is gaslit… We’re well past being polite!)

As border Czar she literally visited the border once but jet setted around looking for underlying causes of illegal immigration.

Anyone could have told her the underlying causes were A) Failed governments B) Failed Law Enforcement in these folks country of origin C) Criminal Gangs D) The profitability of drug and human trafficking (because there was an open border to America) E) A very likely possibility that enemies of the United States were staging bad actors within our borders to further destabilize our nation.

That right there, is common sense it was literally all over the various news media. I didn’t have to fly all over hell and gone to figure it out.

So after all of this played out in real fucking time over the past 4 years. This woman has the unmitigated gall to get up on stage and blame Donald Trump! What the FUCK?

How could anyone believe a word out of her mouth?

I would like to say the following to her in these words on national television.

Look honey, Donald Trump hasn’t been President for 4 years. Y’all won the election, remember???

So tell me you lying skank, how is it that Donald Trump is responsible for the absolute disaster that has unfolded on our borders during your administration’s tenure?

If he is responsible, why didn’t you stop it? Surely President Biden could have issued an executive order to prevent Donald Trump from throwing the border open and flooding the country with illegals, right???

She actually said Trump called some buddies in congress and told them to “Tank” the border bill. Uh, the bill she’s talking about passed the House. It’s still a live bill. It didn’t pass first time around the Senate. It’s on their docket to be reviewed again. 

The Senate is 49 to 48 Republicans versus Democrats, so something about her statement doesn’t smell quite right. I think the non-passage out of the Senate might have more to do with the 24 other related bills including a motion that has the term “For Other Purposes” Twice in its title. I’d be looking really hard at what those other purposes included, spent money on, or allowed.

So basically she’s lying again and making it look like Trump has way more power than he does in Congress. Essentially she’s kind of implying that Congress is corrupt and Donald Trump is pulling their strings. If I were a member of Congress I’d be really pissed off that she sullied my reputation for a campaign sound bite.

I’ll be damned if I vote for this lying skank of a Democrat. God Damn! I hate being lied to!

This isn’t about her being misunderstood, or so brilliant, the plebes at the lower rungs of society can’t understand her. This is about a snake of a politician who will do or say literally anything to remain in office.

This is a person who believes that We The People are so dumb she can lie to our face showing the height of disrespect and contempt for us, yet still expect to have our votes.

Remember that, all you “Anyone but Trump” voters. 

And remember this too, when Kamala gets into the oval office, (& I believe she will, by hook or crook, cheating, assassination, riots, or insurrection,) what comes next is on you! 

I say that not because I prefer Trump over Kamala. But because you were all so fixated on hatred of Trump that you would rather see a completely corrupt moron in the office of The President than to choose the better of two poor candidates. At least with Trump we know what we’re in for. With Kamala… Who knows? Because who knows who is actually pulling her strings?

Oh I’m going to vote even though I think the fix is already in. I didn’t vote for President in 2016 because I thought neither candidate was qualified. I did vote in 2020 because I didn’t think Biden was qualified. I’m damn sure voting in 2024 because I know Kamala Harris isn’t qualified at all.

Not that it will matter when she’s ushered into office, as she’s been ushered into every single office she’s ever held.

At least I’ll be able to sleep at night or look myself in the mirror knowing I had nothing to do with whatever shit storm this woman unleashes on us.

Sorry to be such a bummer, but fuck! I saw her blaming Trump again, (not that he’s any angel), and it really pissed me off.