Well that’s going to be inconvenient!

President Biden said on “The View” he delegated everything to Kamala Harris.

As Vice President, there wasn’t a single thing that I did that she couldn’t do and so I was able to delegate her responsibility on everything from foreign policy to domestic policy,” he said.

Holy Shit! So this opens a whole can of worms. How long has this been going on? Was Biden the President OR NOT?

My goodness!

Why the hell would I trust her? Why should I trust the Democrat party? Surely powerful Democrats in Congress and the Administration knew what was going on.

Did they lie to the American people about Biden’s capabilities? Did they lie to the American people about who was actually in charge?

What the actual fuck?

I thought we elected a President and a Vice President. Biden / Harris won in 2020 right? So what the hell has been going on in that administration and why do I feel like I’ve been gaslit (lied to) for the past 4 years?

Biden, just ran a spear through Kamala’s talking points. She’s been trying to distance herself from their policies and now Biden has tied her to those policies.

The Democrats can’t say Biden is senile to protect Harris. That would mean that he has to be removed via the 25th amendment, OR Harris has to own the policies. I’m sure there are a bunch of her campaign managers were drinking heavily after “The View ”aired.

I almost feel sorry for them.