Okay, that’s better, the evacuation warnings have been lifted.

Cloud clouds blue sky.Thanks to a lot of firemen who’ve worked their asses off to get the Bridge fire under control, the evacuation warning has ben cancelled for Wrightwood.

That’s the good news. The bad news is that the west end of town took a hit. I’m not sure yet how many homes were damaged or destroyed.

It’s easy to say it could have been worse. That’s a true statement, but for those folks who lost their homes, it is worse. Much Worse.

I know, I’ve been through it. You feel disconnected. Your place in the world is gone, and you’re faced with a million tiny decisions all of which feel like you’re making the wrong choice. Loved ones look to you for strength and guidance. It’s easy to forget that this is one of those burdens that is best shared and that together you’ll all get through it.

There are some things that you’ll never fully get over. To this day, a roaring smoky fire in a fireplace can freak me out. That’s something I don’t think I’ll ever get past. But a lot of the other stuff is eventually left by the side of the road you travel.

There was brief rain yesterday that helped was some of the smoky smell out of the air. We could have done with a lot more gentle rain, but I’m not going to complain. For me it’s the sound of rain the roof thats soothing.

Yesterday, I felt pretty crappy most of the day so I appreciated the sound for as long as it lasted. I’m feeling better this morning, which is a good thing because I’ve got chores to do.

The sky is clear and blue this morning. It’s going to be a good day & now I’m off to walk the dog.