WOW! This really pisses me off!

By this, I mean the not safe for work image below.

There used to be several very nice collections of nudes, both male and female going about routine things. They were artsy, and in particular there were images of normal human beings in nature, or other settings.

Now look at the search 

“nude man in rain images”

That’s a pretty fucking specific search and look at what is returned.

Literally one male, he’s not in the rain, and all the rest are females, or pseudo females, or women who think they’re men, but this search and in fact a dozen other searches specifying males, men, or guys, returns to greater or lessor extent the same results.

This pisses me off because if entering a search cannot be relied upon to return expected results, then the whole purpose of search engine indexes is corrupted and in fact no search engine can be relied upon to produce results of any accuracy.

In other words. The internet is useless.

There used to be some pretty artistic sites where amateur photographers uploaded some of their work to share. These sites were great and gave artists exposure to sell prints.

Oh, BTW. The screen capture above is the tamest. Scroll down a bit further and it’s all hard dicks, and hard core sexual images culminating with a truly horrific scat image.

PNG image 19.Really? What happened to celebrating the human form with dignity and beauty? Why can’t there be just nude men & women. Why must both be debased?

I had a collection of images like I’m describing. I actually thought the internet would be faster and link me to some additional works by new artists.

Obviously I was wrong.

The reason I was looking for a naked guy in the rain was to finish off the previous post. The image at the right is from one of the collections I’ve created over the years. I think this one came from Twitter.

I lay this fucked up search bullshit at the feet of the Transgendered assholes. Since we can’t identify male or female anymore, and everything is gender fluid, NOTHING is fixed and therefore our technologies which by the way, do Binary, really fucking well, can no longer be relied upon to give us results.

Why? Because the programmers and the corporations are terrified of mis gendering someone’s image and facing a law suit from some gender confused fuckwad who’s interested in only being a victim and as a side note making as much money from their victimhood as possible.

This kind of person is also known as a member of the Transgender community. A.K.A. clown, A.K.A. genderfuck drag show, A.K.A. someone who wants attention and is willing to play gender fluid or whatever the fuck new term it is today, to get attention and maybe score a few bucks too.

Why have we allowed our culture, or data storage systems and even our children to be corrupted by these loads their mothers should’ve swallowed?

I say all of this as a Gay fucking man.

I also say it’s time for this bullshit to stop!