Ahhh That was so nice…

Thunder over the mountains and then the sky opened up for a little while.

We needed rain. The unrelenting heat and nasty air quality have been brutal.

For just an hour or so the air was cleansed of dust and little super annoying clouds of gnats that insist on flying in eyes and up noses.

Jesse and I both face the clouds of annoying bugs on our morning walks.

But best of all, the stench of whatever the fuck kind of pot one or two of my neighbors are smoking was washed from the air and the coolish breezes removed it from my house.

This stuff, whatever it is, smells like the dirty gym sock you blew a couple of loads into, then forgot behind your bed for 2 months, where the cat pissed on it repeatedly.

It’s pretty damn revolting! Give me cigarette, or cigar smoke any fucking day. If I thought I was going to have to deal with this for the rest of my life, I’d start smoking Marlboro Reds again, at least then I’d be smelling something not entirely unpleasant.

A comedian described New York City as a horrific stench of body odor, weed, and piss. At least all I smell is the rancid stench of weed.

It was nice to have the rain falling and just the sound of rain for an hour or so. It was calming, although Jesse didn’t care much for the thunder, he also wasn’t panicked by it. I take that as a good sign because if we move East of the Mississippi, thunder storms are a way of life.

Neither Jesse or I have been sleeping well. The crazy lady neighbor has taken to wailing, screaming, & cussing between 2 and 5 AM. 

Sometimes she goes from dead silence to full insanity in an instant. It’s like she wakes up screaming. Other times, she’ll work herself slowly into whatever froth she’s aiming for.

If she works herself slowly into a rage, Neither Jesse, or I pay much attention until she’s bellowing so loud her voice is echoing off the canyon walls. When she goes zero to 1000% in a second Jesse and I are startled awake and both of us have a hard time getting back to sleep.

It’s funny, because he’ll have his nose against mine, when I open my eyes he’s looking at me very intently as if to say, “What the hell is that about?”

Much as I like having the widows open. I’m looking forward to it being cool enough during the night to close the house. That would stop the disturbances. The random screaming and the clouds of pot or whatever.

The smoke locks my sinuses up within a couple of minutes and my throat starts to swell like when I have a cold. As luck would have it the one neighbor is an insomniac. So he’ll be powering through his pound of shit at all hours of the day & night.

I can literally go to sleep fine, then the wind will change & I’ll wake up choking because my sinuses and throat are obstructed. I’ve gotten up at 3am to hit the Flonase then waited for it to kick in before going back to bed.

The past few weeks I’ve gotten the double whammy. One of their habits will wake me up and just as I head back to bed and start to drift off,  the other one will start up so I’ve just started staying up.

This means that I’m getting maybe 4 hours of sleep a night and I really need at least 6. It’s making me cranky, impatient, & dopey as hell.

We might get some more rain tonight and into tomorrow morning. That would be nice. Who knows, Maybe for once I’ll wake those idiots up because I’m dancing naked in the rain at 3 am.