I’ve made a decision regarding California Mobile Driver’s Licenses.

Once they become available, I’m going to go ahead and load it.

The government, for a variety of reasons knows who I am. Since I’m a pretty stable individual and haven’t changed addresses or phone numbers for at least a decade It’s highly likely whatever information associating my Driver’s license and phone would give the state or Federal government will be redundant.

In addition to the TSA check in, potentially a bar with reader technology carding me, (I’d be so overjoyed at being carded at my age I’d probably have a heart attack,) there is one other oblique reference I’ve seen and I don’t know what they’re meaning.

Some of the literature makes reference to age verifications on websites and as required for purchases. This implies to me that the data might be requested by certain sites. This would negate having to make a photo copy of your Driver’s license then email it to someone you don’t know. I’ve always hated having to assume that they’re going to handle the data properly and delete the copy of the driver’s license when it’s no longer necessary. The implication is that somehow the relevant data only, will be presented to the requestor thereby minimizing security risks.

I have a real problem when medical facilities, or insurance companies, or banks make copies of my social security card and driver’s license. I’ve said often to these people their procedure is just begging for fraud and id theft. In recent years a number of medical office breaches have proven my point.

It’s possible that the digital ID could curb or at least add a stumbling block to ID theft and I’m all for that.

I have no idea what sites they’re talking about. I’ll perhaps try looking at an adult site first.

Funny thing about adult sites, is that their security is pretty damn impressive and they are also among the first folks to adopt new technology.

My adoption of this technology may, (likely will,) result in nothing much different in my daily, weekly, or even yearly life. It might be that until a substantial number of states adopt the technology it will largely be a nothing burger.

Additionally, should I leave California, there are very few states that have adopted the technology that I’d choose to move to.

Based on the current list, Ohio? They don’t have a lot of favorable policies towards retired folks. So it’s likely that I’ll have it, then lose it.

Maybe Arizona? That would depend on where. Phoenix is right out. Flagstaff? Wilson? I’m not 100% convinced, but trying to keep an open mind.

Update: Apologies!  I just found out that Auto correct isn’t working in the Title Field in my blogging application.

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