Robert Kennedy Jr dropped out of the presidential race.


I figured this was coming. Between the mainstream media completely ignoring OR belittling his campaign in favor of Biden/Harris now Kamala/Walz and the sheer momentum that Trump continues to build, Kennedy never really got a fair hearing in the public forum.

Honestly, I like the guy. I think he’s got some good ideas and he’s made some really great points during his campaign.

He’s endorsing Trump which makes sense because the Democrat party is absolutely nothing like the party of his Father or Uncles.

His family, the rest of the Martha’s Vineyard crowd has all but disowned him over his “Defection” from the Democrat party. Thanksgiving dinner is likely to be a bit awkward.

I hope that Trump finds a cool spot for Kennedy in his administration. It would be great if Trump could make use of Kennedy’s knowledge and legal expertise to help clean house in Washington D.C.

Head of the FBI? Better yet, Head of the DOJ? Yeah that would do very nicely. Then go after all the bullshit illegality and suspension of constitutional rights that Wray and Garland have not only allowed… but ordered.

So that leaves literally only one logical choice for President. Here’s a clue… It Ain’t Kamala!

That cackling bitch needs to loose so badly that she’ll never consider running for a fucking thing ever again.

She’s not fit to be the night watch person at an abandoned restroom on an abandoned pier, on a dried up lakebed in the middle of nowhere.

(Yeah, tell us how you really feel dude!)

I’m sad to see Kennedy couldn’t get a fair shake. I really hope that Trump puts him someplace where he can really make a difference.

Apparently Kennedy flamed the shit out of the Democrat party in his speech. I’m going to make a point of looking it up and hearing what he said.

Google got there first.

Apple Wallet California state ID hero_inline.jpg.large_2x.Google Wallet is now supporting California mDL as of today Friday, 8/23/2024

mDL (Mobile Drivers Licenses)

I’m still not sure exactly where, “there” is. Sure, Google beat Apple to the punch but honestly so what?

There’s an article from FoxLA that largely says nothing…

California driver’s license now available to add to Google Wallet

It again reiterates the TSA piece at selected airports. But doesn’t really say much about other benefits of having your driver’s license in your phone versus your wallet. Especially since you still have to carry the physical Driver’s License.

Again… The point?

Sure it’s neat but so what?

What benefit does this provide to the actual user?

Student ID use cases seem to be more beneficial.

Some colleges allow the students to have their Student ID on their phone which grants the students access to dorms, libraries, cafeterias, and other on campus amenities.

Some corporations in addition to Apple are putting their employee IDs on phones which eliminates the annoying lanyards with your ID dangling and if you’re a tech, getting in your way constantly as you access machines. In this case the ID on the phone opens doors and eliminates a whole bunch of problems with leaving your ID card in your car, or having the ID card lost or stolen because you dropped it when you meant to shove it in your pocket.

A lot of companies have polices about not wearing your corporate ID outside the corporate campus. This is particularly true of aerospace companies.

I can see the student ID and Employee ID and their immediate utility. Thus far, the benefit of my Drivers License on my phone, escapes me. Perhaps it wouldn’t, if I flew more.

Being able to validate my alcohol purchase at the grocery store in a self checkout line would be useful. Not having to tell the pharmacist my date of birth and name when I pick up a prescription would be useful. But neither of those cases are remotely available at this time.

Congrats to Google for getting there first in California. Good for you guys. 

But what now?

So Demokrat Komrades – Do you feel betrayed?

You should!

Who did you vote for in the primary? Biden?

Were you able to vote for anyone else? Kennedy perhaps?

Probably not!

Kennedy would have been a good choice if you’d had the choice which your party prevented you from seeing in many states, much less voting for.

So now, without a single vote Kamala Harris is your candidate. How’s all that Trump hatred playing out for you? What about your party breathlessly claiming to be “Saving Democracy”?

This doesn’t seem like democracy. It seems more like Bait & Switch. Or something much more like communism or 3rd world dictatorships.

You VOTED for Biden. You Primaried him as your chosen candidate for president. You voted to have him run for a second term. Your choice has been ignored? Thrown Out? Shredded?

Alternatively it seems to prove that when it comes to Democrat candidates, they’re completely interchangeable without difference or consequence. Biden or Harris are both plug & play.

Hell, we still don’t know what Kamala’s plan to fix anything really is. Oh, she’s delivered a lot of words, but they don’t seem to have much meaning behind them.

I don’t understand how the average Democrat voter isn’t pissed off as hell and marching in the streets. Isn’t this pretty much what you claimed Trump would do if elected? I’ll tell you guys a little secret. The rest of us would probably join you protesting and marching in the streets because this whole Kamala substitution seems wrong.

I get how the machinations happened. Kamala is VP to Biden. It’s a lot like you’ve 25thed Biden then put Kamala in the incumbent slot. Except you didn’t! Biden is still President Kamala is still VP.

I’m beginning to think that you Democrats aren’t really interested in “Saving Democracy” I’m beginning to think you’re just about despising Trump and you’re literally willing to do anything to make sure he’s not President again.

If Trump wins, what are you going to do? Have Biden declare through some insanely obscure law that Trump didn’t win, then step aside to usher Kamal into the Oval Office? What then? Suspend elections indefinitely due to some crises?

Or is the plan to cast doubt on the outcome of the election just long enough to put Trump in jail for a traffic ticket, or wait for an assassins bullet?

Will you expect the people of America to just take it?

Well it’s done now. There’s no going back.

We’ll just have to see how the dice turn up.

I’m hoping Y’ll don’t roll snake eyes.