Robert Kennedy Jr dropped out of the presidential race.


I figured this was coming. Between the mainstream media completely ignoring OR belittling his campaign in favor of Biden/Harris now Kamala/Walz and the sheer momentum that Trump continues to build, Kennedy never really got a fair hearing in the public forum.

Honestly, I like the guy. I think he’s got some good ideas and he’s made some really great points during his campaign.

He’s endorsing Trump which makes sense because the Democrat party is absolutely nothing like the party of his Father or Uncles.

His family, the rest of the Martha’s Vineyard crowd has all but disowned him over his “Defection” from the Democrat party. Thanksgiving dinner is likely to be a bit awkward.

I hope that Trump finds a cool spot for Kennedy in his administration. It would be great if Trump could make use of Kennedy’s knowledge and legal expertise to help clean house in Washington D.C.

Head of the FBI? Better yet, Head of the DOJ? Yeah that would do very nicely. Then go after all the bullshit illegality and suspension of constitutional rights that Wray and Garland have not only allowed… but ordered.

So that leaves literally only one logical choice for President. Here’s a clue… It Ain’t Kamala!

That cackling bitch needs to loose so badly that she’ll never consider running for a fucking thing ever again.

She’s not fit to be the night watch person at an abandoned restroom on an abandoned pier, on a dried up lakebed in the middle of nowhere.

(Yeah, tell us how you really feel dude!)

I’m sad to see Kennedy couldn’t get a fair shake. I really hope that Trump puts him someplace where he can really make a difference.

Apparently Kennedy flamed the shit out of the Democrat party in his speech. I’m going to make a point of looking it up and hearing what he said.