Google got there first.

Apple Wallet California state ID hero_inline.jpg.large_2x.Google Wallet is now supporting California mDL as of today Friday, 8/23/2024

mDL (Mobile Drivers Licenses)

I’m still not sure exactly where, “there” is. Sure, Google beat Apple to the punch but honestly so what?

There’s an article from FoxLA that largely says nothing…

California driver’s license now available to add to Google Wallet

It again reiterates the TSA piece at selected airports. But doesn’t really say much about other benefits of having your driver’s license in your phone versus your wallet. Especially since you still have to carry the physical Driver’s License.

Again… The point?

Sure it’s neat but so what?

What benefit does this provide to the actual user?

Student ID use cases seem to be more beneficial.

Some colleges allow the students to have their Student ID on their phone which grants the students access to dorms, libraries, cafeterias, and other on campus amenities.

Some corporations in addition to Apple are putting their employee IDs on phones which eliminates the annoying lanyards with your ID dangling and if you’re a tech, getting in your way constantly as you access machines. In this case the ID on the phone opens doors and eliminates a whole bunch of problems with leaving your ID card in your car, or having the ID card lost or stolen because you dropped it when you meant to shove it in your pocket.

A lot of companies have polices about not wearing your corporate ID outside the corporate campus. This is particularly true of aerospace companies.

I can see the student ID and Employee ID and their immediate utility. Thus far, the benefit of my Drivers License on my phone, escapes me. Perhaps it wouldn’t, if I flew more.

Being able to validate my alcohol purchase at the grocery store in a self checkout line would be useful. Not having to tell the pharmacist my date of birth and name when I pick up a prescription would be useful. But neither of those cases are remotely available at this time.

Congrats to Google for getting there first in California. Good for you guys. 

But what now?