I know why I’ve never liked being in sales…

I’m going to embellish a bit here because I want to illustrate a point. To do so I’m going to mash a bunch of experiences into one because that will make the point.

For Sale: 2 twin bed frames. 1) Black 1) White. $15 each. Local Sales only, No delivery, No Shipping. Buyer will need to pick the item(s) up.

Seems simple doesn’t it? Oh, but it never is simple.

@transmomma56238: Do you have a pink one?

Seller: No, only what is listed Black or White.

@transmomma56238: I really need pink.

Seller: Then you’ll need to go elsewhere.

@transmomma56238: I’d pay an extra dollar for a pink one.

Seller I don’t have a pink one.

@transmomma56238: Could you paint it?

Seller: Not for a dollar. You can buy one & paint it any color you want.

@transmomma56238: I don’t have the room or paint for that.

Seller: Neither do I. Perhaps you should look elsewhere for what you want.

@transmomma56238: But you have the best price.

Seller: I don’t have what you want, so I don’t have the best price.

@transmomma56238: I’m a single mother of a transgender, autistic, blind, diabetic, child. My little girl is crying so hard that you don’t have a pink bed frame.

Seller: I have a black bed frame  and a white bed frame. That’s it. Take it or leave it.

@transmomma56238: You don’t have to be mean.

Seller: Stating the truth isn’t being mean.

@transmomma56238: I’ll pay $18 for the white one if you paint it pink.

Seller: No. Another buyer is here right now.

@transmomma56238: Don’t sell them the white one I want that one.

@transmomma56238: Answer me!

@transmomma56238: Don’t sell the white one!

@transmomma56238: Where are you?

@transmomma56238: Why aren’t you answering me?

Seller: Sorry, the white one just sold. They paid cash, and loaded it into their truck. It’s gone.

@transmomma56238: You bastard! I’m reporting you to the administrators! I’m giving you a bad seller rating! You’ve upset my child! She really wanted the pink one.

Administrator: We understand that you did not sell a pink bed frame to @transmomma56238 after you agreed to do so. We will suspend your account until you provide good reason for mistreating this buyer.

Seller: I didn’t have a pink bed frame. I didn’t agree to sell one to @transmomma56238. Please review the ad. I’ve included the entire text exchange with @transmomma56238 for your review.

Administrator: Your explanation is insufficient. Pending further investigation and resolution of this matter, your account is hereby suspended.

36 hours later…

Administrator: After review, we have reinstated your account. We caution you to be polite and courteous at all times to potential buyers. Failure to strictly follow our terms of service and community guidelines regarding abuse is not acceptable. We will be monitoring your account for any further Abuse.

@transmomma56238 I’ll take the black bed frame. I suppose I can paint it. But I’ll only pay $10 and you’ll have to deliver it. The Star marks where I am, I guess you’re in California??? I need this by tomorrow.

Seller: Uh… No. During the 36 hour suspension you caused on my account. I sold the second bed frame. I was in fact, updating my account at this moment.

@transmomma56238: You bastard! You knew I wanted one of them! Why didn’t you take the ad down immediately? How dare you disappoint my child like this? I’m reporting you I’ll make sure you never sell anything on this site again.

Seller: I never agreed to sell you anything, contrary to what you thought. I wasn’t able to update the ad, or conduct any further business on this site during the account suspension you caused. Apparently the site administrator believes I somehow abused you, which I did not. The shit is sold, it’s gone, it’s not coming back, you lost out due to your actions, NOT MINE. If you’ve got a problem, I suggest you take it up with the Administrator.

Seller: So, you crazed insane bitch. In the words of Elon Musk… GO FUCK YOURSELF!

Administration: ALERT!!! You have violated our terms of service and community standards your account will be suspended pending further review.

Seller: Clicks [Submit] confirming deletion of account with satisfaction. Spends rest of day placing remaining items previously for sale in large dumpster. 

The above is a complete flight of fancy. However it is illustrative of elements of my online sales experience. 

I’ve run across more flakes than I can count. I don’t understand why people would ask for something you’re not advertising as if you have some back room, or off season Santa’s Elves working to run up their custom order in your garage.

I say what I’ve got, the price I’m asking, and that they’ll have to come and get it. I don’t get what’s so difficult about it. 

Come to think of it, my online dating application experience is pretty much the same. I say what I’m looking for, who I am, and next thing I know, someone is asking me if I can give them a ride to their drug dealer in exchange for a blowjob. Uhh NO! There is no part of that I’m interested in.

Perhaps the issue is with me?

Perhaps the problem is that people are so incredibly stupid and entitled that they think they can get away with anything? Or that they’re so selfish, self absorbed, and shameless, that their “normal” stupidity amplifies my inherent disdain?

In any event, this sort of thing (my disdain for humans in general) is perhaps why I’ve not been in sales in any meaningful way.

Doctor Who Daleks.This is also one of the reasons that humanity should be on their knees every morning and evening thanking God that I do not have a way off this planet or a space craft in orbit. 

I’d make a Dalek, Terminator, or the Matrix AI proud wiping the planet clean of defective humanity if possible, all of humanity if necessary.