Not to be too Alanis Morissette, but isn’t it Ironic Chicago is beefing up police coverage?

DNC 640x480.After all, why would a bastion of the Democrat party, its supporters, and its policies, in a deep blue state like Chicago need police protection?

Haven’t the Democrats championed defunding the police? Aren’t they confident that if left alone, crime will drop all on its own?

Have they no faith in their own policies?

Who would even think about disrupting the DNC?

Oh yeah, apparently they’re worried about the pro Palestine movement. They might also be worried about the Trans-right movement because Walz hasn’t pumped his ass full of estrogen and cut his dick off in solidarity with them. It might be the BLM still trying to be relevant and get those reparations they think they deserve. Didn’t the Democrats promise reparations?

Really? They don’t see the irony?

They fed the BLM protests. They fed the anti police / defund the police movement. Now they’re bringing LEO in from all over the state to assist with crowd control and local businesses have warned their employees to stay home for their own safety. Those same businesses are boarding up their windows because of the anticipated violence.

Ironically, their own favored groups are the very groups likely to perpetrate the violence.

Mark my words, when the shit gets out of hand, (and it will,) the Democrat Party will claim there were MAGA supporters taunting the “mostly peaceful protestors” thereby inciting riots. They say this kind of shit all the time so it’s not like I’m a gifted prognosticator. It’s just they lie about everything and MAGA is their goto boogie man.

Ironically, the Democrats will prove Conservatives and supporters of law and order, correct, once again.

Perhaps the Democrat party should change their name to the Irony party.

Almost everything they champion comes back to spank them metaphorically and ironically.

At least then their party name would match the party experience.