I Hate Chihuahuas!

I’m in favor of the Chihuahua breed to be banned, and fed directly into a wood chipper.

520452 chihuahua dog dogs.Give me a Pit bull versus a Chihuahua any day. At least a Pit bull doesn’t wag its tail like it’s all friendly then start snapping.

Every freaking encounter I’ve had with a Chihuahua from boyhood to literally today. They wag their tail and act all friendly then when you, or in today’s case Jesse was close enough to bite they started snapping. 

Two of these little fucking dogs would not let Jesse and I pass on the road, during our walk today.

I was going to try to pass through them but they started snapping at Jesse’s feet and my ankles. I really did think about just fucking stomping them & kicking their carcasses into the wash. 

Chihuahuas are the only dog that has consistently bitten me throughout my whole damn life.

The only other dog bite I’ve ever had was from a half blind German Shepard who bit me coming over the fence into his yard. Poor guy probably just saw a dark blur and thought I was a threat. He didn’t even break the skin, a little bruising but no punctures. Afterwards though, we ended up being great friends. I think he really felt bad about it when he figured out I was a young human.

Much as I try to stay away from Chihuahuas and honestly their owners, (who more often than not are irresponsible pet owners anyway,) the little fuckers always seem to get a piece of me.

It wouldn’t be a problem if I could treat them like the annoying nuisances they are, and kill them like biting flies or mosquitoes. But there are all kinds of animal cruelty laws and I’m sure that I’d be the bad guy for popping a Chihuahuas head under my boot.

For years, I’ve thought the breed was probably okay, it was the owners that didn’t train them properly. Now I’m not so sure. They’re overly aggressive always. They’re loud, irritating, territorial beyond all boundaries for their size, and just fucking annoying.

One of the little fuckers bit Jesse today. Fortunately it didn’t have the strength in its jaws to draw blood. Jesse wasn’t amused in the least and once he realized these things were not wagging their tails in friendship he was very confused. Fortunately, he’s got really quick reflexes so after the first bite these two pieces of shit never touched him again.

For a moment or two I really weighed the risk/reward of letting him off leash. I don’t know if he would have simply led them down into the wash and left them trapped there for another predator, or killed them. I also considered trying to get them to follow Jesse and I across the bridge into the construction zone near the main road, or better yet into the wilderness area that Jesse has, of late, not wanted to enter.

His reluctance is probably due to a predator or predators. But two tasty morsels offered up might buy Jesse and I safe passage until next spring.

In the end we managed to back up to a point that they lost interest. They were 1/2 mile from where they live when they finally decided to leave us alone so that I could check Jesse to see if he’d been hurt.

Even then, 1/2 mile is a long way for such a small dog whose owners I’ve seen around. One owner is fat as a house and the other is on a walker even though she’s not that old, just obese. It’s not likely they’d come looking or would be able to come looking. But these days you never know who might be pointing an unwelcome camera at you for TikTok likes or some shit.

It was that last bit that prevented me from taking action.

I honestly think that Chihuahuas are dangerous. The danger is that people look at them as “Cute, silly little dogs that can’t do much damage.” They shouldn’t be allowed to do ANY damage, but since it’s minimal, people look the other way. A Chihuahua is unlikely to kill a human unless the human is an infant or toddler and the Chihuahua was part of a pack of Chihuahuas. 

That doesn’t mitigate the harm them biting someone, or another dog, causes. Had Jesse been injured I’d have been the one paying the Vet bill. Again, irresponsible owners.

Regardless of their size, they’re still dogs. In fact they were hunting dogs for, I think, the Aztecs? I forget what they hunted but it was something that lived underground and Chihuahuas could chase it from its burrow.

I guess part of the reason I hate the Chihuahuas so much is that even if they’re attacking you, you’re the one that looks like a cruel person if you hurt one. They’re duplicitous start to finish. They’ll appear friendly then turn on you, they’re small so kicking one or killing one make you the bad guy. Worst of all, they’re always loud, yappy, and poorly trained. I have yet to see a Chihuahua obey the commands of its owner.