Well, For Once he wasn’t wrong…

There’s an article in Breitbart that caught my attention.

Biden on Quitting: Dem Colleagues Thought ‘I Was Going to Hurt Them’ in the Election

“President Joe Biden said on “CBS Sunday Morning” that he opted to not to seek reelection because his colleagues in the “House and Senate thought that I was going to hurt them” in the November election.”

I’m sure that even this was carefully written out for Joe to read on air for CBS.

755cd5be 2ec8 46ca bf5c a78718c5f6b7 GettyImages 1151452810_1.The trouble is that he and Kamala have done the damage already. I’ve said in these pages Kamala could possibly win, simply because she’s a colored woman. (I had to put it the old Southern way, just ‘cause.) From one perspective, you could see Kamala as the old colored cleaning woman brought in to clean up the mess the Biden Administration has made of the Democrat party.

Negating the fact that Kamala had a hand in making the mess, nominating her for the Presidency  goes a long way toward being able to paint the Democrat party optics as “Moving forward, and very progressive,” when the reality is Istockphoto 1324853644 612x612.just using Kamala’s gender and skin color to get female and black votes.

Her vapidness,  incompetence, and complete un-likability, are completely irrelevant.

She’s not going to be puling the strings in her own administration, any more than Biden has been making the decisions in his.

It’s clear what’s wanted by the powers that be is a figurehead, nothing more, the dumber the better, as long as they’re “Pretty” or meet specific demographic requirements.

Trump is a threat, Kennedy more so. Trump sees things through the lens of business. His thinking is, “everything is a deal and every problem can be solved by the correct application of profit acquisition, who ever you’re negotiating with just needs to see how the deal benefits them.”

Trumps view is not incorrect or necessarily bad, in my opinion. He’s a guy that’s smarter at business and deals than I am.

That’s obvious, otherwise we’d be having a discussion about Me running against Kamala Harris.

Kennedy on the other hand is really, really, smart. Someone like Kennedy could horrifically fuck up the plans of whatever actors are moving behind the scenes.

African american maid 1942 african american 13214217.I think that’s why the Biden Administration kept denying him secret service protection. I’d have been very saddened but unsurprised if the assassination attempt on Trump had been successful, I believe Kennedy would have had some kind of “accident” just a few days later.

It’s a lot easier to “Hillary” someone if they don’t have secret service protection. As it turns out, secret service protection might not be all it’s cracked up to be anyway.

As all the negative information, obvious fuck ups, and flat out obfuscation about the Secret Service’s role, or lack thereof in the Trump assassination attempt comes out, I’m sad to realize that the movie franchise “Olympus has Fallen, London has Fallen, and Angel has Fallen” is officially dead except as a comedy franchise.

Black maids hollywood hattie mcdaniel.Who knows? Perhaps all future tales of “The President and Secret Service” will give us a new Abbott & Costello, Keystone Cops, Naked Gun, or Police Academy, series of movies.

I digress…

Now that Joe has spoken true words publicly, I’m sure his deal with Satan is about to come due.

Perhaps we could have some fun making Kamala memes dressing her up as old time black maids and putting her in the Whitehouse doing nothing but cleaning.