OMG! So this is what we’ve come to???

Are you kidding me?

Trump is dragged into kangaroo courts where guilt is a foregone conclusion.
Trump Censored
Trump Gag Ordered
Legal System weaponized against Trump, and any one supporting him.
Attempting to prevent Trump from being on the fucking ballot

Now… The Democrats resort to assassination!

What the FUCK?!?!

This right here, is the reason I will NEVER vote for any Democrat candidate again!

Looks like an innocent bystander may have been killed in addition to the shooter.

What about the innocent bystanders behind him?

This pisses me off beyond all bounds.

Every single one of the news media, the pundits, and every politician that has engaged in the rhetoric claiming that Trump is Hitler, Trump is the death of democracy, and all the rest of the bullshit we hear every fucking day, are 100% responsible for this.

I’ve not been sure about Trump, but seeing him pop up, with a fist of defiance won my vote! I’m sick of weak politicians.

My God. I’m shocked, but not surprised.

I couldn’t watch the Biden Press Confrence, I chose BDSM Porn instead.

Biden confused face press conference AP 640x480.Much as I dislike Biden, starting with his VP days. I couldn’t watch him speak yesterday. It was too humiliating, and smacked of elder abuse.

Technically I didn’t like him when he was a Senator, but he was a minor “Bit” player there. Sure he said some shitty things but there were senators who said and did a lot shittier things on the Senate floor, it was easy to overlook Biden.

At the time he was just a mean spirited dude who looked like he would follow any asshole and do what he was told.

My other half liked Biden until he realized that Biden wasn’t the nice “poor” senator that he’d portrayed himself to be.

Watching Biden is humiliating, and knowing that there are people in this country who still believe Biden is worthy to be the President of The United States of America, even more so. It’s bad enough that Biden is obviously screwed up, either due to stupidity, age, or his deal with Satan coming due.

But seeing so many people tying themselves in knots clutching after the belief that President Poopy Pants is all there, speaks to a level of delusion and stupidity that is breathtaking.

For all of Trump’s faults, indelicate comments, and mean tweets, at least when he embarrassed us it wasn’t by shitting himself, whispering like a child molester, or forgetting who he was introducing.

I’d consider and have considered moving to another country. Serbia for example, but the humiliation of being an American these days is too daunting. 

“Hey, Ducat! Don’t they teach your people how to read? Tell the truth? Not sniff or grope children? Don’t they teach you how to go to the bathroom? Yes our rural people may still shit in outhouses, but THEY SHIT in Outhouses, not their pants! Hahahahahahah! Stupid Americans…”

Russia maybe? 

“Hey, Ducat! Don’t you want to hear American President speaking tonight? Don’t you want to see if he falls down? We have bets, two to one he falls, even money he gets lost on stage. At least with Putin we know he won’t embarrass Mother Russia. We know the criminals will be punished or put to death depending on crimes. We have clean streets, clean Metro, no stupid fights on planes. People walk safe at night. Our women know how to dress and that they are women!  Hahahahahahah! Stupid Americans…”


“Hey, Ducat! Want to hear latest American Joke?? How many Americans does it take to make baby? Nobody knows because Americans don’t know difference between man and woman! Ohhhh Look! American President is speaking to dead people again! Hahahahahahah! Stupid Americans…”


“Sorry, Ducat we deny your asylum application because we have enough trouble trying to get Muslims to assimilate. Judging by your Democrat party, Americans are dumber than all the other Asylum seekers. We don’t need more stupid people in Germany. Hahahahahahah! Stupid Americans…”

This is sadly the second time in my life I’ve felt that other countries were judging all Americans by their president. Coincidentally the last time I felt like this was during Obamas “Apology World Tour” when he did everything but suck off world leaders.

I don’t know which was worse. Obama in full possession of his faculties, selling out America, or Biden fucking us over “thinking” he’s doing a good job.

I do know that I am not happy being embarrassed constantly on the world stage by a creepy whispering, mumbling, stumbling, moron.

Maybe I’m missing something, Why does Violet Affleck think anyone cares what she demands?

Who does she think she is? Greta Thunberg?

I tried listening to her. The video of her talking to the LA City Council is in a few places. Twitter, TikTok, it was shown on the news and appeared in Breitbart

She’s really hard to understand, it’s like she’s a chittering squirrel sped up to 3x normal speed. And of course she’s talking through a mask so that makes it sound more like a muffled chittering squirrel.

Apparently because she had some kind of disease having to do with covid etc. She’s now demanding that no one be able to ban masks. I didn’t think anyone was banning masks. Hey you want to wear a mask more power to you, but understand, and this is a lesson from my childhood…

Because so many people used mask regulations as a method to hide their identity while committing robberies and stealing anything that wasn’t nailed down. A lot of businesses won’t allow you to shop with a mask on. So little Violet, the lesson here is an oldie but goodie.

A few bad apples spoil the barrel.

It was my understanding that laws were being enacted that stopped mask Mandates. That, my little snowflake I’m good with. Study after study have demonstrated that masking did little if anything to slow the spread of a virus, any virus!

Worn properly, an N95 can filter out 95% of particulate matter down to .3 microns. Notice I said worn properly. There appears to have been some conflation between an N95 respirator and an N95 surgical mask. They are two entirely different animals. Nonetheless, the average population wasn’t given any training in proper fitting, or, indeed wearing their surgical masks or an N95 respirator.

Therefore, the conclusion that masking was pretty useless is probably valid. Mandating masks did nothing but needlessly expose us to graphene and increased C02 levels. Oh it also made mask manufacturers a shit ton of money.

My absolute favorite though was this little virtue signaling gem.

My Brother gave me this one while I was visiting Florida unvaxed during the pandemic.

I know, it must be so very disappointing to the Vax NAZIS and those who said the unvaxed should be placed in camps, to discover that somehow a cockroach like myself is still alive.

This lovely mask is all fabric, and I believe was made by one of our relatives. My Brother has a few others with similar death motifs. Primarily, we used them to get into bars and restaurants who demanded we wear them until we were seated.

I’ve kept this one because I know that somehow, sometime, I’ll need to virtue signal again.

Maximus bk w hat left angle 2016.This is a super well made machine washable mask. Just because 90% of my family didn’t believe in the efficacy of masking doesn’t mean we’re above cashing in on the terror and virtue signaling needs of others. I think my relative was selling these for $25 or $30.

Had the masking insanity continued, we were going to suggest that our relative start making less elaborate Black Death masks.

We were thinking just the beak and not quite so long.

I’m sure little miss Violet would be outraged that my Brother and most of the rest of the family would be so flippant about masks.

Believe me, if I thought a mask was going to do the trick I’d be wearing one. I commonly wear an N95 while doing yard work. Why? Because the dust and particulates kicked up by weed whacking often contains rodent feces. Those fecal particles if inhaled can cause valley fever which is unpleasant but mostly survivable.

I also wear an N95 when sanding and painting. Again as a protection against breathing chemical particulates which can do me harm. In these cases the N95, even improperly fitted to my face with a beard affords protection. I also swap them out every few hours as well.

Violetaffleckmask 640x480.Not that anyone should care about my mask usage.

The point is I’m not anti mask, I’m anti stupidity and the masking, the mandates, and all the rest was just theater, waving of hands to make it look like the officials had a plan.

It’s the same damn thing as during the 50s and 60s when government officials produced those idiotic duck and cover movies about what we were supposed to do in the even of a nuclear attack.

I got into trouble for saying stuff like, “If you hear the air raid siren, you’ve got 30 minutes to go do whatever you want to do.” Later I amended my statement to, “If you hear the air raid siren you’ve got 30 minutes to have as much sex of whatever kind you want. Get naked and make the best of it.”

I honestly don’t understand why these famous or pseudo famous people think anyone gives a shit about what they think. Why should Violet Affleck think in a million years that just because her daddy and mommy are famous she should be listened to?

Perhaps this is why Ben always looks like he’s taking a hot spike up his ass these days. Is he questioning the wisdom of being a father and wishing that he could go back and get a vasectomy before he got anyone pregnant?

Good God Almighty! If they’d tell the truth it would be easier on us all!

I constantly being reminded of the Harry Potter scene where Harry is writing lines and what he writes is burned into his hand. 

“I must not tell lies.”

In the story, Harry wasn’t telling lies. In fact he was telling the truth and still got punished for it.

The Biden administration could do with a little Harry Potter magic.

Well since that kind of magic doesn’t actually exist, perhaps this administration could benefit from a branding iron every single time they lie. 

Although I’m partial to Scott Adams creation of “Shock Pants” too.

I would love to see politicians getting their butts and privates shocked every time they lie. I think the voltage should go up with every lie and only drop after 1 whole hour of truth.

Congress would only have the smell of seared flesh for a few hours, before the liars learned or destroyed their ability to procreate. Either way, the American People win.

Karine Jean-Pierre screaming mid way through a press conference would serve as a lesson to children everywhere. “I must not tell lies

All of this is brought to mind because now, its coming out that the Parkinsons Specialist who visited the White House monthly as shown by the visitor logs, was in fact answering questions with Joe Biden in the freakin room.

Joe biden health 640x480.In other words, even though the Biden administration doesn’t want to come right out and just say, “Yes, the President is suffering from Parkinsons and is undergoing treatment.”

We, and the entire world see the president is obviously having problems and should not be running for re-election.

Had the administration spoken the truth directly they really could have facilitated a nice soft landing.

But NO! These morons had to lie, just as they’ve lied about everything. Now they’re unhappy that huge swaths of the country are pissed off, have no trust in the administration, and are probably going to vote for Trump.

That’s what happens when you keep lying to everybody and attempt to lie about what people are actually experiencing.

It’s arguable that Joe Freaking Biden was screwed up when he took office in 2020. 

So much for honesty, transparency, and unity, Liar in Chief! (Sounded a lot like Hope and Change, anyway)

I thought it felt really Obama-ish these past 3.5 years.

At this point… I personally would vote for a murderous dictator knowing full well that we’d have to shoot our way out that kind of mess, just to be sure that every single liar in Washington D.C. was imprisoned or tried for treason. 

Oh what the hell, try them in a “Kangaroo Court” in New York. They seem to have an abundance of them.

Hey assholes in Washington D.C.

Tell the truth! It’s about the only thing you haven’t tried…

Ugghh! I don’t want to do anything!

Between the poor air quality from the fires, the blazing heat, poor sleep, and my general crankiness I’m not motivated to do a dang thing!

The dog and I have been taking early morning walks because it’s cool even though the air quality is terrible. So at least his walk has been completed.

It’s the other stuff, the people stuff that I’m unmotivated to deal with.

I should go to the pharmacy, the grocery store, and the post office. But it’s 90° at 10:00 am and you can almost watch the mercury rising like the old Loony Tunes cartoons.

I’m thinking I’m going to say the heck with it for today. I got about 3 hours of sleep last night and all I want to do is lay on the couch and nap.

I don’t want to get in the habit of blowing off the day because I’m afraid I’ll be mistaken for Joe Biden. (Couldn’t resist…)

I’ve had a walk with the dog, a pot of coffee, breakfast, and I am literally nodding off while typing this.

Maybe I’ll wait until after dark to make the pharmacy and grocery store run. That way I can leave the pup outside without too much worry since the temps will be dropping, and I’m not walking around in a blast furnace.

This is from a guy who likes the heat, and has considered moving to Palm Springs. I think in this case it’s the altitude, coupled with smoky air that’s taking the wind out of my sails.

Sleeping is tough because I’ll have the house open and not smell smoke, when I go to bed and there’s a nice breeze, then the wind shifts a little and I wake up with my sinuses wadded up feeling like I’m suffocating.

That isn’t a happy way to wake up, because I’m panicked and it takes a while for me to drop off again. Running the A/C 24 hours a day might be my only option for the next few days.

Why don’t I do that all the time? Because normally we get these nice evening breezes that are really pleasant. Even if they’re a little warm some times of the year it’s easy to sleep.

Honestly, I don’t really like A/C, especially if you have to have it running all the time just to survive. I feel like it isolates you from the world.

That’s one of the things I like so much about living here. The house can be open at least during the day, most of the year. Even in Winter it’s not uncommon for the outside temps to be around 60°F so you can leave the sliders cracked open a bit for the fresh, albeit cool air. If it’s a sunny day, having the shades up, allows the sun to warm the house so the furnace is idle until nightfall.

It’s only in the deepest Winter that the house is closed all the time. Think maybe 2 to 2.5 months. It’s a nice way to live.

There are places in the Midwest and on the East Coast where the same kind of living is possible. Maybe there will be a few more bugs, but that’s what screens are for.

Yep, it’s nap time…

Getting harder to hold thoughts in my head…