Apparently the Olympic opening ceremonies didn’t go well.


Several X posts were reporting that the IOC is pulling down video and has filed DCMA requests for copies of the offensive videos to be taken down too.

The videos and photos I’ve seen are… Uh… well, awful!

There have even been messages on X from Parisians apologizing for the show. Think about that. Parisians NEVER apologize for anything!

There have been some really funny parody videos from Russia piling on the humiliation.

Generally, I don’t watch the Olympics. Seems like a lot of hype and not a lot of actual sport.

I don’t mean that to suggest that the Athletes aren’t the top in the world in their sport. It’s just that for an event that says all the athletes have to be amateur and unpaid. There’s a ton of money being made by everyone else.

Commercial after commercial, sponsors and commerce. Not to mention the cash the IOC rakes in. 

The Olympics could be considered a metaphor or commentary on the government citizen relations vis-à-vis taxation. The athletes do all the work, the IOC & TV networks reap the rewards. 

While I do think the photos and video clips I’ve seen of the opening ceremonies were pretty awful, I apparently wasn’t alone. I think that a large percentage of the backlash might simply be that world wide maybe people are sick to death of everything being Trans or whatever other victim class the TQIA2S+ mob can come up with.

Do what you want to your body, I don’t care. Sleep with whoever you want, I don’t care. Turn your bedroom into an orgy every night with as many people as you can stack in the space, I don’t care. But for God’s sake stop shoving it down my throat!

One good and faithful person was all I needed. He’s gone now, and I’m beyond disinterested in being dragged into some Trans drama of perpetual victimhood.

Full disclosure, over our decades together He and I both colored outside the lines on occasion. It wasn’t a big deal. We didn’t feel like we needed to advertise it. Had the right third person come along, we’d have been open to the possibility of a polyamorous situation.

The point is, none of this is new, different, or special. All of this is adult activity and has no place in front of children, nor does it need to be splashed into the living rooms of families across the planet.

That sentiment is coming from a gay man, who’s apparently not alone in that view. I could write a 2000 word piece on how annoyed, disgusted, and angry I am about the gay community being utterly destroyed by the TQIA2S+ mob. That is a piece for another time.

The TQIA2S+ mob has even taken over and devalued our once fun pride events. Oh, and we don’t need a freaking month of “Pride”. We used to have a lot of fun with just a couple of weekends.

It appears that the TQIA2S+ mob will not be content until they make everyone miserable enough to turn away from entertainment venues of every kind. They say this is about representation and inclusion, but clearly it’s not.

Honestly, I’m not represented or included. Nor is any straight person. I don’t like living in a fucking pride parade every day of the year.

I have to admit, they’ve done a fantastic job of eradicating the photos and videos as of this morning.

The damage is done. The controversy has been written about. It doesn’t matter if the photos are no longer available, the world saw that dumpster fire of an Olympic opening ceremony.

I was somewhat amazed that the costumes looked like a bad high school production of Hedwig & the Angry Inch or Rocky Horror Picture Show. With the money spent, I would have expected something that at least looked like they’d spent some time in costume design.

Perhaps it’s just me. Everything in the published photos looked cheap and tawdry.

I will say Lady Gaga carried off her costume well, I’ve seen no photos of Celine Dions performance. It’s a pity that the TQIA2S+ mob’s dumpster fire managed to overshadow their performances.

As I was reading through the posts on X I kept hearing Mallory Archer saying, “This is why we can’t have nice things.” Apparently the TQIA2S+ mob portion of the ceremonies did one thing the director claimed to want to do.

It united a broad swath of people in anger, disgust, and revulsion. So good job dude.