I fear Kamala will likely be the President. I don’t like it, but there it is.

Kamala harris.I reread the following and apologize for the hyperbole. Sometimes I’m just as bad as the talking heads on TV telling us that Trump will be the end of democracy.

It’s hard to maintain objectivity. I don’t think either of the main party candidates deserve my vote. If/when it comes to it I’ll cast my vote for Trump.

I’d prefer a candidate that was not a choice between Kamala and Trump. I think Kamala would be worse for the country than another Trump Term, but I’d really prefer an option that clearly led us in a better direction.

I want Pragmatism, not Societal Engineering.

It’s that desire for Pragmatism that leads me to voting Trump. I’ve thought a business man running our country as a business would be preferable to some of the programs lifelong Democrats seem to sponsor and prefer.

I honestly wonder about RFK Jr. He’s got some good ideas. While I doubt seriously that he has a chance in hell of winning the election. It would be great if he found a place in either party’s administration where he could do some good.

Without further ado, here is the original piece I wrote this morning.

Under her wonderful leadership, I fear the damage Biden and she have done to the country will ossify.

If you think about it, Kamala could finish out Joe’s term, then still have 8 more years as The President.

That’s why I think the damage will be irreversible. 12 years of horribly flawed leadership & policies from the combination of Biden/Harris would be bad enough, but you’ve got 8 years prior of Obama/Biden. 

Thinking about it, If Harris wins 2 terms, that would mean 20 years of Democrat rule broken only briefly by 4 years of Trump. After that length of time, the Government Bureaucracy will have a major case of, “We’ve always done it this way,” so change of any kind is unlikely except the normal bloating growth of government. 

I strongly suspect if Kamala is elected it will herald an assault on The Constitution unlike anything we’ve ever seen.

The SCOTUS will probably go from 9 to 30 left wing liberals (I exaggerate the number) meaning that they’ll always come down on whatever side of an issue is most advantageous to, or popular with liberals. I wouldn’t be surprised to see the ninth amendment repealed, paving the way for the only rights of the people, to be those allowed or given by the state.Subject to change of course.

We’ve already seen how malleable the statute of limitations is when The State decides it must prosecute a perceived enemy. What we’ve see over the last 4 years certainly appears to be an extension of Obama era weaponization of government agencies and the DOJ.

I’d bet that the democrats in Congress will multiply and willingly vote to spend us into complete foreclosure probably to China. Meaning that instead of China having to go to war with us, they’ll have simply purchased us outright.

Better start leaning Mandarin!

Oh, this won’t all happen under Kamala’s presidency. After her, there’ll be Presidents from different parties but they’ll be weak, feckless, cut outs, offering the illusion of choice to the people, unable to do anything about the damage, even if they were willing to try.

After Kamala, the laws and changes to The Constitution will be irrevocable because there will never be enough votes (or desire) in the House and Senate to undo the changes. Congress will be nothing more than a mechanism to reward loyalists.

Vladimir Putin.I figure 4, maybe 5, presidents more, until we’re all on our knees sucking Chinese cock. I might live to see it, I might live long enough to say, “I told you so!” Before I’m executed because someone finds this blog, or I spoke improperly about a CCP party official.

You have to admit, Xi, and Putin have got to be literally wet with excitement at the prospect of Kamala being President. 

I saw that Hillary was being floated as Kamala’s VP and pictured leaders of Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, and Xi & Putin all asking for more lube as they jerked off to the thought of America being so weak and led by two people with questionable morals, and intellect.

Putin has the goods on Hillary so I’d expect a fair amount of Putin getting what he wants, but there’ll be no accusations of “Russian Collusion”.

Kamala will win simply because of the liberal white woman vote. Every single liberal white woman will vote for Kamala because they’re voting against Donald Trump. 

These women believe without question that Donald Trump is Satan Incarnate.

He’s the pussy grabbing, Insurrection planning, White supremacist, Nazi, department store rapist, loan fraud committing, mean tweeting, racist, abortion denying, homophobic, fucker, they’ve been told he is.

We can thank our horribly compromised media for almost a decade of misrepresentation about Trump the man, and more broadly people with conservative opinions & views. 

Saul alinsky.These women (including my Mother, Sister, and Niece) believe that it’s their moral imperative to make sure Trump doesn’t get elected. It is impossible to talk to them.

God help you, if you present actual facts that refute the media narrative. (Although it’s interesting to watch them reject the information. Even when it’s in the form of original uncut video!)

Add Hillary to the ticket and these women will force their husband to fill out his ballot according to their instructions like a truculent child finally having to do his homework. They’ll tell their significant other’s, “No Pussy till you do what I say. Keep defying me and I’ll file for divorce and take 3/4 of your shit.

They’ll do this because they have this belief that, “Trump is evil. It’s time for a woman in the Whitehouse. It’s time for a woman President.” They believe that they know what is best for everyone. Amazing as it seems, suddenly, they’ll all know what a woman is. Fancy that!

They don’t give a rats ass about the competency of The President as long as The President is a gash in a sundress.

A “black” woman and Hillary. OMG!

We’re talking multiple orgasm territory! Their big assed Hitachi massager/vibrators will overload the power grid on inauguration day.

They could arrange to have Trump shot in front of the Lincoln Memorial as part of the festivities. After all, he denied Hillary the Presidency in 2016, obviously, he must be punished!

I shudder to think of the “Karening” of America that would ensue.

I have to admit, well played Democrats, well played.

You guys couldn’t have fucked the country any worse, if you’d had Alinsky and Khrushchev driving the bus. You’ve exceeded all their wildest dreams.

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