I swear CNN seems to search for idiot commentators.

The idiotic statements that come out of these peoples mouths never ceases to amaze me.

CNN political commentator Ashley Allison said Tuesday on CNN’s “Situation Room” that it is offensive to her as a black woman when Vice President Kamala Harris is called incompetent.

CEO and Commentator Ashley Allison.

How the hell do you get to the race card with a statement of objective fact?

I’ve linked the rest of the article as it appeared in Breitbart Here

Ms Allison makes her case after an exchange with Matt Mowers formerly of the Trump Administration, wherein he described Kamala Harris’s record of failure. All of which fits the definition of the word “Incompetence”. Apparently Ms Allison nor anyone else on the panel, aside from Mr. Mowers, has ever opened a dictionary.

Allison said, “She’s not incompetent, okay. Like, you don’t become the attorney general of California or senator or the vice president of United States. By calling her incompetent you’re calling the 81 million people who voted for her incompetent as well.”

All one need do is look a Kamala’s history to dismantle Ms. Allisons defense. Kamala Harris had the path cleared for her to become attorney general of California by Willie Brown. Her ascension to Senate was similarly arranged. What should offend Ms. Allison is Kamala’s record as attorney general and the various miscarriages of justice and scandals during her tenure. 

I believe it was Tulsi Gabbard who in a 2019 debate enumerated Kamala Harris’s incompetence as California Attorney General. Effectively ending Harris’s presidential campaign.

CNN Talking heads just can’t seem to do any research at all, unless it’s about Trump or someone loosely affiliated with Trumps 9th cousin thrice removed on his mother’s side.

One line of her reasoning stood out to me, “By calling her incompetent you’re calling the 81 million people who voted for her incompetent as well.”

Okay, by that logic, the left and media calling Trump a NAZI, a Rapist, a white supremacist, an insurrectionist, etc., has been calling ~80 million voters who voted for Trump all of those things as well.

And people like Ms Allison wonder why there is so much hate and division in this country. Really? Look to your own double standards lady!

As a White Man, It’s offensive when media “personalities” call and /or imply Trump, Vance, Comer, Jordan, or Rand Paul are hateful Neo-Nazi bigots without evidence because these talking heads don’t like their politics or decisions.

But we all know, if I say something like that, it’s dismissed because I’m a White Man and my concerns or opinions don’t matter nearly as much as yours do. Racism and your race card have become so fucking irrelevant at this point you might want to back off that rhetoric. 

I daresay white people are sick of hearing it, and have started to reexamine the guilt you trigger screaming racist every freaking minute.

I have no guilt. People like you will not shame me any more. I refuse to allow you to manipulate me. I will proudly cast my vote for the most qualified person regardless of their gender or skin color.

As an aside, I have no more patience or pity for any group who defines themselves first by their race, gender or sexuality.

Be Americans, stand with other Americans, or get to the fucking back of the bus! Yeah, I meant that to be offensive. I’d love to be able to ask Rosa Parks what her thoughts on screaming “racist” every five minutes is doing to end racism. Somehow I bet you wouldn’t like what she said.

Ms Allison, you and your ilk should understand this, with your constant haranguing, and rhetoric, you are creating the very Nationalists you’re scared of.

Maybe you should start doing journalism and reporting facts instead of emotions.

I had to say it. I know nothing in the media is going to change, except to get worse.

As my Father used to say, “Son you’re pissing into the wind.”