He Screwed the country, our national security, our allies, the economy, and finally screwed the DNC nomination processs!

Joe Confused.I guess Obama was right. “Anything Joe touches gets fucked up”.

I’m not sure that’s the exact phrase but it’s damn close.

There was one report that said Joe’s aides found out he was dropping out of the race via X. Talk about disrespecting all your employees and people who believed in you. 

Then again if any of his aides still believed in him, they’re probably too stupid to leave their mother’s basement. 

We all knew this was going to happen. The handwriting was on the wall in flashing neon letters. If Joe had really wanted to fuck over the people that believed in him, including those who voted for his raggedy ass in the primaries, he should have waited another couple of weeks before bowing out. But Joe even fucked up expressing his hatred for his supporters. 

This is the best the Democrat party could do? This is the guy they lied, manipulated, and cheated to get into office and forced him down our throats. This is the guy that was the great white hope of a Democrat controlled government for the next decade or two.

I’d love to call up the ghost of Joseph McCarthy. Can we have him deliver the line, “Are you now or have you ever been a Democrat?

The memes and videos on X are hysterical! 

The down side is that Kamala is in theory going to remain VP. I hope the law and the Republicans force a 25th amendment hearing. We need to retire Biden and let Kamala become president for the next few months.

The American People deserve to know what their choices are. Kamala is singularly unqualified to be President. That’s not about her skin color or that she’s a woman. It’s about who she is and that she’s incompetent.

Americans need to see the incompetence. About 1/2 of America needs to have their noses rubbed in the steaming shit they’ve voted for, simply because they didn’t like mean tweets and believed without question every word the media said.

Another advantage would be that if she is made President for the remainder of this term, it fulfills the bogus demands that we have a woman president, and bonus points because Kamala is a woman of color.

She gets to be the first, and then we can move on with the normal business of righting the ship of state.

Kennedy or Trump would do nicely.