I suspect that over the next few months, we’ll see changes in the Biden Administration.

Although at this point it’s rather like re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

Activity in hiring/firing and people heading to other opportunities in any organization can tell you a lot about what’s going on in the boardrooms.

The Presidency is no different. 

I’d be surprised if key people stick around much longer. At this point they need to parley their employment within the Presidential sphere into cold hard cash and new safe positions before the election.

We’ll start seeing books published by staffers about their work in the inner circle.

Titles like, “The Dream that wasn’t – The Biden Presidency” By the way, that title I came up with, it’s not associated with a real book. However, if someone were to write a book and wants to use that title they can contact me and I’ll happily sell them the rights outright, or take a percentage.

Such a book would probably be a salacious look into the rumors of Kamala’s staffing troubles. Jill Biden’s domineering and bullying of everyone within the Whitehouse, and Joe Biden’s rapid decline.

Ultimately the book could blame the people of the United States for their inability to understand the great direction The Biden Administration was taking the country. I’m sure it could find a way to blame the selfishness of families dependent on gasoline, and food. There would probably be some discussion about the way MAGA and white supremacy ‘Poisoned’ the American People against Joe Biden’s administration.

As staffers bail on Joe, the Whitehouse will do its best to keep a lid on the losses, but eventually the press will figure it out because they’ll try to call their contacts and get routed to voicemail saying the extension in question is no longer active.

Then the press will have to make a decision. Tell the truth, or do what they’ve been doing for 4 years. Cover up the information.

Wow! I’d gotten busy with other things and walked away from this post.

In the intervening hours. Joe Biden has announced he will step out of the 2024 Presidential race.

So everything I’d written prior to this point was and will be true. Except that now, the inevitable rats leaving a sinking ship scenario is confirmed. The ship is going down!

Where does this leave us?

I guess the Democrat Nation Convention will be interesting enough to watch.

Kamala is a complete non-starter. Although I could see them floating her as Biden’s replacement. Hillary? Oh for fucks sake! Newsom? Only if you want the USA to get flushed down the toilet, but he could be a viable candidate to white liberal women because he’s good looking and charismatic. 

Well, this should be interesting.

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