Let’s talk about poop shall we?

I know that title probably got ya!

I’m endlessly confused by people and their actions.

While walking this morning, Jesse & I encountered a bag of dog poop neatly tied up sitting on the ground next to a trashcan.

Why wasn’t it in the Trashcan? Why would a person walking their dog leave a bag of poop like that. Do they think the pop will magically leap into the trashcan, or the passing trash truck?

What person in their right mind would think that the owner of the trashcans, is going to be happy about having to bend down to pickup a bag of poop that is not theirs or their dogs, to pick it up and place it in the can. 

Why do people do things like this? Put it in the BIN!

If this is someone trying to be “Courteous” 

Clearly I missed a memo about the protocol here.

Folks, I don’t mind if you put a bag of dog poop in my bin. I appreciate that you’re cleaning up after your pooch. I’m not happy at all that I’m having to pick up the bag and put it in my bin for you!

Just Sayin!