Does she hear herself?

Margaret Brennan of CBS was being unbelievably duplicitous on Face The Nation. On the one hand she says she deserves some leniency about her comments immediately after Trump was shot.

She said at the time Trump didn’t say anything to cool the temperature of Trumps supporters in the wake of them witnessing an assassination attempt.

Uh you clueless bitch! Trump was the one who was shot, That he was telling the crowd he was fine, with fist pumps and “Fight, Fight, Fight” was pretty damn impressive.

My point is that he was literally in the middle of a high stress situation and thought enough to signal to the crowd that he was alive and minimally hurt. (Which by the way, did a lot to calm the crowd.)

Apparently while she was making dumb comments, she expected Trump to pontificate on the relative merits of remaining calm and not seeking revenge in some master soliloquy that would pass her editorial requirements.

Hey Brennan, fuck you!

My god I have developed a new level of hatred for these talking heads.

It is beyond unbelievable to me that less than 24 hours after the assasination attempt the talking heads are trying to blame Republicans, Trump, and MAGA for this violence against Trump.

What the actual fuck?

These people disgust me!