OMG! So this is what we’ve come to???

Are you kidding me?

Trump is dragged into kangaroo courts where guilt is a foregone conclusion.
Trump Censored
Trump Gag Ordered
Legal System weaponized against Trump, and any one supporting him.
Attempting to prevent Trump from being on the fucking ballot

Now… The Democrats resort to assassination!

What the FUCK?!?!

This right here, is the reason I will NEVER vote for any Democrat candidate again!

Looks like an innocent bystander may have been killed in addition to the shooter.

What about the innocent bystanders behind him?

This pisses me off beyond all bounds.

Every single one of the news media, the pundits, and every politician that has engaged in the rhetoric claiming that Trump is Hitler, Trump is the death of democracy, and all the rest of the bullshit we hear every fucking day, are 100% responsible for this.

I’ve not been sure about Trump, but seeing him pop up, with a fist of defiance won my vote! I’m sick of weak politicians.

My God. I’m shocked, but not surprised.