I couldn’t watch the Biden Press Confrence, I chose BDSM Porn instead.

Biden confused face press conference AP 640x480.Much as I dislike Biden, starting with his VP days. I couldn’t watch him speak yesterday. It was too humiliating, and smacked of elder abuse.

Technically I didn’t like him when he was a Senator, but he was a minor “Bit” player there. Sure he said some shitty things but there were senators who said and did a lot shittier things on the Senate floor, it was easy to overlook Biden.

At the time he was just a mean spirited dude who looked like he would follow any asshole and do what he was told.

My other half liked Biden until he realized that Biden wasn’t the nice “poor” senator that he’d portrayed himself to be.

Watching Biden is humiliating, and knowing that there are people in this country who still believe Biden is worthy to be the President of The United States of America, even more so. It’s bad enough that Biden is obviously screwed up, either due to stupidity, age, or his deal with Satan coming due.

But seeing so many people tying themselves in knots clutching after the belief that President Poopy Pants is all there, speaks to a level of delusion and stupidity that is breathtaking.

For all of Trump’s faults, indelicate comments, and mean tweets, at least when he embarrassed us it wasn’t by shitting himself, whispering like a child molester, or forgetting who he was introducing.

I’d consider and have considered moving to another country. Serbia for example, but the humiliation of being an American these days is too daunting. 

“Hey, Ducat! Don’t they teach your people how to read? Tell the truth? Not sniff or grope children? Don’t they teach you how to go to the bathroom? Yes our rural people may still shit in outhouses, but THEY SHIT in Outhouses, not their pants! Hahahahahahah! Stupid Americans…”

Russia maybe? 

“Hey, Ducat! Don’t you want to hear American President speaking tonight? Don’t you want to see if he falls down? We have bets, two to one he falls, even money he gets lost on stage. At least with Putin we know he won’t embarrass Mother Russia. We know the criminals will be punished or put to death depending on crimes. We have clean streets, clean Metro, no stupid fights on planes. People walk safe at night. Our women know how to dress and that they are women!  Hahahahahahah! Stupid Americans…”


“Hey, Ducat! Want to hear latest American Joke?? How many Americans does it take to make baby? Nobody knows because Americans don’t know difference between man and woman! Ohhhh Look! American President is speaking to dead people again! Hahahahahahah! Stupid Americans…”


“Sorry, Ducat we deny your asylum application because we have enough trouble trying to get Muslims to assimilate. Judging by your Democrat party, Americans are dumber than all the other Asylum seekers. We don’t need more stupid people in Germany. Hahahahahahah! Stupid Americans…”

This is sadly the second time in my life I’ve felt that other countries were judging all Americans by their president. Coincidentally the last time I felt like this was during Obamas “Apology World Tour” when he did everything but suck off world leaders.

I don’t know which was worse. Obama in full possession of his faculties, selling out America, or Biden fucking us over “thinking” he’s doing a good job.

I do know that I am not happy being embarrassed constantly on the world stage by a creepy whispering, mumbling, stumbling, moron.