Good God Almighty! If they’d tell the truth it would be easier on us all!

I constantly being reminded of the Harry Potter scene where Harry is writing lines and what he writes is burned into his hand. 

“I must not tell lies.”

In the story, Harry wasn’t telling lies. In fact he was telling the truth and still got punished for it.

The Biden administration could do with a little Harry Potter magic.

Well since that kind of magic doesn’t actually exist, perhaps this administration could benefit from a branding iron every single time they lie. 

Although I’m partial to Scott Adams creation of “Shock Pants” too.

I would love to see politicians getting their butts and privates shocked every time they lie. I think the voltage should go up with every lie and only drop after 1 whole hour of truth.

Congress would only have the smell of seared flesh for a few hours, before the liars learned or destroyed their ability to procreate. Either way, the American People win.

Karine Jean-Pierre screaming mid way through a press conference would serve as a lesson to children everywhere. “I must not tell lies

All of this is brought to mind because now, its coming out that the Parkinsons Specialist who visited the White House monthly as shown by the visitor logs, was in fact answering questions with Joe Biden in the freakin room.

Joe biden health 640x480.In other words, even though the Biden administration doesn’t want to come right out and just say, “Yes, the President is suffering from Parkinsons and is undergoing treatment.”

We, and the entire world see the president is obviously having problems and should not be running for re-election.

Had the administration spoken the truth directly they really could have facilitated a nice soft landing.

But NO! These morons had to lie, just as they’ve lied about everything. Now they’re unhappy that huge swaths of the country are pissed off, have no trust in the administration, and are probably going to vote for Trump.

That’s what happens when you keep lying to everybody and attempt to lie about what people are actually experiencing.

It’s arguable that Joe Freaking Biden was screwed up when he took office in 2020. 

So much for honesty, transparency, and unity, Liar in Chief! (Sounded a lot like Hope and Change, anyway)

I thought it felt really Obama-ish these past 3.5 years.

At this point… I personally would vote for a murderous dictator knowing full well that we’d have to shoot our way out that kind of mess, just to be sure that every single liar in Washington D.C. was imprisoned or tried for treason. 

Oh what the hell, try them in a “Kangaroo Court” in New York. They seem to have an abundance of them.

Hey assholes in Washington D.C.

Tell the truth! It’s about the only thing you haven’t tried…

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