Ugghh! I don’t want to do anything!

Between the poor air quality from the fires, the blazing heat, poor sleep, and my general crankiness I’m not motivated to do a dang thing!

The dog and I have been taking early morning walks because it’s cool even though the air quality is terrible. So at least his walk has been completed.

It’s the other stuff, the people stuff that I’m unmotivated to deal with.

I should go to the pharmacy, the grocery store, and the post office. But it’s 90° at 10:00 am and you can almost watch the mercury rising like the old Loony Tunes cartoons.

I’m thinking I’m going to say the heck with it for today. I got about 3 hours of sleep last night and all I want to do is lay on the couch and nap.

I don’t want to get in the habit of blowing off the day because I’m afraid I’ll be mistaken for Joe Biden. (Couldn’t resist…)

I’ve had a walk with the dog, a pot of coffee, breakfast, and I am literally nodding off while typing this.

Maybe I’ll wait until after dark to make the pharmacy and grocery store run. That way I can leave the pup outside without too much worry since the temps will be dropping, and I’m not walking around in a blast furnace.

This is from a guy who likes the heat, and has considered moving to Palm Springs. I think in this case it’s the altitude, coupled with smoky air that’s taking the wind out of my sails.

Sleeping is tough because I’ll have the house open and not smell smoke, when I go to bed and there’s a nice breeze, then the wind shifts a little and I wake up with my sinuses wadded up feeling like I’m suffocating.

That isn’t a happy way to wake up, because I’m panicked and it takes a while for me to drop off again. Running the A/C 24 hours a day might be my only option for the next few days.

Why don’t I do that all the time? Because normally we get these nice evening breezes that are really pleasant. Even if they’re a little warm some times of the year it’s easy to sleep.

Honestly, I don’t really like A/C, especially if you have to have it running all the time just to survive. I feel like it isolates you from the world.

That’s one of the things I like so much about living here. The house can be open at least during the day, most of the year. Even in Winter it’s not uncommon for the outside temps to be around 60°F so you can leave the sliders cracked open a bit for the fresh, albeit cool air. If it’s a sunny day, having the shades up, allows the sun to warm the house so the furnace is idle until nightfall.

It’s only in the deepest Winter that the house is closed all the time. Think maybe 2 to 2.5 months. It’s a nice way to live.

There are places in the Midwest and on the East Coast where the same kind of living is possible. Maybe there will be a few more bugs, but that’s what screens are for.

Yep, it’s nap time…

Getting harder to hold thoughts in my head…