Peak Narcisism! (What else would I expect from Actors?)

Joy Behar and trump 640x480.I’ve become fascinated by all the actors claiming they’re terrified about Donald Trump possibly becoming president again.

These people making claims that they’re afraid Trump is going to come after them because they spoke harshly to him, or about him, is so insane I’d believe they’re joking were it not for their follow-on comments.

Talk about a sense of self importance. If, and I mean IF Donald Trump becomes president again, he’s going to be so damn busy taking out the real trash in Washington D.C., fighting innumerable battles with filth and scum in Congress, The Department of Justice, the machine known as our Federal Government and all the corruption therein, that he’s not going to have time, much less any concern for a bunch of sniveling actors, that no-one expects any first rate thinking out of in the first place.

Everyone pretty much assumes that actors are vapid but pretty objects. The words they speak on stage are written for them, their movements to and fro, are directed by others, and were it not for the field of acting, these people would be selling their bodies on street corners.

There are very few actors that actually have a brain. Actors with brains usually demonstrate their intelligence with thoughtful well reasoned statements, and know when to keep their mouths shut about things they know nothing about. 

The latest, aside from Robert De Niro, and the harpies on The View, is Chrissy Teigen. Yeah I know, Chrissy who? I’ve never heard of her, don’t care that I’ve never heard of her and honestly wouldn’t miss her. I’m one of the unwashed masses that is supposed to hang on this persons every word. Apparently, I missed that memo.

These people are now, and will be, so far beneath Trump’s attention they’ve got nothing to fear.  Let’s face it, the very things these “Actors” say they’re afraid of are things we’ve seen their guy & his administration actually do.

In the case of The View, good golly, if ever there was a show that should be canceled it’s that horrific steaming pile of shit.

It’s not just that their opinion is different from mine. It’s that these women are out of their minds about Trump. I’d love to see what happened if the powers that be at the network and their sponsors took Trump off the table with these women. 

What would they talk about then? What, of any importance or relevance would they have to say?

I worry about being too political on this blog. The View has gone well beyond any lines I might have concerned myself with.

The funny thing is that The View, and all of these entertainers have done more to keep Trump in the public eye than if he’d spent millions on advertising.

Funnier still, is they’ve made Trump the underdog, and Americans love the underdog.

With everything they’ve done to attack him, they’ve failed to mortally wound him. Trump is becoming a hero. The guy that wouldn’t go down. The mouse flipping a finger at the big assed cat. 

These actors and the harpies on The View, might want to take a look at Kathy Griffin and the ruin that is her career.

Trump did nothing to her. She was always a third rate comedian. Now she’s washed up and cancelling shows due to poor ticket sales.

It wasn’t Trump, it was how the American People reacted to her. 

It’s not pretty. 

Then again, neither are a lot of these washed up entertainment folks.

Janet Yellen says Trumps Tariffs instead of Federal income tax, would make life unaffordable..

The Article is here

Janet Yellen.Since she’s been wrong on just about every single thing over the past 3 years, I cynically wonder if I should, as a matter of course, invert anything that comes out of her mouth.

I also wonder if she meant unaffordable for the Federal Government? My assumption is that if the Federal Government was 1/3 its current size and functional, that perhaps the tariff idea would work.

It’s not just about taxes. It’s about the horrific inefficiency of the Federal Government. It’s about the way our leadership spends money like drunken sailors. They remind me of a shopping addicted, depressed housewife with a credit card watching QVC all day long.  Believe me, that’s a combination that you do not want.

In the case of our government, we don’t ever see the UPS guy delivering boxes of crap that end up being returned or just going right in the trash can. Our government has found that dumping our money directly in the trash is far more expedient.

You might think I’m being funny. I’m not. I’ve seen first hand what the husbands of shopping addicted folks have to put up with. I’ve seen the stress & strain, the haunted look on a man’s face when the credit card bills keep rolling in and the house is filling with useless crap. I’ve witnessed the fights, the divorces, the “discovery” of a whole bunch of joint credit cards a guy didn’t know his spouse had opened.

It’s not much of a stretch to describe the American Taxpayers as the abused breadwinner being saddled with ever increasing debt by a spouse who insists on buying the Pretty Polly collectors edition faux porcelain doll with genuine agate buttons for only $495. Followed by the same Pretty Polly in a different color dress with genuine synthetic azurite buttons for $595. Both can be purchased together for $1550 and you get free shipping with a certificate of authenticity. 

Our government has forgotten that they’re supposed to provide Value for the dollars they’ve spent. Lately, all we’ve gotten for the taxes they’ve burned so frivolously is the equivalent of a shitload of Pretty Polly dolls, and a maxed out credit card at 22% interest.

Janet Yellen reminds me of the woman who, after the divorce, decides to part with her collection of Pretty Polly dolls, only to discover that every single version she purchased with its “Certificate of Authenticity” is available on eBay for .10 + $22.95 shipping and that she’s not going to be able to pay the rent.

Eventually the Federal Government will reach a point that the American Taxpayer demands a divorce. The manner in which that happens remains to be seen.

The Federal Government in general and this Administration in particular have done more to make the American People turn away in disgust than any time I can remember. 

That being said, I watched the Watergate scandal and Nixon’s resignation.

Existential THREAT TO DEMOCRACY!!!!!

Oh for god’s sake STOP!

Global Warming, Is a threat to democracy
Global Cooling, Is a threat to democracy
MAGA, Is a threat to democracy
Trump, Is a threat to democracy
Vaccine Hesitancy, Is a threat to democracy
Israel Palestine conflict, Is a threat to democracy
January 6th Protests, Is a threat to democracy
Questioning the media, Is a threat to democracy
Questioning the Government, Is a threat to democracy

If everything the media and politicians warn us about, Is a threat to democracy, then nothing is.

Alternatively, if everything is a threat to democracy then democracy is some seriously weak assed shit.

Neither of these assertions are particularly correct.

What these morons are saying is anything and everything beyond their control is a threat to their idea of democracy.

Which leads me to wonder if they understand what democracy is, or that if used incorrectly, democracy may be a bad thing.

You want to see true unfettered absolute democracy?

Look at the Pro Palestinian protestors on college campuses preventing other students from getting to & from their classes. Is this not The Majority exercising absolute democracy and using their numbers to overrule the rights of a minority?

How about Pro Palestinian protestors interrupting a pride parade? Aside from the multiple ironies of Queers for Palestine being on both sides of the “battle line”. Protestors versus Pride Parade is absolute RAW Democracy in action. (There’s also a lesson in there. With Palestinians we can’t have anything they don’t want us to have.)

Democracy can easily be used to trample the rights of the individual. 

That’s why The Constitution and Bill of Rights are so important. When you understand those documents are the only thing standing between us and Pure Democracy (a.k.a. tyranny of the mob), the importance of these documents appears in a whole new light.

I’ve come to believe that the media and our politicians are overusing the word democracy so that we stop “hearing it”. Much like the overused word “racist”. I’ve started wondering if this is a prelude to redefining the word to mean something else in practice if not actual definition.

We don’t now and never have lived in a democracy. Our form of government was designed as a Constitutional Republic. That design was chosen so that the rights of the individual would be preserved regardless of the desires of the Mob.

There’s also an interesting bit in The Constitution that says something to the effect, rights not enumerated are assumed to be held or retained by the individual, not the state. I’m paraphrasing but the meaning was clear to me as an 11 or 12 year old.

My right to do as I pleased was enshrined in The Constitution…

To be clear, my parents were pleased and impressed that I’d read and comprehended The Constitution. They did not however buy my assertion that my misbehavior was Constitutionally protected. I recall their rebuttal was completely rational.

You live in our house, as a dependent on our largess, therefore you will obey our rules until such time as you are no longer dependent upon us for food and shelter. Now, GO TO YOUR ROOM!

It wasn’t until many years later that I learned my Father’s face had been beet red not out of anger, as I had supposed at the time. He’d been doing one of the hardest things a parent has to do. Being parental, when what he really wanted to do was bust up laughing. He told me in my 30’s that he & my mother had gone out to the driveway and laughed till they cried.

I can say these days, it’s a good thing my Father is dead, much as I miss him. With the way the government has been doing things over the past decade or two, my Brother is convinced, and I concur, that our Father would have been out in the shed or in a bunker making ammo and planning for “La Revolution!”

He’d have seen his planning as duty to The Founding Documents, in particular that part that says if the government has become so corrupt and distorted that it no longer serves the people, then the people should overthrow it.

Even in the 1970’s I remember my Father saying that the government should be “big red switched”. A.K.A. abolished and restarted from The Bill of Rights, Constitution, and basic principals. His thinking was that for 1 hour or day there’d be no laws whatsoever. He was ahead of his time. He was really talking about something similar to “The Purge”.

His thinking was that you have to re-elect all new officials, all the laws get erased. The government got started up again with the basics of commonly accepted laws. Don’t kill, don’t steal, that sort of thing. He figured that any scores that got settled while the government was restarting and laws being re-adopted was probably acceptable losses. He’d sometimes go a bit further saying that the folks who got taken out during the restart, probably would have deserved it.

Funny thing, now that I think about it. I wouldn’t consider my Father and his somewhat radical ideas a threat to The Republic. But I could see how his ideas would be considered a threat to the “Democracy” that our politicians are trying to defend.

I’d hate to be worried about my Father and the rest of the family getting “Ruby Ridged” or “Wacoed” by the Feds. There was a time when I called those incidents “outlier” events. Now, I’ve begun to see the Feds for what they are. They’ve shown us all exactly who and what they are in the past 4 years. 

When things like the following have become common place:

3am raids against lawyers who represented a political enemy.
Hunting down people who were simply at the capital on Jan 6th.
Kicking down the doors of ministers over a political dispute with weapons drawn and children in the house.
10-15 vehicles with 60+ agents of the FBI in full tactical load out to arrest one 65 year old retiree and his wife.

Really? This is the “Democracy” our politicians are screaming about protecting?

I’ve seen old newsreels of this. Jackbooted authoritarian thugs kicking down doors.

It was common in Soviet Russia, we denounced it then. It is common in Communist China, our politicians seem to be looking the other way these days. We also saw this behavior in 1930s & 1940s Germany. While the Hugo Boss uniforms were impressive, the authoritarianism was not, and we saw millions murdered. At the end of that conflict. When the trials were ongoing, the common refrain was “I was only following my orders.”

We’ve already heard testimony before Congress that sounded a lot like, “I was only following orders.”

If this kind of government is what our politicians, specifically those in high offices want to protect, then we have a serious problem. 

The question is, how radical will the solution to the problem have to be?