That was fairly horrific.

I watched the spectacle of live elder abuse, also known as the first presidential debate.

It’s said CNN imposed a 2 minute … Yes MINUTE delay instead of the usual 7 second delay. That long delay enabled them to cut the mics, edit the feed, and “protect” the public from seeing a medical emergency, if necessary.


The debate was a shit show. Biden looked like hell and I think Trump was actually being nice to Biden because he’s got enough honor that he couldn’t kick a sick old  man while he was down.

Joe Biden head down debate getty 640x480.It took them 7 days to get Biden into shape for the debate. If this was the best they can do with him after 7 days of preparation, Biden is clearly not running the country. I don’t know who is running the country but it ain’t Biden. Nonetheless, that alone should give every American pause.

Trump being nice doesn’t mean that he didn’t take a couple of shots. 

Biden at one point after mumbling incoherently finished up saying, “We beat Medicare”. Trump agreed. The agreement was not complementary. It was a pretty nice body shot to Biden.

I wasn’t going to mention too much about the debate until I started checking the mainstream media outlets in the Apple News app. There were remarkably few articles about the debate, or Biden’s performance therein. Interestingly there’s not much coverage of Trump either. The media isn’t even doing as much joyous tap dancing about Trumps legals battles today. The conservative press was just as stunned as everyone else last night.

Jon Stewart, one of the biggest left wing, Biden cock sucking, DNC supporting Hollywood assholes out there was speechless. I’ve not checked on the harridans on “The View” today.  

After the Nation seeing Biden as he was last night, I wonder if everyone (left & right) are just stunned and reevaluating their positions. Biden’s condition can no longer be hidden.

This morning perhaps a lot more folks than usual are asking, “Do we really want this guy to have the launch codes?”

One thing that I’ve seen repeatedly said is that Jill Biden should be ashamed of herself. Folks are saying, if she loved Joe, she’d take him off the world stage and into a quiet very structured retirement. Some of the less kind people are suggesting that she’s keeping him in the race because she likes the prestige.

I don’t know if she’s ready for the criticism that’s coming her way.

Even BREITBART wasn’t all that brutal early this morning. I just checked again midmorning, and noticed that a lot of their writers have found their voices and a few knives too.

Jill Biden speaking to Joe after the debate like he was a 2 year old was embarrassing, not just for Joe, but for our county.

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