Alright this kinda pissses me off but it was not unexpected.

The final T-Mobile bill showed up.

They are totally Sprintified now. Between the old Sprint’s terrible billing practices and T-Mobile’s well renown awful billing practices what you get, when you leave them is a bill that is about DOUBLE your normal rate. 

My monthly bill for years was 120.00. Then when I lost Jerry my bill dropped to $75.00. Then T-Mobile decided to raise their prices while other carriers were advertising lower rates.

Since I had the temerity to ask, about lower rates and was essentially told by a representative off shore that I shouldn’t be asking about lower rates. I made arrangement to go to one of those other carriers.

As Expected T-mobile had to make this a bad divorce, complete with alimony.

I suppose in the world I’d choose to live. I’d have expected them to ask why I’m leaving.

I’d have expected them to say, “Here’s your final bill and it’s prorated such that you only owe us for the days that you actually used our services. We’re sorry to see you go after 14 years and want you to know you’re welcome to come back to us at any time.


What you get is a psychotic blend. 

We’re Sorry to see you go. You owe us 140.07

They printed some really weird itemization. It looks like the phone line being ported to the new company collapsed the bundled plan that had my iPad and Apple Watch attached. But you can’t have a phone line on an Apple Watch by itself without a cell phone plan so in theory the watch plan should have ended when the phone plan did. 

Except it didn’t… The iPad plan since it was no longer attached to a phone plan jumped from $20 a month to $77 a month and then they doubled it. 

Just like a psychotic bitch burning your clothes on the front lawn!

I could call them, I could fight with their foreign customer service and get “The plan is the plan” or just pay the bill.

I’m going to choose the latter because I don’t have the energy to fight what will be a losing battle, just on principal. We all know that none of the foreign customer service people have the ability to “DO” anything. They’re just punching bags reading from scripts. AI will soon replace them and do just as fine a job as they do. Mindless recitation of a script with no comprehension of the words and less comprehension of the customer issue at hand.

Nope. I’ll simply make sure that I let as many people know T-Mobile is just as shitty as the other big carriers these days. They’ve arrived! They’re on Par with AT&T, and Verizon. Congratulations T-Mobile!

In closing,

Why are any of you reading this, paying top dollar to one of the big three when you can get comparable service for 1/3 or 1/2 the price from one of the alternate providers?

Just for the ability to flip them the finger about their shitty customer service and billing practices it might be worth switching.

However, I’d suggest that you contact your particular carrier and force them to calculate the exact day you cancel service to prevent them from screwing ya with a divorce settlement.

I might report T-Mobile to the FCC and CPUC, just to have it on file if there’s a class action lawsuit about unfair billing practices.

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